
  • 网络film and television art;visual arts;video art;Studio Art
  1. 影视艺术的色彩再认识

    Reconsideration of Color in Film and Television Art

  2. 这一时期的影视艺术有了较大发展,各种改编作品相继走上银幕。

    In this stage , the film and television art made great development , and many kinds of adaptation works appeared .

  3. 随着我国加入WTO,影视艺术事业得到了长足发展。

    Along with reformation deepen and enter WTO , Film and TV art make great developments in our country .

  4. 澳大利亚影视艺术学院奖设立于1958年,最初是澳大利亚电影协会(AFI)的奖项。

    AACTA , founded in 1958 , was originally the Australian Film Institute ( AFI ) Awards .

  5. 浅谈数字时代的影视艺术

    On the Art of Film and Television in the Digital Time

  6. 它对影视艺术的繁荣发展和提高,都有其不可替代的作用。

    It have irreplaceable effects on developing and prospering visual arts .

  7. 影视艺术的数字化是不争的事实。

    The fact is that film & TV art is digitalized now .

  8. 道家文化与影视艺术

    The Culture of Taoist School and the Art of Film

  9. 影视艺术语言翻译中的信、达、雅问题&兼谈中文影片名的英译

    A Tentative Analysis on English Translation of the Titles of Chinese Movies

  10. 拉曼效应与光孤子通信论影视艺术中的光效设计

    Raman Effect and Optical Soliton Communication On the Light Projecting in Movies

  11. 中国影视艺术教育探索与影视艺术教学模式的建构

    Chinese Film and Art Education and Its Teaching Mode Construction

  12. 摘要:中国动画片是中国影视艺术的重要组成部分。

    Animation is an important part of the Chinese film and television arts .

  13. 影视艺术与小说文体

    Movie and TV Arts and the Style of Novels

  14. 后假定性美学的崛起&试论当代影视艺术与文化的一个重要转向

    An Important Change in Contemporary Film Art and Culture

  15. 影视艺术自诞生起就积极汲取其他艺术门类的营养。

    Since the birth of Television Arts actively learn from other arts nutrition .

  16. 数字影视艺术的范式转换

    The Paradigm Shift of Digital Film and TV Art

  17. 高等影视艺术教育人才培养模式改革探究

    A Study of Talent Training Model of Higher Education of Film and Television Arts

  18. 嬗变:影视艺术的文化特性思考

    Transformation : Thoughts on the Cultural Characteristics in the Art of Film and Television

  19. 以实践转化为落点的影视艺术本科教育教学模式

    An undergraduate education and teaching mode of film TV art targeting at practice transformation

  20. 从当下影视艺术市场看,喜剧占了很大比重。

    Comedy has accounted for a large proportion in the present art film market .

  21. 影视艺术在美育中有重要地位。

    The art of movie and TV has an important position in aesthetic education .

  22. 从发生学的视角俯瞰,影视艺术本体中带有戏剧基因,其内在的戏剧性应是影视艺术意象的有机组成部分。

    Drama is a component part of the images of TV and movie arts .

  23. 论我国影视艺术市场与营销

    Marketing of Our Film & Television Product

  24. 论影视艺术中声音的美学特性

    On Aesthetic Features of Sound in Movie

  25. 文学幻化中的美丽&中国当代影视艺术的审美文化品格

    Beauty in Illusion & The Aesthetic Cultural Character of Chinese Contemporary Movie and TV Arts

  26. 影视艺术最终沦为病理的麻醉品,而不再是审美。

    Finally the art becomes the narcotic of the pathology , but no longer aesthetics .

  27. 影视艺术亚文化形态构成论

    The Sub-culture System of Movie Art

  28. 影视艺术与影视文学

    Movie & TV Art and Literature

  29. 浅谈影视艺术作品所呈现的教育特点

    Humble Opinion on the Educational Features Prevailed on the Artistic Works in Films and TV Programs

  30. 论影视艺术中的光效设计

    On the Light Projecting in Movies