
línɡ shòu jià ɡé zhǐ shù
  • Retail Price Index;index of retail prices
  1. 预计9月份的零售价格指数将显示通货膨胀率已逼近10.8%。

    The retail price index for September is expected to show inflation edging up to about 10.8 per cent .

  2. 而根据传统的、覆盖范围更广的零售价格指数(RPI),物价下跌了1.2%。

    On the traditional and more comprehensive retail prices index , it was - 1.2 per cent .

  3. 官方数据显示:包括住房成本在内的广义零售价格指数(RPI)出乎意料下降很快,达到历史负值的最低点。

    Official figures show that the wider Retail Price Index ( RPI ) measure , which includes housing costs , tumbled deeper than expected into negative territory to a record low .

  4. 为解决发电侧市场最高限价的设置问题,以美国的投资回报率法(ROR)、英国的零售价格指数法(RPI-X)和利润上限法为基础,提出了动态价格上限设置模型。

    To overcome the difficulty in designing price cap for regulation of electricity market , a novel model , dynamic price capping model , was proposed based on British RPI ( retail price index ), American ROR ( rate of return ) and PCM ( profit capping model ) .

  5. 确定商品零售价格指数目标下的主要控制指标分解

    Classifications of the Main Control Targets under Fixed Commodity Retail Price Index

  6. 我国社会商品零售价格指数的短期预测

    The Short - term Prediction on Commodity Retail Price Index in Our Country

  7. 分地区居民消费价格指数和零售价格指数

    Consumer price index and retail price index by region

  8. 商品零售价格指数:是反映城乡商品零售价格变动趋势的一种经济指数。

    Retail Price Index : reflects the general change in retail prices of commodities .

  9. 工业品零售价格指数

    Retail price index of industrial products

  10. 零售价格指数第一次出现下降而且其后一直为负数。

    The retail price index registered a drop for the first time and stayed in negative territory ever since .

  11. 中国物价波动实证研究所用考察指标为商品零售价格指数。

    The positive research on price fluctuation in China takes the overall retail price index as the main indicator .

  12. 因此,计算零售价格指数,可以从一个侧面对上述经济活动进行观察和分析。

    Therefore , the calculation of retail price index is useful to analyze the changes of the above economic activities .

  13. 并指出用居民消费价格指数和商品零售价格指数作为测度我国通货膨胀指标的局限性。

    The study also points out the limitations of consumption price indexes and commodity retail price indexes which are used to measure inflation .

  14. 这为以下新闻提供了解读视角:英国零售价格指数自1960年以来首次成为负值。

    This gives context to the news that the UK 's retail price index is in negative territory for the first time since 1960 .

  15. 社会商品零售价格指数已连续27个月下降,生产资料价格指数连续45个月下降;

    Commodity retail price index was down for the past 27 months in succession and production material price index was down successively for the past 45 months .

  16. 银行特别注意关于住宅供给的活跃性和房屋价格方面刺激计划的效果,也对于在危机中心期间的零售价格指数令人吃惊的增长关切。

    The bank paid particular attention to the stimulus effect on housing activity and house prices , as well as surprising growth in retail sales during the heart of the crisis .

  17. 通过ECM模型可以发现建筑工程造价的短期波动对自身、地区生产总值、商品零售价格总指数、城镇登记失业率较为敏感,其中仅商品零售价格总指数是负相关。

    Through the analysis of ECM model , it finds that short-term fluctuation of construction cost is sensitive to itself , the gross regional product , registered unemployment rate in cities and towns and general retail price index of commodities which is also the only having a negative correlation .

  18. 商品零售价格分类指数

    Retail Price Index by Category

  19. 虽然总体价格水平止跌回稳,但是反映消费需求的零售商品的价格指数却仍是负增长,消费不足仍是当今制约经济走出低谷的桎梏。

    Although the total price level is stopping and decreasing and returning to stable gradually , the retail price index which reflects consumers ' demand is decreased . Under consumption is still the hurdle which restricts national economy to come out of the bottom nowadays .