
  • 网络political contribution;political donations;campaign contributions
  1. 若外国正版商与本国消费者均付出政治献金游说,则双方将会落入类似囚犯的困境中。

    In addition , those foreign company and domestic consumers that both lobby and pay political contributions will fall into paradox analogous to prisoners'dilemma .

  2. 他的论点是:这些机构通过说客和政治献金,将监管体系玩弄于股掌之上,学生们则为了一钱不值的学位,而欠下堆积如山的债务。

    His argument : these institutions , with their lobbyists and political contributions , are gaming the regulatory system so that they end up saddling students with worthless degrees and a mound of debt .

  3. 法国警方近日搜查了前总统尼古拉-萨科齐和夫人卡拉-布吕尼的住所和办公室。萨科奇涉嫌卷入一起政治献金丑闻,而这起案件如今又有了戏剧性的最新进展。

    Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy 's home and offices were raided by French police in a dramatic new development in a political funding scandal .

  4. 民法专家钟瑞明指出,与贪污指控相关的种种情形让人难以相信那些有争议的资金只是政治献金。

    Civil law expert Chuang Shui-ming says that circumstances surrounding the embezzlement charges make it difficult to believe that the funds in question were only donations .

  5. 政界分析人士表示,小泽只有选择下台,任何为提高支持率所作的努力,收效都会很有限,因为他涉嫌涉足政治献金丑闻,这使民众对他产生了怀疑。

    Political analysts said that unless Mr Ozawa also quit , any boost in popularity was likely to be limited at best , following voter suspicions over his alleged involvement in a funding scandal .

  6. 但他认为政府真正的首要任务实降低吸烟率,这在发达国家一直居高不下,很大程度上是因为日本的烟草业强大的政治献金。

    But he said that the government 's real priority should be to reduce smoking rates , which remain among the highest among advanced nations , in large part because of Japan 's powerful tobacco lobby .

  7. 藤井裕久住院之际,正值鸠山政府艰难执政近4个月该政府一直受到失业率上升、经济低迷和政治献金丑闻的困扰。

    Mr Fujii 's illness comes at the end of a difficult first four months for Mr Hatoyama 's government , which has been battered by rising unemployment , a slumping economy and political funding scandals .

  8. 鸠山由纪夫说:我会辞去我当前的职务。众所周知,在政治献金问题上,秘书长小泽一郎成了众矢之的,他也将因此而辞职。

    Mr Hatoyama said : I too will be resigning from my current position , and so will be Secretary General ( Ichiro ) Ozawa , as is commonly known to have been in the midst of the debate over political funding laws .

  9. 发起该论坛的数周前,舒兹呼吁其他执行长,在美国领导人尚未遵守财政纪律,并尚未停止政治口水战之前,停止提供竞选政治献金。

    The forum comes weeks after Schultz called on other CEOs to halt contributions to US political campaigns until US leaders become financially disciplined and stop their political wrangling .