
  • 网络courtship behavior;courtship behaviour;courtship;calling behavior
  1. 求偶行为还具有多种功能。

    Courtship behavior has many functions .

  2. 求偶行为是动物的一种本能,是动物繁殖的一个重要环节。

    Courtship behavior is an instinct in animals and plays a very important role in reproduction .

  3. 光因子对棉铃虫(Helicoverpaarmigera)雌蛾性信息素产生及其求偶行为的影响

    Effects of light factors on sex pheromone produce and femal 's calling behavior of Helicoverpa armigera

  4. 当把第2日龄的雌蛾从14L∶10D光周期转移到连续黑暗下时,雌蛾表现的求偶行为和性信息素产生与14L∶10D下相似,均表现出明显的节律;

    Virgin females shifted to continuous dark from 14L ∶ 10D as 2 day old adults showed similar temporal patterns of both calling and pheromone production to those of moths held continuously at 14L ∶ 10D .

  5. 2003年及2004年3~6月在河南郑州市区对夜鹭(Nycticoraxnycticorax)的求偶行为进行了观察。

    The courtship displays of Black-crowned Night Herons ( Nycticorax nycticorax ) were observed in urban area of Zhengzhou , Henan Province from March to June , 2003 and 2004 . Male herons occupied territories and displayed a variety of stereotyped behaviors .

  6. 当转移到连续光照下时,求偶行为变得不活泼和不规则,而产生的性信息素量却等于或高于14L∶10D光周期下所产生的性信息素量。

    This result indicates that both events have a circadian periodicity . When moths were shifted to continuous light at day 2 , calling became inactive and irregular , whereas pheromone titres were equal or higher than those of moths under 14L ∶ 10D .

  7. 郑州地区夜鹭的求偶行为

    Courtship Display of Nycticorax nycticorax in Zhengzhou , China

  8. 鸟类的求偶行为及其生物学意义

    Birds ' Courtship Display Behaviour and Its Biological Significance

  9. 但是拍摄羞怯的雌鸟和求偶行为

    but filming the timid female and courtship behaviour

  10. 它的雌激素受体的变体,不过,有两方面的数字比和求偶行为产生重大影响。

    Its oestrogen-receptor variant , however , had a significant impact on both digit ratio and courtship behaviour .

  11. 而且这个考察的起点是观察自然界动物的求偶行为。

    To elabrate on a behavior of love should start from the observation of animals in the nature .

  12. 扼要概述了鸟类求偶行为的主动性、多样性及求偶行为的生物学意义。

    This article illustrates briefly the initiative , diversity of birds ' courtship display behaviour and its biologic significance .

  13. 甜菜夜蛾雌蛾求偶行为及性信息素产生的时间节律(英文)

    Diel rhythms of calling behavior and sex pheromone production of beet armyworm , Spodoptera exigua ( lepidoptera : noctuidae )

  14. 结果表明,雌蛾求偶行为和性信息素滴度均呈明显的昼夜节律,且均在暗期的中后期达到高峰。

    Both calling behavior and titers of 4 sex pheromone components showed distinct diel rhythms , and the two peak periods were synchronous .

  15. 科学家记录下了实验室内所谓的亲代求偶行为。这时动物展示它们的育儿技巧来求偶。

    Scientists documented what is known as parental courtship behavior in the lab. That 's when an animal shows off its parenting skills to attract a mate .

  16. 尽管许多同伴鹦鹉在求偶行为中会限制一些“性”的行为,其中包括咀嚼,饮食和喂养,但许多鸟类会更加公开地寻求满足。

    Although many companion parrots limit " sexual " behaviors to courtship behaviors , including chewing , eating , and feeding , many birds will more overtly seek gratification .

  17. 对红腹锦鸡的求偶行为、繁殖情况、种群密度、越冬生态、栖息地植被类型、生境利用及其季节变化等生态学研究较多;

    At present , many studies involved on the action of estrous , reproduction , population density , living ecology in winter , vegetation type of habitat , usage of ecology and seasonal variation in ecology field etc.

  18. 结果表明,杀虫剂对雌蛾的求偶行为不产生明显影响,对照组和杀虫剂处理组雌蛾的求偶高峰均为第3个暗期的8~8.5h,求偶率均可达73%~82%。

    The results showed that pyrethroids had no effect on the calling behavior s of the survivors , and 73 % - 82 % calling behavior appeared at 8-8.5h after the initiation of darkness at the third scotophase on the treated and untreated females as well .

  19. 动物求偶喂食行为的生物学功能与进化

    Biological Functions and Evolutions of Courtship Feeding in Animals

  20. 黄腹角雉求偶炫耀行为

    Courtship display behaviour of cabot 's Tragopan

  21. 黑颈长尾雉求偶炫耀行为分正面求偶炫耀和侧面求偶炫耀。

    The courtship display of Syrmaticus humiae was divided into two types : the frontal courtship display and the side courtship display .

  22. 雄性求偶炫耀行为可分为初发情炫耀、深发情炫耀、交配前炫耀和交配后炫耀四种形式。

    The male courtship behavior falls into four categories : early heat flaunt , deep heat flaunt , before mating flaunt , and after mating flaunt .

  23. 求偶、攻击行为仅在繁殖期(4、5月份)出现。

    Attacking and courtship only appeared in breeding period .

  24. 列举了芫菁亚科5族13属34种芫菁的性行为,并讨论了雄成虫在形态构造上对求偶和交配行为的适应性行为。

    The specialization of male morphological structures in courtship behavior and mating behavior of 5 tribes , 13 genera , 34 species were discussed .

  25. 昆虫求偶鸣曲的行为特征与功能及其生态学意义

    Characteristics and Function of Courtship Song of Insects and Its Ecological Significances