
yǐng bì
  • screen wall;screen wall facing the gate;wall with carved murals
影壁 [yǐng bì]
  • (1) [screen wall facing the gate ]∶大门内或屏门内的做屏蔽的墙壁,也有木制的,下有底座,可以移动,上面像屋脊

  • (2) [wall with carved murals]∶指塑有各种形象的墙壁

影壁[yǐng bì]
  1. 最后对影壁和玄关的借鉴传承关系作了简要分析。

    Finally , the screen wall and entrance of the reference transmission has been analyzed .

  2. 进了二门,就见一面青砖影壁出现在面前。

    After going through the inner gate , I saw a black screen wall in front of me .

  3. 英才怏怏不乐地走过去,坐在爬满黄蔷薇的影壁旁的石凳上。

    Reluctantly , Bold Talent walked over to sit on the stone bench beside the screen of climbing yellow rose .

  4. 影壁上镌刻有虫鱼草木莲花龙头图案,弥漫着浓浓的民族气息。

    Screen wall is inscribed with insects , fish , vegetation , leading lotus pattern , filled with a strong ethnic flavor .

  5. 及至我回来,小鸟已不见了。我向外院跑去,小猫在影壁前的花盆旁蹲着呢。

    I ran to the outer yard and saw the kitten crouching by a flower pot in front of the screen wall .

  6. 地铁6号线列车振动引起历代帝王庙影壁动力响应的预测

    Ascend the throne , ie become king or queen Dynamic Response Prediction of Temple of Ancient Monarchs Induced by Metro Line 6 Vibration

  7. 这期的展览-“影壁”,是她在巴黎•北京摄影空间去年展出的那一系列作品“新金砖”(装置)的扩展与延伸。

    Foundations is an expansion on her installation series , The New Golden Brick , which was unveiled at Paris-Beijing one year ago .

  8. “北边立着一个粉油大影壁,后有一半大门,小小一所房室.”这一部分人数甚多,大概占小资产阶级的一半。

    " on the north a big screen wall painted white , behind which was a small door leading to an apartment . " This section is very numerous , making up about one-half of the petty bourgeoisie .

  9. 附加品有“白气球”婚纱租赁(165美元)、气球花饰(11美元)、气球婚礼蛋糕(88美元)和一个粉色麦当劳影壁(321美元)。

    Extras include a " white balloon " gown rental ( US $ 165 ), balloon corsage ( US $ 11 ), a balloon wedding cake ( US $ 88 ), and a pink McDonalds backdrop ( US $ 321 ) .

  10. 分析了传统建筑中影壁的起源、地区分布以及影壁的样式、规格、雕刻技艺,指出影壁在传统建筑中作为小品建筑元素具有功能性与艺术性的双重属性。

    It analyzes the origin , distribution by area , style , specification , sculpture skill of the screen wall in the Chinese traditional architecture , and points out that screen wall having two attributes that are function and artistry as the second architecture in the traditional architecture .