
  • 网络Retail establishment;retail institution
  1. 消费者向许多不同的零售机构购买数以千计的消费品。

    Consumers buy thousands of small items from a score of different retail establishment .

  2. 目标:分析药品费用在医疗机构和零售机构的分布,以及医疗机构的总体用药情况。

    Objectives : To analyze the distribution of drug expenditure in hospitals and drug retail stores as well as the overall medication status .

  3. 市场外流通,则指农产品不经批发市场交易而径直转移到零售机构、消费团体或出售给个体消费者的过程。

    The out-of-market circulation is a process in which agricultural products are directly turned to retailers , group or individual consumers instead of wholesale markets .

  4. 酒作为生活必需品其销售规模极大,酒的零售机构也分官营和私营两类。

    As a necessity for daily life , the sales scale of wine was large . Wine retail agencies also divided into official and private .

  5. 穆勒表示,这种增长反映出以下事实:即“越来越多的顾客希望一站式购物”,而不是前往专业的零售机构。

    Mr Muller said this growth reflected the fact that " more and more customers want a one-stop shop " instead of going to specialist retailers .

  6. 2001年建立的这个机制的目的是让正规药店和药品零售机构及早发现、容易地报告和描绘可能的假药或劣药。

    Set up in2001 , this aims for the early detection , easy reporting and mapping of potential fake or substandard medicines by official pharmacies and drug outlets .

  7. 举例来说,城里没有高盛的零售银行机构和ATM机,也看不到任何摩根士丹利的借记卡。

    For example , there aren 't any Goldman Sachs retail bank branches or ATMs around town and there are no Morgan Stanley debit cards in sight .

  8. 这个领域包括大型银行和许多零售型机构。

    That included large banks and many retail-orientated entities .

  9. 潘伟迪表示,在印度,花旗已拥有42家零售分支机构,它正游说当地政府允许其进一步扩大网络。

    In India , said Mr Pandit , the bank is lobbying local authorities to add to its 42-strong retail branch network .

  10. 该银行昨日在香港增设了6个经营所有业务的零售分支机构,将在香港的分支机构增加至32个。

    The bank opened six more full-service retail branches in Hong Kong yesterday to lift its presence in the city to 32 .

  11. 于是,第一银行及其零售分支机构、小企业借贷、信用卡和共同基金业务就登场了。

    And then : enter Bank One and its retail branches , small business lending , credit card business , and mutual funds .

  12. 与此同时,理财产品主要由银行向零售和机构投资者销售的短期储蓄产品和信托产品仍在不断增长。

    Meanwhile , wealth management products ( WMPs ) – short-term savings products sold mostly by banks to retail and institutional investors – and trust products continue to grow .

  13. 香港的零售和机构投资者,以及亚洲和欧美的机构投资者对盈富基金的首次发售反应热烈。

    The initial offer of TraHK received a positive response from both retail and institutional investors in Hong Kong and institutional investors in asia , Europe and North america .

  14. 与此同时,理财产品——主要由银行向零售和机构投资者销售的短期储蓄产品——和信托产品仍在不断增长。二者目前均能向所有投资者(包括银行本身)提供比企业债券更高的回报率。

    Meanwhile , wealth management products ( WMPs ) - short-term savings products sold mostly by banks to retail and institutional investors - and trust products continue to grow . Both are currently offering better returns than straight corporate bonds to all investors , including banks themselves .

  15. 零售经纪商、机构投资者、自营交易机构以及自动化做市商也会使用这种指令。

    Retail brokers , institutional investors , proprietary trading firms and automated market-makers also deploy them .

  16. 但是,投资银行家掌控的金融集团旗下的零售银行分支机构,会与传统保守的零售银行一样吗?

    But would the retail banking subsidiaries of a financial conglomerate controlled by investment bankers resemble a traditional conservative retail bank ?

  17. 富达国际正同时发展零售业务和机构业务,并发行了市场需求自2000年至2003年市场崩盘以来,该公司便认为,对两种资产类别的依赖令养老金基金的业绩波动太大。

    Fidelity is going after both retail and institutional business , seeing a demand in the view that has formed since the market crash of 2000-03 that relying on one or two asset classes makes occupational pension fund performance too volatile .

  18. 美国财务会计准则委员会(fasb)主席鲍勃赫兹(bobherz)表示,他预期美国零售银行和监管机构的反应“将不会很热烈”。

    Bob Herz , chairman of the US financial accounting standards board , said he anticipated that the reaction from US retail banks and regulators " will not be very warm " .

  19. 保罗的作用是协助执行投票在英国管治SIQO的零售基金公司的机构及其TKT的企业管治集团,以及参与的政策。

    Paul 's role is to assist TKT Corporate Governance Group in implementing voting governance in SIQO 's company organizations and retail funds in the United Kingdom , as well as to participate in policies .

  20. 这两家银行现在将能够向零售、公司和机构客户提供由当地基金经理设计的基金产品。

    Both banks will now be able to offer fund products designed by local fund managers to retail , corporate and institutional clients .

  21. 研究发现,香港的零售银行在分支机构、呼叫中心和流动销售队伍等关键领域的表现最为优秀。

    The study found Hong Kong has the best-performing retail banks in key areas such as branches , call centres and mobile sales force .

  22. 从医药生产企业、医药批发企业、医药零售企业及医疗机构等角度分析了我国医药行业对第三方医药物流的需求;

    We have analyzed the medical trade demand for medical TPL of our country from angles such as medical manufacturing enterprise , medical wholesale enterprise , medical retailer and medical organization , etc.

  23. 零售商店的经理在零售监督机构或部门的销售人员,并可以完成诸如采购,预算和会计管理工作。

    Retail store managers supervise sales workers in a retail establishment or department , and may perform management duties like purchasing , budgeting and accounting .

  24. 零售业竞争也十分激烈,新兴的零售机构与传统的挑战、外资和合资的零售机构与国有的挑战:竞争的手段也丰富多彩,产品、价格、服务竞争相继展开,此起彼伏。

    The competition of retailing business is quite furious , modern retailing companies challenging the traditional , foreign capital and joint venture challenging the state owned . Competition on product , price and service arises consequently .

  25. 为了这项研究,她选择了英国金融服务业、商品零售业、电信业和保险业的13家零售机构,对1万人进行了采访,其中一半是接触客户的员工,另一半是客户。

    For her study , she interviewed 10,000 people ( half were customer-facing staff , half were customers ) at 13 UK retail organisations in financial services , food retailing , telecommunications and insurance .