
qiú dào
  • fairway;lane
  1. 1月份,在奥兰多举行的PGA商品展销会上,麦奎尔推出了GameGolf,用户通过这个产品可以迅速查看他们在各个俱乐部的平均击球距离、每一洞的平均推杆次数、在球道上的准确程度以及其他数据。

    At the PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando in January , McGuire unveiled Game Golf , which allows users to quickly see their average shot distance for each club , average putts per hole , fairway accuracy , and other statistics .

  2. 请您帮助将球道上打起的草皮放回、覆沙。

    Please replace divots in fairway or fill with sand .

  3. GOLF球道中的打球礼仪

    The Manners to Play Golf in Course

  4. NetApp提供的食品有补贴但不免费,该公司没有办公室免费剪发服务,也找不到午睡小隔间和保龄球球道。

    At NetApp , food is often subsidized , but not free ; onsite haircuts aren 't an option ; and nap pods or bowling alleys are nowhere to be seen .

  5. 一条球道一小时多少钱?

    How much is it to use one lane for one hour ?

  6. 保龄球对着一个有九个木制的瓶子的目标进入球道。

    Bowling down an alley at a target of nine wooden pins .

  7. 高尔夫球场球道草坪的施肥技术

    A study on fertilizing techniques on fairway of golf course

  8. 刚才在球道那里。挺漂亮的姑娘。

    At the bowling alley . a great looking girl .

  9. 在英国西部许多酒吧里有撞柱游戏球道。

    Lots of pubs in the west country have a skittle alley .

  10. 球道中积水井盖上散落的淤泥算不算散置障碍物?

    Are plugs of compacted soil produced through aeration of fairways loose impediments ?

  11. 你需要选预定球道。

    You will have to book a lane first .

  12. 球车不可开上球道;

    Golf cart must stay on the cart path .

  13. 你想在这排队等等,还是另外找一个球道?

    Do you want to wait in line , or find another alley ?

  14. 你的肉就会飞到球道上。

    You flash a piece out on the lanes .

  15. 你们打算用几条球道?

    How many lanes do you plan to use ?

  16. 五杆洞,大直路加阔球道,难度不算高。

    A straight forward par5 with a generous fairway , not too difficult .

  17. 沙漠美景中心的豪华奢侈球场,起伏的绿色球道。

    Luxe courses in the midst of desert beauty and rolling green fairways .

  18. 上球道打球时,请穿上保龄球专用鞋。

    Bowling alley users shall wear special bowling shoes .

  19. 在球道上玩耍需征得球洞主人的同意。

    Play on a course must be approved by the owner of the hole .

  20. 你们的球道这个周末有空吗?

    Are your bowling lanes available this weekend ?

  21. 这圆顶由九根柱子支撑。造一排撞柱游戏球道。

    The dome was supported by nine columns .

  22. 请毋在球道内以击打两个球的形式进行练习。

    Do not practice in the form of stroking two balls in the fairway .

  23. 更远处可以望见第18洞球道起伏的山丘与谷地。

    Beyond it the humps and hollows of the 18th fairway could be glimpsed .

  24. 现在我在较短而不那么困难的球道上遇到9到10个障碍。

    Now I play to a9 or10 handicap on a shorter , less difficult course .

  25. 保龄球是一项沿木制球道滚动一个重球的游戏。

    Bowling is a game played by rolling a heavy ball down a wooden lane .

  26. 劳拉·戴维斯走在球道上。

    Laura Davies is walking on fairway .

  27. 打球者不应假设一条球道在整个比赛过程中都保持良好形状。

    Players should not assume a course is in shape for play at all times .

  28. 球道的设计与配置;

    The design and deployment of courses .

  29. 养分管理对北京地区常见高尔夫球场球道用午夜早熟禾生长影响的研究

    Study on influence of nutrient management of Poa pratensis in a golf course lane in Beijing

  30. 某些打球者可能因发现球道临时修缮而感到困窘。

    Some players may be embarrassed if they find the course to be temporarily under repair .