
  1. 求新心理、流行色与艺术设计

    Psychology of Seeking New , Popular Colour and Art Design

  2. 受众追随与求新的心理共同影响电视剧气质的发展。

    Thus different mentalities of audience influence the development of TV series ' temperament together .

  3. 受众心理主要表现为求知、好奇、求新等心理规律。

    The psychology of audience mainly manifests the psychological laws such as seeking knowledge , curiosity , creation and so on .

  4. 受众追随的心理促使电视剧创作追随前代作品,产生出一批气质相近的电视剧,受众求新的心理又推动电视剧气质的创新,在已有的模式中进行开拓。

    The mentality of following makes TV series ' creation follow previous generations , produce batch of works which has similar temperament . The mentality of newness promotes the innovation of TV series ' temperament .

  5. 俏皮话被人们广泛使用,除其自身特点外,主要与人们追求轻松愉悦环境的心理、模仿心理、求新求异心理等社会心理有关。

    The witticism is widely used by the people , not only due to its own feature , but also to meet people 's social psychologies such as pursuing pleasure , imitating , and running after the novelty .

  6. 新编辑手记求新求异的心理变化;

    The change of psychology to new things ;

  7. 仿拟辞格作为一种仿照现成言语现象造出的新言语现象,符合人们求新求异的心理。

    As a new language phenomenon created by modeling a ready-made phenomenon , meet the psychological difference and novelty of the people today .

  8. 但是因为人有求新求异的心理特点,随着新的审美需求的产生,会对审美功能产生新的要求,然后把旧的审美更换掉。

    But because people have difference and novelty of the psychological characteristics , with the new esthetic demand generation , On the aesthetic function of creating new requirements , Then the old aesthetic replaced .

  9. 也正是在这种背景下,网络语言获得了格外充足的生存理由和格外宽广的生存空间,青少年求新求异的心理状态,使得他们成为推动网络语言流行的主力军。

    It is just for this reason that the network language wins the particularly adequate development justification and the very wide survival living space , youth novelty requesting different state of mind , make them become the main promoting force , and the network language become more popular .

  10. 数字缩略语发展的语言动因有音节长度的优化选择、构成方式多样和能产性强;社会动因有社会环境的变化、说话人的求新求简的心理、受话人的能动作用等。

    The language cause contains the optimized selection of syllables length , various composition methods and high productivity . The social factor includes the change of social environment , the innovation and simplicity mind from speakers , the listeners ' dynamic role and so on .

  11. 它主要是由于求新、求变的心理,避俗求雅的心理,男女性别差异心理,崇拜心理,顺应、迎合心理而导致的。

    It is mainly the psychology of seeking curiosity and change , the psychology of avoiding vulgar language and seeking elegant language , the psychology of sexual differences between male and female , the psychology of worship , the psychology of adaptation that lead to language deviation .