
  • 网络Advertising research;Journal of Advertising Research
  1. 广告研究是研究流行文化的一个重要侧面。

    Advertising Research in an important aspect of popular culture .

  2. 西方学术视野中的广告研究

    Advertising Research in Western Academic Field

  3. 同时,也填补对汽车广告研究中的一大块空白。

    Also fill a large blank of the studies of automotive advertising .

  4. 媒介生态学视域中的网络广告研究

    Research on Internet Advertisement in Media Ecology Sight

  5. 体育明星与现代广告研究

    A Study on Sports Stars and Modern Advertisement

  6. 延安《解放日报》广告研究

    Study on Advertisement of YanAn Liberation Daily

  7. 但是将概念隐喻理论应用于英文广告研究的还寥寥无几。

    However , few studies have been undertaken about conceptual metaphor used in English advertising .

  8. 刑事悬赏广告研究

    Study on Criminal Reward Offering Advertisement

  9. 广告研究的目的不在于把广告由术提升到学,而在于把理论提升到指导实践的层面。

    3 , the purpose of advertising study is to promote the theory to direct practice .

  10. 手机媒体广告研究

    Mobile Media Advertisement Research

  11. 近代上海消费主义意识形态之建构20世纪2030年代《申报》广告研究

    Construction of Consumer Ideology in Modern Shanghai : Studies on Advertisement of Shen Bao in 1920s and 1930s

  12. 我写的这篇文章我把它归类在栏目网站运营而不是广告研究。

    This article that I write I am in its classify column website operation is not advertisement research .

  13. 继而就隐喻学的概念针对此次研究对象进行梳理分析来论证出隐喻学理论对于广告研究的可行性与重要性。

    Next , analyze the object of study to reasoned the feasibility and importance of metaphor in the research of advertisement .

  14. 由于两岸政治经济环境的不同,两岸广告研究者各有一些特别关注的研究主题。

    Because of the different political and economic environment , the researchers in Taiwan and the mainland studied some special topics respectively .

  15. 本文在分析现有网络广告研究的基础上,尝试进行网络广告的数字研究。

    Based on the current situation of researching , the author tries to study internet advertising by the method of digital analysis .

  16. 中国期刊网络广告研究回眸&对中国广告期刊之网络主题文献的内容分析

    A Review of Online Advertisements ' Studies in Chinese Journals & Content Analysis on the Internet Research Articles of the Chinese Advertisement Journals

  17. 而熔炉的开放性以及扭曲的双面镜日益闭合的趋势,对于整个行业发展及广告研究都有着深远的影响。这是《乐园》的一个重要主题。

    The openness of the melting pot and the closing tendency in the double-distorted mirror have significant implications for advertising professionals as well as researchers .

  18. 而这一领域却还没有引起我国业界及学者的重视,是我国广告研究中的一个空白点。

    This area was not regarded by our industries and academia , it should be careful consideration . The study of advertising environment is our blank spots .

  19. 第一章介绍了接受理论及其相关的一些理论,还有旅游广告研究的一些研究现状。

    The first chapter gives a general introduction to the relevant theoretical studies on reception theory as well as the researches in the field of tourism advertisement translation .

  20. 网络广告研究领域的一个重要变量&认知需要又是如何在网络广告特性与浏览者态度之间发生作用的?

    What is the role of an important variable in the field of internet advertisement & need for cognition between the characteristics of internet advertisement and attitudes of web browsers ?

  21. 一份来自世界广告研究中心的调查显示,在2005年57%的欧洲人称当他们要寻找商品或服务时第一反应会去翻黄页。

    A survey by the World Advertising Research Center found that in2005,57 % of Europeans said they would turn first to the printed yellow pages when seeking goods and services .

  22. 语言学家已从不伺的语言学角度对该类语篇进行了大量有价值的研究,然而评价理论视角下的英语商业广告研究却很少。

    Many a worthwhile studies in this genre have been carried out from diverse perspectives of linguistics . However , few studies are made from the perspective of Appraisal theory .

  23. 同时,前人对于网络广告研究的主要是从传播学的角度来进行的,对于网络广告语言中语码转换的关注相对较少。

    Moreover , previous studies on Internet advertisements are mainly conducted from the perspective of mass communication and less value has been put to the code-switching in the Internet advertisements .

  24. 现代的广告研究应该调转方向盘,回答人们用广告做了什么?

    So what modern advertising theory should do is shifting around to answer the questions about what the people do using advertising and how has they made the use of it .

  25. 台湾地区与大陆地区在研究取向方面达到了高度的一致,两岸学者都倾向于将广告研究应用于广告实践,以解决现实中的问题为其主要的研究目的。

    The researchers in Taiwan and the mainland appeared high consistency in study orientation . They all inclined to apply the advertising research to practical issues and aimed to resolve the problems in the practice .

  26. 《广告研究》杂志上的一项研究显示了我们古老的大脑如何应付其他人类和动物——这也包括了与没有生命的东西。

    A study in the Journal of Advertising Research reveals how our Stone Age brains are built to relate to other people and animals - and this way of relating attaches to inanimate objects , too .

  27. 本文尝试分析植入式广告研究的争议与缺失,提出植入式广告进一步研究的建议,以期为植入式广告的研究与实践发展贡献绵薄之力。

    This article tries to analyze controversy of product placement and lack , proposed placement recommendations for further research . This article hopes to study for the placement contribute to the development and practice of modest means .

  28. 通过这三个方面展示了国内植入式广告研究的成就及其局限性。本文第三部分主要介绍植入式广告在电影、春节联欢晚会以及网络游戏等三个领域的运用。

    The third part of this paper is about the application of product placement in the area of movie 、 the Spring Festival Gala Evening and the network game , especially in the area of Spring Festival Gala Evening .

  29. 符号学是一种新的研究方法,将其用于名人广告研究,不仅可以拓宽名人广告的研究领域,还能从本质上把握名人广告传播中的内在规律。

    Semeiotic works as a new perspective to recognize the world and as a new research tool . Taking semeiotic into celebrities ads research not only can widen the field of celebrity advertising , but also grasp the nature of the spread of celebrity advertising in the inherent law .

  30. 基于Web智能的网络广告监测器研究与设计

    Research and design of Web ads monitor based on Web intelligence