
  • 网络policy risk;risk of policy
  1. 林业项目投资面临自然风险、社会风险和政策风险。

    Forestry project investment faces natural risk , social risk and policy risk .

  2. 配股承销业务则主要有政策风险、包销风险和市场风险等。

    Right-issue underwriting risk includes policy risk , bought-deal risk and market risk .

  3. 通过文献检索和专家访谈确定出影响污水处理BOT项目特许定价的11个关键风险因素及其分担情况,政府分担:政策风险中的环境标准提高和税收优惠变化;

    It is through literature search and expert inquiry to get the 11 key risk factors and its allocation .

  4. 风险分析与规避策略在RUP中有很好的体现,本文根据项目情况将风险分为需求风险、技术风险、技能风险和政策风险,并对各自风险提出用例驱动、迭代开发等规避策略。

    Risk analysis and elusion are embodied in RUP . According to the project , I conclude risks : requirement risk ; technology risk ;

  5. imf认为,即使这些政策风险一项都不会真实出现,未来几年全球贸易失衡仍然可能会加剧,而伴随贸易失衡而来的是突然爆发另一次危机的风险。

    Even if none of these policy risks materialises , the IMF believes Global trade imbalances are still likely to grow in the years ahead and with imbalances comes the danger of another sudden crisis .

  6. 美国财政部长杰克卢(JackLew)紧急呼吁国会在本月底之前上调债务上限,从而成为在财政政策风险方面对市场的一个提醒。

    Markets also had a reminder about dangers from fiscal policy as Jack Lew , the US Treasury secretary , issued an urgent call for Congress to raise the debt ceiling by the end of the month .

  7. 我国积极财政政策风险及其防范

    The Risk and its Preventing of China 's Pro-active Fiscal Policy

  8. 公共政策风险评价与控制系统

    Evaluating and controlling system of public policies risks

  9. 第三章论述了国际短期资本流动同政策风险的关系,从理论上阐述增加国际短期资本流动这一现象后宏观经济政策在传导机制、经济效应上的变化。

    Chapter three demonstrates the relationship between the short-term capital movement and macroeconomic policies .

  10. 导致基差风险的因素很多包括市场风险、政策风险以及操作风险等。

    Many factors lead to the spread risks including market risk , policy risk and operation risk .

  11. 对外贸易政策风险

    Risks of foreign trade policy

  12. 商业领袖们现在开始需要设计一些策略,能够识别影响力更大的公共政策风险因素。

    Business leaders now need to design strategies that recognise a more influential public policy risk factor .

  13. 第二节介绍了成都市农村集体建设用地向非农业用途的大胆探索,虽然成都市是冒着政策风险进行这方面的尝试,但土地流转的绩效明显。

    Section II describes the rural collective construction land in Chengdu to non-agricultural use of the bold exploration .

  14. 环境政策风险评价的原理、方法和技术&兼论政策环境风险评价

    The Principle , Way and Technique of Environmental Policy Risk Assessment & Also Discussing the Policy Environmental Risk Assessment

  15. 但是在这种巨额的利润、高额的回报和激烈竞争的背后也充满了风险,包括战争风险、政治风险、政策风险、经济风险、市场竞争风险、信用风险等。

    High profit and investment return also bring risks , such as war risk , political risk , economic and policy risks etc.

  16. 世界各国和地区的创业板市场都普遍面临着市场风险、上市公司风险、投资者风险和政策风险。

    The growth enterprise markets in other countries and areas face with market risk , listed company risk , investor risk and policy risk .

  17. 商业银行的金融风险一般包括信用风险、市场风险、流动性风险、操作风险、法律风险和政策风险。

    Commercial bank 's financial risk generally includes credit risk , market risk , liquidity risk , operation risk , legal risk and policy risk .

  18. 税务筹划风险按照其形成原因可以分为政策风险、税务行政执法偏差等十一种风险。

    According to the causes , tax planning risks can be classified into eleven categories such as policy risks , tax administrative execution inaccuracy , etc.

  19. 表现最好的企业将是那些固定成本高、定价能力强、负债率和政策风险低的企业。

    The best performers will be companies with high fixed costs , strong pricing power , low leverage and low policy risk , he says .

  20. 河北省畜牧业生产经营面对的风险主要有自然风险、市场风险、技术风险、信用风险和政策风险。

    Here are the main risks endangering animal husbandry in Hebei : natural risks , market risks , technological risks , credit risks and political risks .

  21. 研究结果表明,我国农业合作社在不同历史时期承受的风险迥异,解放前主要为战争风险,建国后至改革开放前则为政策风险。

    The main risk is war before the liberation , then it is policy risk between after the liberation and before the reform and opening up .

  22. 根据房地产投资风险的来源,分别从政策风险、经济风险、社会风险、自然风险和技术风险五个方面对房地产投资风险进行了纵向分析;

    According the resources of risk , analyses the risk of real estate investment from five factors : policy , society , economy , technology and natural .

  23. 我们的结论是:退耕还林工程在带来社会效益的同时蕴含着巨大的政策风险,其有效性和持续性正面临着巨大的挑战。

    The conclusion is : the project of returning farmland to forest contains a huge policy risks , the effectiveness and sustainability are faced with enormous challenges .

  24. 根据市场风险和政策风险具体表现形式构建与果蔬出口贸易风险因素相对应的预警指标体系。

    According to market risks and policy risks specific form of construction and fruit and vegetable export trade risk factors corresponding to the early warning indicator system .

  25. 企业并购过程中的风险包括财务风险、法律风险、道德风险、市场风险、政策风险等,其中又以财务风险尤为突出。

    Risks that arise during M & A may include but not limited to financial risk , legal risk , ethical risk , market risk and political risk .

  26. 未能树立以公开、公平、公正为标志的监管文化,证券投资面临较大的政策风险;

    No supervision culture whose symbol is " public , equal and fair " has been established , the securities market therefore faces the relevant high political risks .

  27. 证券公司要重点关注的是经营风险,经营风险包括政策风险、利率风险、法律风险、政治风险、市场风险和信用风险等。

    Security Company should pay more attention to the business risk , including policy risk , interest rate risk , legal risk , politics risk and market risk .

  28. 从风险来源看,信托业风险主要有政策风险、市场风险和经营风险等。

    According to the source of risk , the risks of trust business mainly consist of policy risk , market risk and operation risk , and so on .

  29. 我国中小企业较大的自身风险主要表现在三方面:市场竞争风险、信誉风险和政策风险。

    The major self risk of our country 's small and big sized enterprises mainly shows in three respects : market competitive risk , credit risk and policy risk .

  30. 同时还提出了公共政策风险的分解与控制系统,供政策执行者使用,以预防或控制风险事件的发生。

    Further this paper suggests a decomposing and controlling system of risks of public policies , and the decision maker can use the system to prevent and control risks .