
  • 网络a new lease of life;Stealing Home;Second Wind;Fireball Forward
  1. 梅西百货也在积极采取行动力争在新的商业时代重振雄风。

    Macy 's   has   been   moving   aggressively   to   try   to   remake   itself   for   a   new   era   of   shopping .

  2. 也可以问问通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors),它为了让凯迪拉克(Cadillac)重振雄风已经投入了不计其数的资金。

    Or general motors ( GM ) , which has spent prodigiously in the quest to fix Cadillac .

  3. 福特也无法让路虎重振雄风,只好在2008年将它卖给了印度的塔塔汽车公司(TataMotors)。

    Ford struggled with Land Rover before selling it to Tata Motors of India in 2008 .

  4. 然后通过SWOT分析和TOWS演绎为该公司制定出重振雄风的战略。

    Secondly , this paper develops turnaround strategies for the company using SWOT analysis and TOWS deduction .

  5. 在imf期间,他推动各方达成了关于改革的共识,并在2010年首轮希腊危机中帮助欧洲克服了分歧,使imf重振雄风。

    He restored the IMF to relevance by building consensus on reform and helping Europe to overcome its divisions in the first Greek crisis of 2010 .

  6. 星巴克创始人霍华德舒尔茨(HowardSchultz)如今已接任首席执行官一职,希望使该公司重振雄风。

    Howard Schultz , Starbucks ' founder , has now taken over as chief executive to revive its fortunes .

  7. 霍华德•斯金格在索尼(SonyCorp.)失误连连的首席执行官生涯正是曾经伟大的索尼集团而今艰难处境的缩影,他的下台能换来这个传媒及电子巨头重振雄风的一天吗?

    Will the departure of CEO Howard Stringer , whose stumbles have come to epitomize the struggles of the once-great Sony Corp. , turn things around for the media-and-electronics conglomerate ?

  8. 过去三年半,这家每况愈下的美国互联网公司实际上赌上了全部家当,希望在硅谷巨星梅里莎蔠尔(MarissaMayer)的领导下重振雄风。

    Over the past three and a half years , the ailing US internet company has to all intents and purposes bet the ranch on an attempt to revive its fortunes under the leadership of the Silicon Valley superstar , Marissa Mayer .

  9. 他的经营意识使俱乐部重振雄风。

    His business sense helped set the club on its feet again .

  10. 她是使公司重振雄风的人之一。

    She is one of the people behind the rejuvenation of the company .

  11. 电信业能否重振雄风?

    Can the telecom industry be reinvigorated ?

  12. 而且现在已经没有时间或者机会留给我们团结一致的重建或者重振雄风了。

    There is no time or chance left for consensus building or will left to GOVERN .

  13. 而重振雄风的关注之一是紧紧拥抱生活。

    One of the keys to regain its splendour and fascination is to embrace life tightly .

  14. 它们能否重振雄风?

    And can they come back ?

  15. 我们需要公共机构重振雄风,帮助保证良性利用新技术。

    We need reinvigorated public institutions to help guarantee that new technologies are used in benign ways .

  16. 外界普遍认为,乔恩•柯赛当年之所以愿意出任明富环球的掌门人,是为了在华尔街重振雄风。

    Corzine was widely viewed as attempting to revive his Wall Street career by taking the helm at MF Global .

  17. 撒旦的同伙都企图重振雄风,「万魔殿」突然间在地狱建成,群魔会议展开。

    Pandaemonium the palace of Satan rises , suddenly built out of the deep : the infernal Peers there sit in council .

  18. 在英国,企业重振雄风,人们自主创业,商业繁荣,就业增加;

    a Britain where there is a resurgence of enterprise , of more people self-employed , more businesses and therefore more jobs ;

  19. 名牌衰败是一种常见的商业现象,但使衰败名牌重振雄风却是相当复杂的系统工程。

    The decline of famous brands is a common business phenomena , and the rejuvenation of the once-famous-brands is a complex system engineering .

  20. 我能够重振雄风,是我的运气,但也是我下定决心,在许多善良的人的帮助下努力工作的成果。

    With determination , with luck , and with help from lots of good people , I was able to rise up from the ashes .

  21. 现在的问题是,作为中国最有影响力的电商企业,阿里巴巴还能从去年秋天夸张的造势中重振雄风吗?

    Or is it ? For now the questions are , Can China 's most powerful e-commerce company recover some of its swagger from last fall ?

  22. 尽管古斯塔夫在2006年下半年“重振雄风”,但加贝尔估算他还是因此少收获了14只小鸵鸟,而每只的价值可达460美元。

    Before Gustav regained his sex drive in the second half of the year , the farmer estimates he lost out on14 ostrich offspring & worth $ 460 apiece .

  23. 从而我们认为只要有合理的用人机制,加上其他配套措施,国企同样可以重振雄风。

    Hence , the conclusion has been made that SOE can develop gloriously all over again as long as the reasonable impelling system is adopted with other accessory measures .

  24. 这种努力是北京努力为21世纪军事和关系到其自身军务变革的空天防务扇区而重振雄风的象征。

    The effort is emblematic of Beijing 's efforts to recast its capabilities for the21st century as its military and associated defense-aerospace sector undergoes its own revolution in military affairs .

  25. 拜占庭拥有历史悠久和令人自豪的遗产,但除非帝国可以扭转颓势并重振雄风,否则这笔遗产很快就会消逝。

    The Byzantine legacy is long and predominantly proud , but unless the Emperor can turn things around and once again instill , it is a legacy that will soon end .

  26. 巴克斯酒女拎的包里装的是隐藏的传染病原:一种可以帮老年人重振雄风的特殊药剂,可直接注射到静脉。

    Inside those bags the Bacchus Ladies carry is the source of a hidden epidemic : a special injection supposed to help older men achieve erections - delivered directly into the vein .

  27. 培育具有现代设计思维的陶瓷设计人才和整合景德镇的陶瓷资源,增强陶瓷基础研发能力,是景瓷重振雄风的关键所在。

    As is pointed out , training ceramic designing intellectuals with contemporary concepts , integrating the ceramic resources and improving ceramic foundation research ability are the key to the rejuvenation of Jingdezhen porcelain industry .

  28. 昔日中国收割机的发祥地和摇篮,将以新的姿态、新的风貌,重振雄风,奔向金色未来。

    As the birthplace and the cradle of the harvester industry of the past in china , our company will become much stronger and head for the golden future in new style and features .

  29. 从沈阳典型老工业基地城市的实际出发,以走新型工业化道路为重点,阐明了老工业基地重振雄风的必由之路。

    Proceeding from the reality of the typical old industrial base of Shenyang , regarding taking the industrialized road as the focal point , expatiate upon the only way of the old industrial base revitalizing .

  30. 澳大利亚游泳队在伦敦的表现让人失望。“当时,一些人变得狂妄自大,友爱的精神荡然无存,”卡罗尔说,但人们对游泳队在里约重振雄风抱有很大期望。

    The team was disappointing in London . " Some of the men got cocky ; the camaraderie wasn 't there , " Carroll said , buthopes are high for a return to glory in Rio .