
  • 网络retailing research
  1. 零售研究集团Conlumino的资深时尚顾问阿努莎锭提康尼(AnushaCouttigane)表示,“这表明,对于这个仅仅两年前还受到世界各地热捧的品牌,如今市场的回应好坏参半。”有些分析师开始质疑,博柏利的治理方式是否限制了灵活性。

    Anusha Couttigane , senior fashion consultant at retail research group Conlumino , said : " What this demonstrates is a mixed response to a brand which , just two years ago , appeared to be warmly welcomed the world over . " Some analysts are questioning whether Burberry 's governance is limiting its flexibility .

  2. 零售业研究公司通亚(accessasia)的创始人保罗弗伦奇(paulfrench)表示,沃尔玛道歉就可以了,应该留住那两位高管。

    Paul French , founder of retail research firm Access Asia , says Walmart would have been wiser to retain the executives and simply apologise .

  3. 电力零售市场研究(一)充满竞争的电力零售市场

    STUDY ON RETAIL ELECTRICITY MARKET Part One Competitive Retail Electricity Market

  4. 中国零售类型研究:划分标准和定义

    Study on the Retail Types in China : Classification Criteria and Definitions

  5. 中国零售业研究&沃尔玛案例分析

    A Study of Chinese Retailing Industry & An Analysis of Wal-Mart Case

  6. 电力零售市场研究是一个崭新的课题。

    It 's a very brand new issue that studying on retail electricity market .

  7. Mintel公司零售和金融研究主管理查德·珀克斯说,如今的经济萧条意味着人们不会在节日里“放纵自己了”。

    But now the looming recession means people are looking to have a " much less indulgent " festive season , according to Richard Perks , Mintel 's director of retail and financial research .

  8. 国际家居零售品牌的研究及对创立中国品牌的启示

    Research on Brands of International Furnishing Retailing and Illumination to Chinese Corporations

  9. 基于因子分析法的区域零售业竞争力研究

    Research on the Competitiveness of Regional Retailing Industry Based on Factor Analysis

  10. 电子商务条件下零售业商圈研究

    Study on the Business Circle Based on E - business

  11. 生鲜农产品零售业态变革研究

    The Research on the Transformation of Fresh Agri-product Retailing Modes

  12. 我国竞争性电力零售市场模式研究

    Study on the Model of Chinese Competitive Retail Electricity Market

  13. 成都人民商场集团零售业务战略研究

    The Retail Business Strategy Research of ChengDu People Mall Group

  14. 竞争条件下中国石化成品油零售定价策略研究

    The Oil Products Retail Pricing Strategy Research for Sinopec under Competitive Condition

  15. 我国医药零售业态创新研究

    A Study on Medicine Retailing Innovative Model in China

  16. 我国与其它发达国家或地区部分药品零售价比较研究

    Comparison of the Retail Drug Prices between China and Other Developed Countries or Districts

  17. 武汉服装零售市场等级研究

    The Grade of Wuhan Garment Retail Market

  18. 大型零售企业问题研究

    Research on Problems of Large Retail Enterprise

  19. 甘肃省零售业竞争力研究

    Competence Research on Gansu Province Retail Trade

  20. 中石油山东销售成品油零售网络优化研究

    Study on the Optimization of Oil Product Retailing Network of China Petroleum Corporation , Shandong Petroleum Branch

  21. 易逝品的网络零售的定价研究就显得越来越重要。

    The research of dynamic pricing of perishable goods selling on internet is becoming more and more important .

  22. 以发展较为快速,竞争较为激烈的零售业为研究对象。

    We make a research in a more rapid and more intense competition in the retail industry for the study .

  23. 连锁经营在我国的发展时间较长,研究也较多,但关于药品零售连锁的研究却相对较少。

    Chain businesses have a long history and more research in our country . But studies of drug retail Chain are less .

  24. 以水产品年度零售价格为研究对象,分别采用变异率指标与谐波分析法从定性和定量角度出发对1978~2000年间其波动的周期性进行了研究。

    In this paper , we had researched on fluctuation circle of aquatic products price between 1978 and 2000 via ratio of variation and harmonic wave .

  25. 本文应用了制度理论在零售国际化的研究中,认同制度的支持面与压力面共存,将制度看成是富有弹性的社会结构,可以通过社会惯例、社会网络关系来传达。

    This paper applies the system theory in retail internationalization study , identity system support side and pressure side can coexist , take the system as elastic social structure , and can convey through social practice and social networks .

  26. 目前,对零售企业的研究大都集中在外国零售企业对我国零售企业的影响及其利弊分析方面以及面对跨国零售企业带来的冲击我国零售企业应采取的对策的研究上。

    At present , most of the study has focused on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of foreign retail corporations to domestic retail corporations and on studying the countermeasures of domestic retail corporations should adopt to face up to such kind of impact .

  27. 本文以电力零售市场的研究为中心,从电力零售对家庭用户负荷管理的影响、电力零售对自动化系统的新要求、电力零售对分散发电的促进等方面论述了建立电力零售市场的意义。

    This paper focuses on three topics to discuss its great significance , that is , the influence on home load management , the new requirement for automation systems and the boost on Distributed Generation ( DG ) resulting from electric power retail competition .

  28. 本研究之结果可为国美电器形成新型竞争战略及未来海外扩张提供了有益的建议,对于有兴趣研究家电连锁零售业、研究竞争战略、研究中国企业海外扩张的相关人员也有一定的参考价值。

    The study gives beneficial suggestions to Gome on how to form new competitive strategy and the future overseas expansion . It is also a useful material to the people who are interested in home electric appliances retail chain , study of competitive strategy and overseas expansion of Chinese enterprises .

  29. GIS支持下的零售业商圈分析研究

    Analysis and Study on Commercial Circle of Retail Trade Based on GIS

  30. 咨询公司博思艾伦(boozallenhamilton)对17个国家的零售银行进行了研究,结果发现香港的银行表现最佳,其次是瑞士和美国的银行。

    Research by consultants Booz Allen Hamilton , which studied retail banks in 17 countries , found that Hong Kong has the best-performing banks , followed by Switzerland and then the US .