
  • 网络Kaikoura;Christchurch to Kaikoura
  1. 我真希望有机会能好好介绍一下酒店所有者威尔逊家族(Wilson)的历史:这个五代建筑设计师的家族在美国旧金山发迹后,返回凯库拉打造了这片人间仙境。

    I wish I had the space to tell the story of the Wilson family , five generations of architects who made their way in San Francisco and came back to create this delightful place .

  2. 在新西兰凯库拉的森林小路,沿着一条通向太平洋的清澈小溪走。

    In Kaikoura , New Zealand , a forest trail begins along a crystal-clear streamthat feeds into the Pacific Ocean .

  3. 从基督城驱车北行三个小时,就来到了海滨小镇凯库拉(Kaikoura),此处富含营养质的寒冷海水吸引着抹香鲸、逆戟鲸、海豚以及信天翁前来觅食,游客因此纷至沓来。

    Head north from Christchurch and three hours on the road brings you to Kaikoura , a small town on a bay , whose cold , rich waters support sperm whales , seals , occasional orcas , dolphins , albatrosses ; and hence shoals of tourists .