
  • 网络highlander;TOYOTA Highlander
  1. 丰田汽车公司表示,他们计划从明年开始提高汉兰达中型SUV车型的产量。

    The car company says it plans to boost production of its Highlander midsize SUVs , starting next year .

  2. 驾车的是希尔福斯的妻子,这辆丰田汉兰达(ToyotaHighlander)以波澜不惊的70英里时速向前行进(道路限速是75英里/小时)。

    His wife was behind the wheel , piloting their Toyota Highlander at a distinctly pedestrian 70 miles per hour ( the speed limit was 75 ) .

  3. 丰田在密西西比州的工厂位于图珀洛附近,原本计划生产丰田汉兰达(Highlander)运动型多用途车(SUV)。

    Toyota 's Mississippi plant , near Tupelo , was originally supposed to build the Highlander sport-utility vehicle .

  4. 他们事先未与其他高管商议,便将原计划在该厂生产的“汉兰达”(Highlander)运动型多用途车(SUV)换成了普锐斯(PRIUS)混合动力汽车。

    They had switched to the Prius , a gasoline-electric hybrid , from the Highlander , a sport-utility vehicle , without first consulting other key executives .

  5. 去年福布斯家族的汉兰达(Highlander)游艇都被拖到了干船坞里,船员也已被辞退。

    Last year the Forbes family motor yacht , the Highlander , was put into dry dock , its crew laid off .

  6. 我试驾的这辆改装汉兰达加一缸氢能开300英里,而且四分钟不到就能加满。

    The retrofitted Highlander I drove can travel 300 miles on a tank of hydrogen and takes less than four minutes to fill .

  7. 去年该公司共有13辆氢动力汉兰达可供使用,他表示:“这些车几乎没什么毛病。”

    His company has been running 13 hydrogen highlanders over the past year , and he says , " the cars have been working almost flawlessly . "