
  1. 广灵剪纸已成为我省著名的文化品牌。

    Guangling paper-cutting has become a well-known cultural brand in our province .

  2. 白求恩在广灵和灵邱之间的公路附近的一座庙里,把他的战地手术室布置好了。

    Bethune set up his mobile operating theater in a temple near the Kuan Lin-Lin Chu highway .

  3. 广灵山川秀美。距县城15公里的圣佛寺国家级原始森林公园,苍松翠柏,郁郁葱葱;

    Ling Guang beautiful.15 km from the town of Saint-level Buddhist temple virgin forest parks , Calocedrus pines , green and luxuriant ;

  4. 在血清后白蛋白□中,Po2~A是佳米驴、泌阳驴、关中驴的优势基因,Po2~B是德州驴、广灵驴、的优势基因,而庆阳驴则表现为杂合子;

    The superior gene in Dezhou donkey and Guangling donkey was Po2 ~ B. And the Po2 loci in Qinyang donkey displayed heterozygote .

  5. 陕西窗花风格粗朴豪放,单纯简练,河北蔚县和山西广灵剪纸加染色彩,浓厚中透着秀美艳丽,而中国南方省份的剪纸精美细致,装饰性强。

    Shanxi window papercuts are simple and bold ; papercuts from Hebei Province and Shanxi Province are bright in color ; papercuts in southern provinces are delicate and fine .

  6. 本文分别从剪纸的成因、历史发展、制作工艺等方面,全面详细的介绍了广灵民间剪纸的艺术特色和发展历程。

    This paper from the paper-cutting causes , historical development , production process and so on , the comprehensive detailed introduces the Guangling paper-cutting art characteristic and development process .

  7. 作为中国民间美术中最具代表性的艺术形式,广灵剪纸可以说是民间艺术的基础和精华,是一种母体艺术。

    As China folk art of the most representative paper-cut art form , Guangling paper-cut to say is base and essence of folk art , is a kind of maternal art .

  8. 而广灵剪纸作为中国民间剪纸三大流派之一,流传三千多年,以其色彩鲜明、造型生动的特色深受群众喜爱。

    And the Guangling paper-cutting in China as one of the three great schools paper-cutting , spread over three thousand years , with its bright colours , modelling vivid characteristic loved by the masses .

  9. 同时,广灵剪纸以其精湛的技艺赢得了声誉,现已销行到法国、美国、日本、波兰等国,成为海外友人珍爱的艺术品。

    At the same time , Guangling paper-cutting with exquisite paper-cutting art of the won a reputation , has been sold to France , the United States , Japan , Poland and other countries , become overseas friends love of art .