
ɡuǎnɡ yì huò bì ɡōnɡ yīnɡ liànɡ
  • Broad money supply;money supply in wild sense
  1. 从目前的趋势来看,广义货币供应量与gdp之间的比例在进步加大。

    Judging from the current trend , the ratio between M2 and GDP is on the rise .

  2. 广义货币供应量(m2)正以创纪录速度增长。

    M2 money supply is growing at a record clip .

  3. 广义货币供应量M2对股市的影响&基于牛熊市的实证分析

    The Effects of Broad Money Supply M2 to the Stock Market & Demonstration of the Bull and Bear Market

  4. 广义货币供应量(m2)已经在以接近15%的年率增长。

    The broad money supply ( M2 ) is already increasing at an annual rate of nearly 15 per cent .

  5. 广义货币供应量M2上月增长17.9%,而7月份和6月份的增幅均为18.4%。

    M2 , the broad indicator for money supply , rose 17.9 per cent last month compared with 18.4 per cent in July and June .

  6. 信贷增速高得惊人,广义货币供应量(m2)的情况亦是如此,相对于gdp的增速创下了历史新高。

    Credit growth was surprisingly high , and the same was true of the broad money supply , M2 , which grew at a record rate relative to GDP .

  7. 中国央行可能正考虑将广义货币供应量M3加入当前组合,这是衡量货币供应量的更广泛指标,囊括了流动性不那么高的资产。

    The PBOC may be looking to add M3 data a broader measure of money supply that includes less liquid assets to its current mix .

  8. 6月份M2广义货币供应量同比增长15.9%,相比前一个月的15.1%有所提速。

    The broad M2 measure of money growth was up 15.9 per cent year on year in June , accelerating from 15.1 per cent a month earlier .

  9. 上月,中国M2广义货币供应量同比增长29.3%,而8月份的同比增幅为28.5%。

    The M2 measure of money supply also rose 29.3 per cent over the same month last year , compared to a 28.5 per cent increase in August .

  10. 到2004年,中国广义货币供应量M2在国内生产总值(GDP)中所占比例达到160%,远远高于多数其它经济体。

    By 2004 the ratio of M2 , the broad indicator of money supply , to gross domestic product had reached 160 per cent , much higher than in most other economies .

  11. 选取的货币政策变量分别是:广义货币供应量M2的同比增长指数(M2)、金融机构的贷款规模(LL)、法定存款准备金率(RR)。

    Monetary policy variables include the year-on-year growth of money supply M2 , the scale of loans from financial institutions and the deposit reserve rate ( RR ) .

  12. 目前阶段,由于产能过剩,通胀暂时还未构成威胁。不过,鉴于广义货币供应量为GDP的160%以上,当遭受内部或外部冲击时,形势随时会发生变化,且变化速度可能会很快。

    At present , overcapacity is preventing inflation becoming a threat . However , with broad money above 160 per cent of GDP , the situation could change , and change quickly , due to internal or external shocks .

  13. 中国人民银行行长周小川在3月6日表示,今年的广义货币供应量(M2)增长目标将会更灵活,意在给予实体经济更多支持。

    Separately , People 's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said on Friday that this year 's broad money supply growth target will be more flexible , aiming to better support the real economy .

  14. 5月份的新增贷款数据证实了总体收紧趋势,尽管这是在令人喘不过气的快速增长之后的收紧:M2广义货币供应量增长15.1%,这是自2008年以来最慢的增速。

    New loan data for the month of May confirmed a general tightening , albeit following breakneck growth : M2 , the broadest measure of money supply , rose by 15.1 per cent , the slowest rate since 2008 .

  15. 官方数据显示,1月末中国广义货币供应量M2同比增长13.2%,但增幅低于去年12月末的13.6%。

    China 's broadest measure of money supply , M2 , was up 13.2 % at the end of January , compared with a year earlier , lower than the 13.6 % rise at the end of December , official data showed .

  16. 研究结果显示:(1)贸易条件、劳动生率和净对外资产对均衡汇率具有正向作用,而广义货币供应量M2对均衡汇率具有负向作用;

    The result shows : ( 1 ) The increase of the term of trade , the productivity and net foreign asset can make the equilibrium exchange rate appreciation , but the increase of money ( M_2 ) can make the equilibrium exchange rate depreciation .

  17. 三年前,由于不满当时衡量国内货币供应量的指标,中国央行推出了被其称为社会融资规模的指标,并称该指标比银行贷款总额或广义货币供应量(M2)更具代表性。

    Three years ago , unhappy with its existing tools for measuring domestic credit , the PBOC rolled out what it called total social financing , or TSF , trumpeted as a more representative measure than total bank loans or M2 ( broad money supply ) .

  18. 第一阶段实证分析的结论是EG协整检验表明广义货币供应量与股票流通市值存在协整关系和单向的Granger因果关系;全国同业拆借利率与股票流通市值不存在协整关系和Granger因果关系。

    The first phase of empirical analysis concludes that the EG cointegration test shows that the broad money supply and stock market capitalization Cointegration and one-way Granger causality ; national interbank interest rates and stock market capitalization does not exist cointegration and Granger causality relationship .

  19. 本文选取工业增加值、广义货币供应量(M2)、消费者景气指数和国房景气指数等宏观经济指标,深入考察了宏观经济与沪深两市股价走势之间的关系。

    The author chose the industrial added value , money supply ( M2 ), Consumer Sensitive Index and National Housing Sensitive index as the representative indicators of the macro-economy . And he studied the relationship between these indicators and the stock price indexes of Shanghai and Shenzhen .

  20. 我国外汇储备与广义货币供应量关系的分析

    An Analysis of Relations between China 's Foreign Exchange Reserves and M_2

  21. 广义货币供应量与物价波动关系的实证研究

    Research on the Relationship between the Generalized Currency Supply Quantity and Prices Fluctuation

  22. 货币主义者可以提及广义货币供应量的增速较低。

    Monetarists can note that the growth of broad measures of the money supply is low .

  23. 目前中国广义货币供应量的年增长率为29%。

    Broadly defined , the Chinese money supply is growing at an annual rate of 29 per cent .

  24. 因此,缺乏一个明确的通胀目标,是合乎逻辑的,尽管中国人民银行确实将广义货币供应量当作政策目标。

    So the lack of an explicit inflation goal is logical , although the PBOC does target broad money supply .

  25. 广义货币供应量三的经济增长步伐快至7.6%。

    The pace of growth of M3 , the broad measure of the money supply , quickened to 7.6 % .

  26. 基于联立方程模型的财政支出、广义货币供应量、出口与经济增长关系的研究

    Research on the Relations between Government Expenditure , Money Supply , Export and Economic Growth by a Simultaneous Equations Model

  27. 广义货币供应量增长15.3%,比同期经济增长和零售物价涨幅之和高出10.1个百分点。

    Broad money supply grew by 15.3 % , 10.1 percentage points higher than the corresponding economic growth and retail price index combined .

  28. 农产品价格、工业品价格上涨、广义货币供应量增加都会加剧通货膨胀程度。

    If the prices of agricultural products , industrial products prices were rising , and the broadest measure of money supply increased , so will intensify inflation .

  29. 在货币供应量成为当下最重要的中介目标时,关于到底是使用狭义货币供应量还是广义货币供应量,存在着很多的讨论。

    So the money supply becomes the most important intermediate goal absolutely , but there are still a lot of discussions about which kind of monetary supply is better .

  30. 事实上,既然广义货币供应量一直在以每年区区2%的幅度增长,主张购买债券可与持续的货币稳定相容的观点,在道理上应该不存在什么难以想通的地方。

    It should not , in fact , be intellectually difficult to argue that buying bonds is compatible with continued monetary stability , since broad money has been growing at a mere 2 per cent a year .