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  • 网络Kesha
  1. 《公告牌》杂志周四曝光了这封信的内容,上面包括凯蒂•佩里、保罗•麦卡特尼、林-马努埃尔•米兰达、DJ哈里德、雪儿、凯莎等人的签名。

    The letter , released Thursday by Billboard magazine , features signatures from Katy Perry , Paul McCartney , Lin-Manuel Miranda , DJ Khaled , Cher , Kesha and others .

  2. 凯莎:我不会再帮你了。

    Keisha : You won 't be getting any aid from me .

  3. 来照顾我和妹妹凯莎

    to take care of me and my sister Keisha

  4. 其他参与的大佬们还包括:蠢朋克组合,凯莎,麦当娜。

    Other celebrities to get involved have included Daft Punk , Kesha and Madonna .

  5. 凯莎:别太肯定。

    Keisha : Don 't be too sure .

  6. 这也是凯莎最后一根救命稻草了。

    It is the final straw for Keisha .

  7. 在经历了艰辛的法律诉讼之后,凯莎发表的一切都会给人一种胜利的假象。

    After her legal travails , anything Kesha released would have a veneer of triumph .

  8. 凯莎:是地震吗?

    Keisha : Was that an earthquake ?

  9. 没说话没人当你哑巴,我们比较喜欢你变声器做出来的声音呢!(讽刺凯莎的歌)

    We 've heard you live and we 'd much prefer you with loads of auto-tune attached !

  10. 在这段视频中,几名巡逻的士兵在一家西部银行附近停了下来,伴着美国电子乐流行歌手凯莎的热曲《跑趴滴答》,竟翩然起舞。

    The video shows the soldiers stopping a routine patrol in the West Bank to dance to American electro-pop singer Kesha 's hit Tik Tok .

  11. 在2016年全英音乐奖上,她公开支持美国歌手凯莎,此前凯莎声称自己遭受制作人卢克博士的虐待。

    At the Brit Awards in 2016 , she publicly supported US singer Kesha after she alleged she had suffered abuse at the hands of producer Dr Luke .

  12. 凯莎表示被拒绝之后她有点受伤,但是后来与鲍勃迪伦的两次拥抱缓解了她的尴尬。

    As for Kesha , she stated that she was slightly traumatized after being rejected . But getting two hugs from Bob Dylan later on made up for the awkward experience .

  13. 凯莎是宋飞的粉丝,就向他介绍了自己,然后她莫名其妙地想要拥抱一下宋飞,对此宋飞回答:“不,谢谢。”

    Being a huge fan , she immediately made her way over to him to introduce herself . Then she also inexplicably asked for a hug , to which Seinfeld responded , " No , thanks . "

  14. 美国芝加哥大学的宝姿·凯莎教授带领其学生进行了相关研究,他们的研究成果向科学界证实——如凯莎教授的研究团队在发表的文章中所述——“使用外语能够减少决策过程中的母语偏见。”

    The series of experiments , conducted by Boaz Keysar of the University of Chicago , led the scientists to believe that ' using a foreign language reduces decision-making bias , " Dr Keysar 's team wrote .

  15. 今年的最佳流行音乐专辑出自几位有许多话要讲的女强人:洛德对孤独的深刻思考,凯莎有关解放的强烈表态;泰勒·斯威夫特就真实的自己与媒体中所呈现的个人形象而与他们算总账。

    This year , pop 's best albums came from strong women who had a lot to say : Lorde 's searing look at loneliness , Kesha 's raucous statement of liberation , Taylor Swift 's reckoning between her self and the version presented in the press .

  16. 但是这个回答竟然没让凯莎放弃,她又请求了一次,宋飞更加坚定地回答:“不,谢谢。”后来宋飞说自己根本不认识她。

    As if that wasn 't reason enough to make her turn on her heel and skulk away , she tried again . To which he replied more forcefully : " Yeah , no thanks . " Seinfeld admitted later that he had no idea who she was .

  17. 2017年在大卫·林奇基金全国欢唱晚会的红毯上,杰瑞·宋飞正在接受汤米的采访,而红毯另一边,歌手凯莎正在摆姿势拍照,然后她就看见了这位喜剧演员。

    In 2017 , Jerry Seinfeld was being interviewed by Tommy McFly on the red carpet at the David Lynch Foundation 's National Night of Laughter and Song event . On the same red carpet , singer Kesha was posing for the cameras when she spotted the comedian .