- Broad money supply;money supply in wild sense

Judging from the current trend , the ratio between M2 and GDP is on the rise .
M2 money supply is growing at a record clip .
The Effects of Broad Money Supply M2 to the Stock Market & Demonstration of the Bull and Bear Market
The broad money supply ( M2 ) is already increasing at an annual rate of nearly 15 per cent .
M2 , the broad indicator for money supply , rose 17.9 per cent last month compared with 18.4 per cent in July and June .
Credit growth was surprisingly high , and the same was true of the broad money supply , M2 , which grew at a record rate relative to GDP .
The PBOC may be looking to add M3 data a broader measure of money supply that includes less liquid assets to its current mix .
The broad M2 measure of money growth was up 15.9 per cent year on year in June , accelerating from 15.1 per cent a month earlier .
The M2 measure of money supply also rose 29.3 per cent over the same month last year , compared to a 28.5 per cent increase in August .
By 2004 the ratio of M2 , the broad indicator of money supply , to gross domestic product had reached 160 per cent , much higher than in most other economies .
Monetary policy variables include the year-on-year growth of money supply M2 , the scale of loans from financial institutions and the deposit reserve rate ( RR ) .
At present , overcapacity is preventing inflation becoming a threat . However , with broad money above 160 per cent of GDP , the situation could change , and change quickly , due to internal or external shocks .
Separately , People 's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said on Friday that this year 's broad money supply growth target will be more flexible , aiming to better support the real economy .
New loan data for the month of May confirmed a general tightening , albeit following breakneck growth : M2 , the broadest measure of money supply , rose by 15.1 per cent , the slowest rate since 2008 .
China 's broadest measure of money supply , M2 , was up 13.2 % at the end of January , compared with a year earlier , lower than the 13.6 % rise at the end of December , official data showed .
The result shows : ( 1 ) The increase of the term of trade , the productivity and net foreign asset can make the equilibrium exchange rate appreciation , but the increase of money ( M_2 ) can make the equilibrium exchange rate depreciation .
Three years ago , unhappy with its existing tools for measuring domestic credit , the PBOC rolled out what it called total social financing , or TSF , trumpeted as a more representative measure than total bank loans or M2 ( broad money supply ) .
The first phase of empirical analysis concludes that the EG cointegration test shows that the broad money supply and stock market capitalization Cointegration and one-way Granger causality ; national interbank interest rates and stock market capitalization does not exist cointegration and Granger causality relationship .
The author chose the industrial added value , money supply ( M2 ), Consumer Sensitive Index and National Housing Sensitive index as the representative indicators of the macro-economy . And he studied the relationship between these indicators and the stock price indexes of Shanghai and Shenzhen .
An Analysis of Relations between China 's Foreign Exchange Reserves and M_2
Research on the Relationship between the Generalized Currency Supply Quantity and Prices Fluctuation
Monetarists can note that the growth of broad measures of the money supply is low .
Broadly defined , the Chinese money supply is growing at an annual rate of 29 per cent .
So the lack of an explicit inflation goal is logical , although the PBOC does target broad money supply .
The pace of growth of M3 , the broad measure of the money supply , quickened to 7.6 % .
Research on the Relations between Government Expenditure , Money Supply , Export and Economic Growth by a Simultaneous Equations Model
Broad money supply grew by 15.3 % , 10.1 percentage points higher than the corresponding economic growth and retail price index combined .
If the prices of agricultural products , industrial products prices were rising , and the broadest measure of money supply increased , so will intensify inflation .
So the money supply becomes the most important intermediate goal absolutely , but there are still a lot of discussions about which kind of monetary supply is better .
It should not , in fact , be intellectually difficult to argue that buying bonds is compatible with continued monetary stability , since broad money has been growing at a mere 2 per cent a year .