
  1. 而且,在今年五月,凯美瑞汽车击败雅阁(Accord),成为美国最畅销的小型汽车。

    Likewise , through May , Camry is the top-selling U.S. compact car , beating accord .

  2. 比如丰田卖出了40多万量凯美瑞(Camry),但只卖出了几千台陆地巡洋舰(LandCruiser)。

    For Toyota , being able to sell 400,000 Camrys trumps a few thousand Land Cruisers .

  3. 光是丰田凯美瑞(ToyotaCamry)的销量就超过斯巴鲁全系车型。

    By itself , the Toyota Camry outsells the entire Subaru lineup .

  4. 这一措施或影响包括凯美瑞(Camry)、卡罗拉(Corolla)和普锐斯(Prius)在内的大批车型。

    The measure would affect a wide range of models including the Camry , Corolla and Prius .

  5. 然而,今年头5个月,凯美瑞和雅阁各自的销量约为aura的7倍。

    Yet the Camry and the accord each outsold the aura by about seven to one in the first five months of this year .

  6. 杜恩表示,自凯美瑞和雅阁亮相后,她经销的Aura销量每月都有所增加。

    Ms Dunn says that her dealerships ' Aura sales have risen each month since the Camrys and Accords were put on the floor .

  7. 去年夏天,丰田章男身穿赛车服,出现在新凯美瑞(Camry)汽车的视频广告中。

    Last summer , Toyoda appeared in video advertising for the new Camry , dressed in a racing suit .

  8. 2013年的头五个月里,丰田(Toyota)凯美瑞占据了中级家轿市场的头把交椅,销量为171756辆,比去年同期下降5.5%。

    Through the first five months of 2013 , the Toyota Camry was the top seller in the midsize segment with sales of 171,756 , a decrease of 5.5 % from last year .

  9. 土星新款中型轿车Aura体现了这方面的努力。杜恩希望到她经销点参观的顾客能将这款车型与凯美瑞和雅阁进行对比。

    The struggle is illustrated by Saturn 's new Aura mid-sized saloon , the model Ms Dunn wants visitors to her dealerships to compare with the Camry and Accord .

  10. 即使到现在,丰田的主要车型Camry(凯美瑞),还被认为是太乏味,不够“酷”。

    Even up till now , TOYOTA main type Camry is considered as very vapidity and not " Cool " enough type .

  11. 而全是日本品牌角逐的最畅销汽车决赛,丰田(Toyota)凯美瑞(Camry)再次成功击败本田(Honda)雅阁(Accord),摘得冠军头衔。

    The race to become the best-selling car , an all-Japanese final , belonged again to the Toyota ( TM ) Camry , which beat out the Honda ( HMC ) Accord .

  12. 随后画面突然切换,丰田章男换上一身红黑相间的连体赛车服,戴上头盔,在拉斯维加斯赛车场(LasVegasMotorSpeedway)驾驶一辆迷幻色彩的凯美瑞(Camry)轿车奔驰。

    Then suddenly , he is in a red and black racing jump suit , helmet on , climbing behind the wheel of a psychedelic Camry sedan at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway .

  13. 自1983年凯美瑞(Camry)系列轿车诞生以来,丰田汽车公司(ToyotaMotorCorp.)每隔五六年就会做一些微小改动和增强,在此基础上推出一款全新车型。

    Since introducing its Camry family sedan in 1983 , Toyota Motor Corp. has brought out an all-new version of the model every five or six years , making slighter modifications and enhancements in the interim .

  14. 2012款的凯美瑞是首款搭载该公司所谓Entune系统的车型。该系统可识别语音命令,运行智能手机上的应用程序,还能用微软(Microsoft)的必应系统(Bing)实现搜索功能。

    The2012 Camry is the first Toyota model to get the company 's so-called Entune system , which can recognize voice commands , run apps from smartphones and perform searches using Microsoft 's ( MSFT ) Bing .

  15. 去年,丰田推出其在美国最畅销的乘用车型凯美瑞(Camry)。事实证明,该款汽车在中国极受欢迎,预计2007年销量将达到15万辆。

    Last year , it rolled out the Camry , the best-selling passenger car in the US . The model has proved so popular in China that it is expected to see sales of 150,000 in 2007 .

  16. TNGA项目还包括重新设计的悬架以及其他提升操控和驾驶体验的系统,而充分体现该项目成果的车型在近两三年还不会登陆美国市场,这段时间里丰田预计将推出最新一代凯美瑞(Camry)。

    Full expression of TNGA , including redesigned suspensions and other systems that improve handling and drivability , may not be apparent in the U.S. for another two to three years , when Toyota is expected to introduce its newest generation Camry .

  17. 新款凯美瑞将沿袭过去的一系列优势。

    The new Camry will have a lot to live up to .

  18. 这比一个全功能的新凯美瑞都便宜。

    That 's less than a fully loaded new Camry .

  19. 正在脱胎换骨的不仅是凯美瑞,还有丰田章男本人。

    It isn 't just the Camry being reinvented , but Mr. Toyoda himself .

  20. 凯美瑞的销量增长超过了50%,而卡罗拉则超过了40%。

    Camry sales were up more than 50 % and corolla more than 40 % .

  21. 丰田凯美瑞车呢,他们一天能卖出628辆,我也搞不清楚凯美瑞这个名字是什么意思。

    Toyota Camry , they sell 628 of these cars a day , whatever a Camry is .

  22. 他表示,公司进行的市场调研发现,消费者现在认为凯美瑞除了其他特性外,还“运动感十足”。

    He said company research shows that buyers view their cars as " sporty , " among other attributes .

  23. 他说,丰田的产品组合不够均衡,更侧重于大排量车,比如凯美瑞和皇冠。

    Toyota 's'product mix is skewed and more focused on larger cars , 'like its Camry and Crown models , he says .

  24. 丰田强大的财力让他们有能力对凯美瑞这样的关键车型进行价值不菲的中期升级。

    Toyota 's impressive financial strength gives it the latitude to embark on a costly mid-cycle upgrade for a key model like Camry .

  25. 尽管这并非一次彻底的改造,但丰田替换了凯美瑞6000个部件中的大约三分之一,改变了汽车的内外风格,让它变得更加吸引眼球,而不是平淡无奇。

    Toyota has replaced about a third of the Camry 's 6000 parts and restyled the exterior and interior to make it more eye-catching and less bland .

  26. 雅阁一度被认为是中型车的不二之选,但现在看来,它在短期内挤掉凯美瑞的希望非常渺茫。

    The Accord was once known as the default choice among midsize cars , but it appears to have no near-term chance to knock off the Camry .

  27. 然而,过去两个月,杜恩已邀请潜在买家,在其两个汽车经销点观摩、甚至试驾崭新的凯美瑞和雅阁。

    Yet , for the past two months , she has invited prospective buyers to peek into and even drive a brand-new Camry and accord at each outlet .

  28. 乔治城正是丰田公司生产凯美瑞的地方。

    Haslam , who was invited to help inaugurate production of the new vehicle , was referring to the site of the Toyota plant where the Camry is assembled .

  29. 这家日本汽车巨人目前正竭尽全力从一片惨淡中突围而出,卷土重来,忠实用户对新版凯美瑞的市场反应或许将成为它能否迎来转折最重要的风向标。

    The reception the new model gets among the faithful will be the most telling turn yet in the Japanese giant 's dramatic attempt to come back from pervasive woes .

  30. 加速器故障问题导致的飞来横祸以及今年3月的日本大地震使丰田饱受创伤。因此,这家汽车公司迫切需要美国汽车买主继续大量购买其为2012年重新设计的新款凯美瑞。

    Badly battered by the unintended acceleration fiasco and last March 's Japanese earthquake , Toyota desperately needs American car buyers to keep flocking to the Camry , newly redesigned for2012 .