
  • 网络Promotion;advertising
  1. 在广告促销服务领域,常年服务于瑞士雀巢咖啡、美国惠氏、美国肯德基、德国WIBU公司。

    In the advertisement promotion service domain , year to year serves the Swiss Nestle coffee , American Hui , the American Kentuckey , German WIBU Corporation .

  2. 在对消费者和零售商调研的基础上,分别提出了产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和广告促销策略。

    The strategies of product , price , place and promotion are devised in this chapter .

  3. 企业用广告促销其产品。

    Enterprises use advertising to push the sales of their products .

  4. 促销策略主要采取人员推销和广告促销;

    Vicissitude of Strategy The promotion relies on personnel promotion and the advertisement .

  5. 由于我们的新的广告促销活动,新产品的订货单开始像滚雪球一样迅速增多。

    Orders for the new product have begun to snowball because of our new ad campaign .

  6. 主要通过广告促销,当然是运用“拉”的策略。

    The main improvement will be through advertising , using a pull strategy , of way .

  7. 此广告促销计划的目的在于提高产品的知名度。

    The advertising campaign has been planned to raise awareness of the product amongst the public .

  8. 广告促销与价格策略

    Advertisement Promotion and Price Strategy

  9. 二是行销价值专属化活动,以广告促销活动支出为代表。

    The other is to spend on the investment of marketing value appropriation like advertising and promotion .

  10. 用参数来检验广告促销效果的显著性,由于假设性限制难以满足,致使有效性下降。

    The limits of parameter test of ad effect on expanding commodity sales usually lead to lowering of efficiency .

  11. 该公司扩张过快,被那些在广告促销方面投资更多的对手抢走一些生意。

    The company has expanded too quickly and has lost business to rivals which have invested more in promotions .

  12. 文章最后研究了项目的促销策略,主要包括广告促销、人员促销策略的具体应用。

    Finally , the article studies on the application of promotion strategy of the project including advertising and staff promotion strategy .

  13. 因此其重要性依次为内在核心价值、内在一般价值、品牌、服务、外观形象、广告促销。

    As a result , the sequence is value , brand , service , appearance , and advertising in order of importance .

  14. 由于地理标志具有品质保证、广告促销等功能,因此地理标志的合理使用和有效保护对经济发展、市场开拓具有积极意义。

    It is positive for the development of economy and exploitation of market to use geographical indication properly and protect it effectively .

  15. 包括企业形象推广、广告促销、多手段整合促销、人员促销等具体的促销策略。

    Including corporate image , advertising promotions , and more means of integrated marketing , promotions and other personnel specific promotional strategies .

  16. 它主要包括有办公用品、电子产品、家居用品、、工艺品及广告促销品等等。

    It include and have office supplies mainly ,,, skin have household supplies , and advertisement promote and sample etc. handicraft gift electronic product .

  17. 广告促销、环境促销、节日促销是宋代饮食店铺的三种主要促销方式。

    Advertising sales , circumstantial sales and festival sales were the three major forms of sales promotion of the food stores in the Song Dynasty .

  18. 主要生产各种规格和款式的孔明灯、荷花灯、广告促销品、龙凤宫灯等工艺品。

    Specifications and production of various major contributory release a Hung Ming lantern lotus lights , advertising promotions , Longfeng palace lantern , and other crafts .

  19. 由于小企业对其商品、服务与目标顾客很熟悉,它们在使用自己的广告促销商品时,颇为成功。

    Because of their familiarity with their goods or services and the target customers , small businesses can be quite successful in promoting their products using their own ads.

  20. 我国家电市场竞争十分激烈,已经从价格竞争、广告促销竞争、品牌竞争,转向了营销渠道竞争。

    It competes intensely in the household appliance market of our country , and the competition in price and advertisement and promotion and brand have transfer to sales channel .

  21. 在两家卖主竞争的市场中,企业可以生产相互替代的商品,运用广告促销吸引顾客,提高销量。

    In the duopoly market , goods produced by two companies are exchangeable , and so in order to increase sales they have to lend advertising to attract customers .

  22. 由此提出相应的营销措施:重视产品创新、广告促销差异对策、价格差异定价等。

    Accordingly , it puts forward the relevant marketing measures , such as treasuring product innovation , and regarding group difference as an orientation for advertising , promotion and pricing .

  23. 讨论了广告促销与价格策略,并进行了经济分析,还就市场销售方面提出了一些广告技术与价格策略的建议。

    In this paper , the author discusses the advertisement promotion and price strategy . The economic analysis is also made . Some suggestions on the advertisement technique and price strategy in marketing are put forward .

  24. 以各种市场信息为依据建立合适的产品价格体系,调整目前的营销渠道体系,对人员和广告促销策略进行合理的设计。

    Based on a variety of market information , an appropriate price system can be established . Through adjusting the current system of marketing channels , this article makes rational design of promotion strategy on staff and advertising .

  25. 促销策略对每个公司来说非常普遍,现在市场上出现了名目繁多的广告促销手段,我们需要注意创新,避免盲目投资和随大流。

    Promotion channels are very common which can be known to every retailing company . Numerous advertisement means has appeared in the market nowadays . We should pay attention to innovation and avoid blind investment in the advertising .

  26. 分析德克士在品牌文化、餐厅环境、产品口味、以及广告促销等方面同肯德基的差距,探索德克士逐渐淡出消费者视线的原因。

    The gap of brand culture , restaurant environment , product taste , and advertising promotions etc. between Dicos and KFC was analyzed , and the conclusion of how Dicos gradually faded out of sight of consumers was made .

  27. 1984年,雷明顿公司在广告和促销方面花费了大量的资金。

    During 1984 , Remington spent a lot of money on advertising and promotion

  28. 主要研究分析OTC药品的包装、品牌、渠道、终端、广告、促销等方面的问题。

    These chapters mainly research and analyze such questions as the brands , channels , packaging , advertising and sales promotion , etc , of the OTC drugs .

  29. 英特尔已经设立了一个价值3亿美元的风险投资基金,用于支持相关的技术公司。外界预期英特尔将加强对PC制造商在广告和促销方面的支持,拉动市场对Ultrabook的需求。

    It has set up a $ 300 million venture-capital fund to support related technology companies , and is expected to boost its advertising and promotional support to PC makers to drive demand for Ultrabooks .

  30. 同时,对营销渠道的控制、管理与维护进行了理论结合实际的分析和研究,并就营销渠道战略与企业品牌战略、CI战略及广告与促销之间的关系进行了探讨。

    At the same time , theoretically and practically analyzed the control , management and maintenance of the channels of distribution , and the relationship between the strategy of channel of distribution , brand , and CI , as well as advertisement and promotion .