
  • 网络influence economy
  1. 因此,有必要引入影响力经济的概念去解释媒介的赢利机制。

    So it is necessary to introduce the concept of influence economy to explain the profit mechanism of mass media .

  2. 这是史学意义的思考。第三部分引用了影响力经济、差异化竞争、整合行销传播等几个理论来分析中国广告经营增效的方向与途径,这是学理层面的思考。

    The third part applies such approaches as force economy , dissimilar competition and IMC into the analysis on the channels to increase benefit in newspaper ad-marketing .

  3. 向其它国家提供FDI的国家通常被认为是具备影响力的经济大国。

    Countries that supply FDI to other nations are perceived to have clout as economic players .

  4. 世界贸易组织(WTO)是独立于联合国的永久性国际组织,也是当今世界上最有影响力的经济联合体。

    WTO is the permanent international organization independent from the UN and the most influential economic association in the current world .

  5. 传统时期,权威性资源(AuthoritativeResources)即行政力量的资源对城市的影响力远在经济力量之上。

    In traditional period , the Authoritative Resources namely the resource of administrative power is more powerful than economy upon the influence on cities .

  6. 他们更愿意扩大在行业中处于领先地位的国有企业的影响力和经济活动范围。

    They prefer to enhance the clout and economic reach of state-backed companies at the top of the pecking order .

  7. 亚太经合组织是本地区最有影响力的经济论坛,也是世界上最具活力的经济合作组织之一。

    APEC is the most influential economic forum in our region and one of the most dynamic organizations for economic cooperation in the world .

  8. 摘要东南亚华人的结构性权力来源于五个权力资源,即政治影响力、经济实力、人口、文化和族群凝聚力。

    The structural power of overseas Chinese comes from four sources : political influences , economic power , population , culture and ethnic cohesive force .

  9. 从法律文化传统影响力,经济转型期防卫社会的内在要求,非犯罪化和非刑罚化国际潮流等多个视角,进一步指出劳动教养存在的客观现实合理性。

    From the followed three aspect , influence of traditional law culture , economy transformation and international trend of uncriminal and internal demand , it is further pointed the realism and rationality for the existence for Reeducation-through-labor .

  10. 在短短几年时间里,有七大经济体组成的七国集团扩大为八国集团,之后二十国集团的规模也扩大了,吸纳了金砖四国和其它有影响力的经济体。

    In the space of a few years , the Group of Seven ( G7 ) major economies expanded to the G8 , then the G20 with the inclusion of the BRICs and other newly influential economies .

  11. 但这些想法算不上真正的宣言;相反,他强调,监管机构仍试图找出,在一个最具影响力的经济和金融理论遭遇相当彻底的火车失事之后,该如何是好。

    But those ideas are not really a manifesto ; instead , he stresses that regulators are still trying to work out what to do after a fairly complete train wreck of a predominant theory of economics and finance .

  12. 文章通过对调查问卷的解读,分析了目前中国建筑师的职业状态、职业责权,职业影响力、经济地位、文化地位、职业理想、职业的社会关系、职业发展预期等与建筑师职业身份有关的问题。

    Based on analysis of the questionnaires , this essay tries to look into the issues about architects ' career , such as the state of their careers , obligation , influence , economic status , cultural responsibility , career vision , social relationship , and development opportunities .

  13. 巴黎是五星级俱乐部创建成员之一,所有你阅读的调查报告都会显示,就财力、竞争力、全球影响力以及经济实力而言,它始终稳居前五名。

    Paris is a founding member of the 5-star club . Whichever survey or report you 're looking at , Paris is always up there in the top five cities in the world in terms of wealth , competitiveness , global power , and economic power . This is the brochure .

  14. 事实上,这大概是我们这个时代最具影响力的宏观经济理论。

    It is , in fact , probably the most influential macroeconomic theory of our time .

  15. 2010年在上海举办的世博会是一次规模空前,影响力巨大的经济、科技、文化领域的盛会。

    The 2010 Shanghai EXPO is an unprecedented and influential event of economics , technology and culture .

  16. 中国奇迹带来的兴奋感可能已经消散,但中国将依然是一个具有影响力的超级经济大国。

    The thrill of the Chinese miracle may be gone , but the country will remain an influential economic superpower .

  17. 它强大的影响力突破了经济领域的界限,迅速波及政治、意识形态的众多领域。

    It breaks through the strong influence the economic field boundaries , spread rapidly across the political , ideological many other fields .

  18. 这其中,汉语普通话规范化的影响力、语言经济原则、原型范畴理论和家族相似性起到直接的作用。

    The influence of the standard Chinese , language economic principle , the prototype category theory and family resemblance play a direct role in it .

  19. 由于提出了用新国际储备货币取代美元来减轻人民币升值压力的建议,周小川成为中国影响力在全球经济中日益增长的真实写照。

    S.dollar and resisting pressure on China to appreciate its Yuan , Zhou is a living embodiment of China 's growing clout in the global economy .

  20. 城市是国家和地区的政治、经济、文化中心,人口稠密,社会影响力大,经济含量高,财产集中。

    City is a center of politics , economy and culture of nation and region . It has densely populate , social influence , concentrated property and wealth .

  21. 现代服务业已经成为当今社会重要的组成部分,对其他产业有巨大的影响力,对经济的发展也有巨大的拉动力。

    Modern service industry has become the most important part of society , to other industries has great influence on the economic development and has a huge pulling power .

  22. 近代旅游始于十九世纪,在世界跨入21世纪之际,旅游已成为世界范围内最有影响力的社会经济事件之一。

    Modern tourism started in the 19th century . Till the threshold of the new millennium , tourism industry has made great advancement and has been one of the most influential social-economic affairs in the world .

  23. 由于企业家能够从所嵌入的网络中获得信息优势,甚至可通过在网络中形成影响力最终产生经济效益,因此社会网络通过提供更广泛的多元化知识链接成为管理创新知识获取的重要渠道。

    Since the embedded social network offers managers with not only information advantage but also economic benefit , it becomes the important channel for managers to gain knowledge on management innovation through extensive and diversified knowledge links .

  24. 德国昨日拒绝分担困境中的欧元区同伴的债务负担。在欧盟峰会前夕,两大最具影响力的国际经济组织对巴黎、罗马和布鲁塞尔方面力挺的一些建议表示支持,但德国置之不理。

    Germany refused to share the debt burden of stressed eurozone peers yesterday , ignoring two of the most influential international economic bodies which offered support for proposals championed by Paris , Rome and Brussels ahead of a summit .

  25. 由于彼此间的政治差异,金砖国家作为一个集团难以产生政治影响力,甚至在经济问题上都是如此,比如在国际货币基金组织(imf)改革问题上。

    Divided by their political differences , these nations have struggled to give the BRIC grouping political clout , even on economic questions , such as the reform of the International Monetary Fund .

  26. 事实上,金融市场有重要的影响力,足以左右经济走势。

    Indeed , financial markets play a key role in determining how economic events unfold .

  27. 据认为,。这些国家的实力和影响力正在改变世界经济和政治现实。

    It 's thought that these countries'powers and influences are changing world 's economy and politic .

  28. 实力;影响力美国重视其经济领导地位以及随之产生的政治和军事实力。

    America values its economic leadership , and the political and military strength that goes with it .

  29. 她的影响力不仅仅局限在经济领域,还有政治、工业、旅游业和体育方面。

    It is not only in economic field , but also in political , industrial , tourism and sport ones .

  30. 提升学术核心影响力,是知识经济时代教学机构的重大任务。

    One of the most important tasks of an educational institute during the time of knowledge economy is to strengthen the key influence .