
qiú dònɡ
  • hole;cup
  1. 球洞攻略:要注意左右都为OB,可根据旗杆位置选择合适的球杆,抓小鸟的机会较大。

    Hole strategy : Pay attention that there is OB on both the left and the right . Choose the appropriate club as per the pole position for a better chance of birdie .

  2. 高尔夫球场上球洞周围剪短的草地

    Area with grass cut short surrounding a hole on a golf-course

  3. 一架轻型飞机昨天在一个高尔夫球场的球洞区紧急降落了。

    A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday .

  4. SEM观察表明:晶内疲劳微裂纹纵剖面二维形态发生了主要由表面扩散控制的形态变化,由初始的扁椭圆形演化成多个球洞定向排列的形态;

    SEM observations show that the two-dimensional longitudinal section of the intragranular microcracks evolves from the original thin-ellipse shape into the several aligned spherical voids dominated by surface diffusion .

  5. 四人弹�此游戏支持四人同玩一台iPad。使用滑块来反弹滚珠,尽量让它弹进别的玩家的球洞。

    Played with four players on an iPad , master the sliding hit to direct the ball toward the player that you want to take out first .

  6. 高尔夫球的球洞或球洞内的金属容器。

    A golf hole or the metal container inside a hole .

  7. 在头四个球洞区,他没能把球轻击入洞。

    He missed his putts on the first four greens .

  8. 我们的双脚并不是直直地对着球洞。

    Our feet will not gonna go dead straight at the hole .

  9. 对旗杆的俗称。指被放置于果岭上球洞边的细长杆。

    Pin-The tall narrow pole placed in the hole on the green .

  10. 这个球洞有个朝左的弯道。

    This hole has a dogleg to the left .

  11. 不像真正的高尔夫球那样有球洞,飞盘高尔夫有篮子。

    Instead of having holes like regular golf , Frisbee golf has baskets .

  12. 球洞攻略:要避开果岭左侧的沙坑。

    Hole strategy : Avoid the bunker on the left of the green .

  13. 在球道上玩耍需征得球洞主人的同意。

    Play on a course must be approved by the owner of the hole .

  14. 高尔夫球场靠近球洞的裁切不正的草地。

    An area of closely cropped grass surrounding the hole on a golf course .

  15. 等一下,我的脚卡在球洞里。

    Wait , wait , wait ! My foot is stuck in the pocket .

  16. (高尔夫)比打入一个球洞的标准击球数多两击。

    To shoot ( a hole in golf ) in one stroke over par .

  17. 在球洞间走动是比赛的一部分?

    Walking all those holes ? That 's part of the game of golf ?

  18. 球道所有人保留限制球杆长度以保护球洞免受损伤的权利。

    Course owners reserve the right to restrict club length to avoid damage to the hole .

  19. 当旗杆还在球洞里的时候,一名球员从果岭上打球。

    A player plays from just off the putting green with the flagstick in the hole .

  20. 那除了球洞什么都没有

    There was nothing but cup .

  21. 高尔夫球手通常会制定每一个球洞的击球策略。

    Often times , players will have a strategy for how they play each and every hole .

  22. 这织物上有个破洞.高尔夫球的球洞或球洞内的金属容器。

    This fabric has a tear in it . a golf hole or the metal container inside a hole .

  23. 悬崖边上的球洞,视野开阔,一个小小的右狗腿。

    The hole is at the edge of the cliff with an open view and a small right dogleg .

  24. 或者当你到达第一个球洞正准备发球的时候&乌云密布了。

    Or , when you get to that first hole and you 're ready to tee off-the clouds will open .

  25. 如果时间允许,在一次比赛中多次打进同一球洞被认为是杰出的表现。

    It is considered outstanding performance , time permitting , to play the same hole several times in one match .

  26. 然后用优质沙覆盖住织物,并填充好整个球洞。

    Then a foot or so of fine sand goes on top of the fabric and fills up the hole .

  27. 球洞攻略:开球要找准参照点,不要受左边沙坑的影响。

    Hole strategy : Identify the reference at tee off and not to be affected by the bunker on the left .

  28. 环顾整个高尔夫界,“签名设计”和“签名球洞”的存在是很热门的话题。

    Across the golf industry , signature design and the existence of a signature hole for a course are hot button topics .

  29. 在很多的高尔夫球场的草皮中,你可以看到人们用电风扇在球洞的草皮上方吹风以确保空气有良好的流通。

    On many golf courses , you will find electric fans blowing over the green to make sure the airflow is perfect .

  30. 高尔夫球场果岭养护措施对果岭球速的影响研究球洞攻略:要避开果岭左侧的沙坑。

    Effect of Golf Course Maintenance on Green Speed ; Hole strategy : Avoid the bunker on the left of the green .