
  • 网络Seeking truth;seek truth;realistic
  1. 井冈山精神蕴含的求是价值,奠定了新时期党的思想路线的根基;

    Its value of seeking truth has laid a solid foundation for the party 's political course .

  2. 依据事实求是,因地制宜的原则构建豫东农村体育内容新体系。

    Six , according to the principle of seeking truth from facts , adjust measures to construct eastern rural sports content is new system .

  3. 比较事实求是的回答当是:他们今不如昔。

    A fair answer would be : less than before .

  4. 浙江大学:求是创新。

    Zhejiang University : Seek Truth and Be Creative .

  5. 公司以诚信,务实,求是,开拓创新为原则。

    Companies to be honest , pragmatic , and yes , the principle of innovation .

  6. 本着“诚信、稳健、求是、创新”的企业精神。

    In the " integrity , stability , and yes , innovative " spirit of enterprise .

  7. 本文共分五章,内容设计拟突出求事与求是两个方面。

    The content design intends to highlight the two aspects of seeking things and seeking truths .

  8. 最后我们在多媒体的数据广播服务平台上开展一个典型的服务应用。我们在自己开发的平台上实现了浙江大学求是网上学园(广电在线)的应用。

    At last , we implemented an application of distance learning on our Multimedia Data Broadcast Service Platform .

  9. 企业精神:求是、务实、进取、创优的企业精神;

    Enterprise spirit : " Factuality , Working hard and concretely , Enterprising , Creating high quality " .

  10. 事实包括客体事实和价值事实,从事实中求是的认识活动就包括认知活动和评价活动。

    Facts include object facts and value facts . Activities to seek truth from facts include cognition and evaluation .

  11. 它激励人们驱除愚昧,求是创新,并不断推动着社会的进步。

    It also encourages people to banish the fatuity , to be creative and push the social progress continuously .

  12. 在比较中凸出其自由观的创新性及其贡献,事实求是地分析其理论的局限性。

    Protrude its view of liberty innovation and contribution in comparison , and seek the truth from analysis of his theoretical limitations .

  13. 浙江大学建筑设计研究院始终秉承浙江大学求是创新的文化。

    The culture " Exploring truth and Making innovation " of Zhejiang University is carried through in its architectural design and research institute .

  14. 公司本着“务实、求是、协作、创新”的企业精神为客户提供优质的产品和一流的技术服务。

    Companies in " pragmatic , and yes , collaboration , innovative " spirit of enterprise customers to provide quality products and first-class technical services .

  15. “锐意创新、开拓进取、谦诚守信、务实求是”是本公司的宗旨,愿以高品质的产品,真诚一流的服务,诚交海内外朋友。

    Innovating , exploiting , trustworthy , practicing'is our policy , we will provide products with high quality , sincere service as friendly as we can .

  16. 具有无所畏惧的批判精神,求实、求是精神,创新精神,反潮流精神;

    Have criticism spirit of having nothing to fear , realistic , seeking truth spirit , initiative spirit , it is spiritual to go against the tide ;

  17. 女人第一愿望所求是英俊,与之相同的结果,男人要最现成地得到女人的友情是夸耀她的美丽。

    Woman 's first wish is to be handsome , and that consequently the readiest of obtaining her kindness is to praise her beauty . ( No.189 )

  18. 我以身作则务实求是的工作原则,诚实宽容的做人原则以及工作能力赢得了老师同学的信任与支持。

    I got the trust and support from my teachers and classmates with my exampling and realistic working principle , honest and tolerant human prinsiple , and working ability .

  19. 校训:求是创新(突出)浙江大学外国语言文化与国际交流学院浙江大学的24个学院之一,拥有一流的师资和教学设施。

    Rules and Precepts : Seeking the truth and Innovation School of International Studies One of the24 colleges in Zhejiang University , which is owning top-ranking teachers and teaching facilities .

  20. 教师应该爱国敬业、献身教育,严谨笃学、求是创新,热爱学生、教书育人,好学力行、为人师表,关心集体、团结协作;

    All the teachers should be patriotic as well practical and realistic , devote himself into education , make innovations in teaching , concern with collective and cooperate with each other .

  21. 这本书对浙大“求是创新”的大学精神的凝聚彰显,会启发有心的读者去思考、去揣摩、去探索在战乱中崛起的浙大文化、浙大精神的当下意义。

    It can inspire careful readers to think , elaborate and explore the present significance of Zhejiang University 's culture and spirit that twisted and rose gradually from the war and chaos .

  22. 构建素质教育评价制度,要体现主体性原则、创新性原则、开放性原则、全面性原则、全体性原则、求是性原则。

    In building the quality-oriented education system of appraisal , we should embody the following principles : the characteristics of subject , innovation and opening , generality , entirety and the characteristic of seeking truth .

  23. 我们将继续本着“务实求是、不断创新、统一管理、互利互赢共同发展,追求卓越品质,创造优质品牌”的精神。

    We will continue the spirit of " seeking a pragmatic , innovative , unified management , mutual benefit and win and common development , the pursuit of excellent quality , and create high-quality brand " .

  24. 信息运用于决策的过程就是实事求是的过程。实事是信息,是是最终的决策,求是通过信息分析,做出决策。

    " Facts " are information , " Yes " is the ultimate decision-making , " seeking " through information analysis , decision-making . Of information in decision-making process is " seeking truth from facts " process .

  25. 在此希望新老客户重视亿丰彩灯品牌形象,事实求是,精益求精,稳走商业大道,携手共创辉煌。

    Hope here that old and new customers pay attention to hundred million abundant color lamp brand images , fact Seeking Truth , keep improving , leave in the commercial main road steadily , create brilliance hand in hand .

  26. 这一诉求是和新时期以来把现代化再度作为民族国家建设的目标这一想象同构的,或者说它是一种策略,通过这种诉求和策略来达到一种新的自我认同以及国家认同。

    Such an appeal was compatible with the target of modernization for the national construction since the new period , or in other words , it was a strategy by which a new self-acceptance and national acceptance could be reached .

  27. 现行刑事证明标准在事实求是证据制度下确立为案件事实清楚,证据确实、充分。此标准被我国法学界界定为客观真实标准。

    At present , the criminal proof standard is under the system to " facts of the case are clear , the evidence is indeed full . " This standard is defined as the standard for objective truth by our jurisprudence .

  28. 略高于44%的受访者说他们觉得疲劳,据《洞察中国》的最新报道,一份由中共中央委员会的机关刊物《求是》监管的杂志。

    A little over 44 percent of respondents said they feel fatigued , according to a latest report by Insight China , a magazine administered by Qiushi , the flagship magazine of the Communist Party of China ( CPC ) Central Committee .

  29. 建构思想政治教育学基本范畴及其系统要坚持五个基本原则,即客观全面性原则、实践求是性原则、动态开放性原则、创新前瞻性原则和系统综合性原则。

    There are five basic principles that should be insisted in construction of basic categories and their system : objective and overall principle , practical principle , dynamic and open principle , innovatory and forecasting principle , and systematic and comprehensive principle .

  30. 新形势新任务以及思想政治工作的现实状况,要求思想政治工作者必须具有科学思维方式,科学思维方式中首推求实求是创新初、中、高三级思维方式。

    The new situation , new tasks and the reality of our ideological and political work demand that the ideological and political workers must be good at thinking in a scientific way . It means seeking facts , seeking truth and bringing forth new ideas .