
  • 网络Small Party;minor party
  1. 在初选中,贝尔萨尼与一个比他更左的小党结盟,而且迎合大型工会联合会。

    In the primaries , Mr Bersani made an ally of a small party to his left and cosied up to the big trade union federations .

  2. 余下的席位则分别由一系列小党获得。

    The remaining seats have been won by an array of smaller parties .

  3. 这是一个憎恨多元文化社会的右翼小党。

    It 's a small right-wing party that hates the idea a of a multicultural society .

  4. 演员扮演的美人鱼和希腊勇士懒洋洋围绕服装的小党比在万圣节的好。

    Actors playing mermaids and Greek warriors lounged around in costumes little better than those at a Halloween party .

  5. 具有讽刺意味的是,贝卢斯科尼也自食苦果。他发现在自己联盟中越来越难控制那些小党了。

    Ironically , it is also hurting Mr Berlusconi , who finds it increasingly hard to control small parties in his coalition .

  6. 其比例代表制助长了小党的生存和发展,推动了纳粹党的发展壮大;

    Its system of the proportional representatives made it easy that the little parties existed and developed . It also promoted the development of the Nazi .

  7. 中国是大国,党是大党,也没有理由看不起小国小党。

    Although China is a big country and ours is a big Party , there is no reason to look down on small countries or small parties .

  8. 有44年历史的为泰党在有5百个席位的议会选举中赢得265个席,为泰党还联合其他小党而成为掌握了300个席位的执行多数党。

    The44-year-old 's Pheu Thai Party won265 seats in the house and joined minor parties to hold a ruling majority of300 seats in the500 member House of Representatives .

  9. 地方小团体是该党的主力。

    The small local groups are the backbone of the party .

  10. 二战后,不管是作为基民盟还是社民党的执政小伙伴,自民党几乎每届都参与联盟执政。

    The FDP was once part of almost every post-war government , as junior partner of either the CDU or the SPD .