
  1. 最初,里根曾是一名小有成就的好莱坞演员,在美国陆军服过役,而后成为一名工会领袖,即美国影视演员协会(ScreenActorsGuild)主席。

    Initially he enjoyed reasonable success as a Hollywood actor , served in the US Army , and then became a union boss , as president of the Screen Actors Guild .

  2. 美国影视演员协会会长肯?霍华德针对邓波儿离世消息做出评论。

    SAG-AFTRA president Ken Howard released the following statement about Temple 's death

  3. 保罗·路德是一位美国影视演员。

    Paul Rudd is an American film and television actor .

  4. 我的梦想是当一个影视演员,我希望将来我的这个愿望能真的实现。

    My dream is when a movie actor , I hope my wish can really achieve .

  5. 这些爸爸们全部是中国的名人,有几位在真实生活里还是影视演员,他们当然不会像自己的小孩那样率直。

    The dads , all of whom are Chinese celebrities and some of whom are television actors in real life , are inevitably less candid than their kids .

  6. 这些爸爸们全部是中国的名人,有几位在“真实”生活里还是影视演员,他们当然不会像自己的小孩那样率直。

    The dads , all of whom are Chinese celebrities and some of whom are television actors in " real " life , are inevitably less candid than their kids .

  7. 公司成立之初,就聘请著名影视演员孙俪作为形象代言人,成为第一个产品未上市就聘请形象代言人的中国手机品牌。

    When just established , the company engaged one of the most present movie-star , Li Sun , as brand ambassador , which make CLOVE the first brand before be listed in china .

  8. 具体而言,本论文主要从镜头边界检测、场景检测、场景识别、影视演员识别等方面对影视视频结构解析及编目进行研究并提出解决方法。

    More specifically , to deal with these problems in video structure analysis and video cataloging , we proposed a series of methods , including the shot boundary detection , the video scene detection , the video scene recognition as well as the movie character identification method .

  9. 中国拥有世界最庞大的观众群体,因此国内对于影视题材、演员的需求也非常大。

    China 's vast TV audience is the world 's biggest , with a voracious demand for programming .

  10. 为了完成这个任务,彼得·杰克逊首先找来了经验丰富的影视和配音演员本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇帮助他。

    In order to take on this task , Peter Jackson first enlisted the help of veteran actor of screen and voice , Benedict Cumberbatch .

  11. 面向影视特效的虚拟演员真实感三维人脸建模研究

    Study on Realistic 3D Face Modeling for Creating Virtual Actor in Film Visual Effects Field

  12. 他同时表示,仅凭一副“洋面孔”已不再是登上中国银屏的通行证,中国影视圈对于洋演员的演技要求已更加苛刻。

    Song also said appearance alone is no longer enough to get the job and the demand for skills on foreign actors by television and film circle has grown harsher .

  13. 现在政府在中国电影产业上投资了大量的人力物力,力求让中国电影“走出去”。而这些高水准的影视作品自然而然也会吸引国际上的影视公司与中国演员或公司签约,进行出国巡演。

    The government now spends a lot of money and effort on promoting Chinese productions abroad , and these high-quality productions will naturally attract agencies to book actors and companies to tour abroad .

  14. 从事影视剧、音乐综合、文化事业和国际交流的专门机构:包括影视演员经纪、歌手、音乐经纪人;各类时尚文化活动、演员、歌手、音乐人的国际交流。

    Special organization that participates in film and television , music , culture and internation exchange : including film and television player broker , singer and musician broker , all kinds of culture activities , Interational exchange of player , singer and musician .