
  • 网络zero-emission vehicle;zev
  1. 加州则已经开始要求增加零排放汽车或插电式混合动力车的数量。

    California is requiring increasing numbers of zero-emission or plug-in hybrid cars .

  2. 如果大型市场能够出台更多促进零排放汽车普及的法规,对销售将是一大催化剂,但这种可能性不大。

    More legislation promoting zero-carbon vehicles in big markets would be a big catalyst for sales but is unlikely .

  3. 纯电动汽车是由车载动力电池作为能量源的零排放汽车,其动力电池组储存的电能将直接影响着电动汽车的续驶里程。

    Pure Electric Vehicle ( PEV ) whose energy source is power battery loaded on the vehicle is a kind of Zero Emission Vehicle ( ZEV ) .

  4. 几年前,在加州推迟了要求轿车厂家推出零排放汽车的强制性规定后,通用、丰田等厂家基本都放弃了全电动轿车商业化的努力。

    GM , Toyota and other auto makers largely scrapped efforts to commercialize all-electric cars some years ago after California delayed a mandate that car makers offer zero-emission vehicles .

  5. 美国加利福尼亚州法律要求:2003年零排放汽车(即纯电动汽车)在总汽车销量中至少需占10%的比例。

    California in USA has enacted legislation that requires 10 % of all vehicles sold in 2003 to be zero emission vehicle ( ZEV ) . In practice , ZEV means pure electric vehicle ( EV ) .

  6. 因此,寻找新型能源和可替代能源、研究开发和推广使用各种低排放或零排放汽车一直是世界各国政府和学术界以及工业界关注的焦点。

    So seeking the new and alternative energy source , research , developing and spreading various low and zero emis - sion motor vehicles are all along interested focuses for the governments , academic circles and industries in the world .

  7. 零排放电动汽车能源系统发展模式

    The development mode of the energy system about zero exhaust electric vehicles

  8. 丰田在混合能源上的领先优势也受到威胁,因为其他大的汽车制造商争着抢着要赶在低碳法律发威之前,把低排甚至零排放的汽车引入市场。

    Its lead in hybrid technology is under threat as other big carmakers scramble to bring low-and zero-emission vehicles to market before low-carbon legislation bites .

  9. 本文主要介绍了零排放电动汽车能源系统发展模式,指出该模式适合中国国情,是目前中国发展零排放电动汽车,推动该产业前进有效的方式。

    This paper mainly introduces the development mode of the energy system about zero exhaust electric vehicles and points that the mode is suit for the electric vehicles development conditions in china .

  10. 对一种新型零排放电动汽车动力传动系统进行了研究,这种电动汽车以直接氢质子交换膜燃料电池为主要动力,以铅酸蓄电池为辅助动力。

    The powertrain of a new type of zero emission electric vehicle is researched , which powered primarily by air-breathing proton exchange membrane ( PEM ) fuel cells with gaseous hydrogen as fuel , and with Lead-acid battery as assistant power .

  11. 电动汽车(EV)是实现汽车能源多元化与零排放节能环保汽车的理想选择,但由于车用动力电池性能发展水平的制约,纯电动汽车的发展与应用受到了有识之士的质疑。

    Electric vehicle ( EV ) can realize the localization of energy source and it is the ultimate choice of zero-discharge , energy-saving , and environment-friendly automobile . However , the behavior of the power cell restricts the application and development of electric vehicle .

  12. 空气动力发动机(气动发动机)将高压空气中存储的能量转化为扭矩形式的机械能输出,不消耗石油等燃料,作为汽车动力可以使汽车真正成为零排放的清洁汽车。

    Without using any mineral fuel , the air-powered engine ( APE ), which outputs the mechanical energy transformed from the compressed air energy into the torque form , is of completely zero emission .

  13. 不依赖石油和零排放的新能源汽车重新回到了人们的视野,电动汽车(EV)就是其中一种。

    Accordingly , the new energy vehicles which need no oil and produce no polluted emissions have returned to our vision . Electric vehicle ( EV ) is one of them .

  14. 这部未来风格的跑车是一部氢动力零排放燃料电池超级汽车。

    The futuristic sports car is a hydrogen-powered , zero emission , fuel-celled supercar .

  15. 纯电动汽车因能真正的实现零排放而成为电动汽车的重要发展方向之一。

    In all kinds of electric cars , EV has become one of the most important development directions , due to the realization of the true " zero emission " .