
xìn hào cì jī
  • signal stimulus
  1. 细胞生命活动需要信息物质的刺激,一旦失去信号刺激,细胞就缺乏生活力。

    Living activities of cell require the stimulation of information objects . If one once loses the signal stimulus , cells lack the activities .

  2. 结论缺氧缺血作为一种信号刺激VEGF在神经细胞内表达增加;

    Conclusions Hypoxia-ischemic as a signal stimulate the expression of VEGF in nerve cells .

  3. 脉冲信号刺激穴位促进Dixon手术后肠功能恢复

    Promoting Effect of Impulse Message at Acupoints on Intestinal Recovery Following Dixon Operation

  4. 方法应用放射免疫方法观察在容量负荷后不同时间点大鼠心肌中cAMP、cGMP的变化以及在慢性容量超负荷基础上给予急性容量负荷时cAMP、cGMP对机械信号刺激的应答反应。

    Methods The time of cAMP and cGMP content on the model of rat cardiac volume overload hypertrophy were examined by RIA study .

  5. 结论脉冲信号刺激穴位对术后胃肠功能恢复具有一定的促进作用,其机理可能和穴位经刺激后促使机体增加释放MOT、CCK量有关。

    Conclusion Acupuncture impulse message is effective for post-operation intestinal recovery possibly by releasing MOT and CCK .

  6. 在受到炎症信号刺激的情况下,MSC会募集到发生炎症损伤的部位,通过分泌细胞因子,趋化因子和细胞外基质蛋白质,降低局部炎症损伤,参与到局部炎症部位的修复和再生。

    Under stress conditions , MSC home to sites of injury whereby they decrease local inflammation and participate to tissue repair and regeneration by secretion of cytokines , chemokines and extracellular matrix proteins .

  7. 在肿瘤微环境中信号刺激下DC能浸润肿瘤组织,分布在肿瘤部位的DC,又叫肿瘤浸润性DC(tumorinfiltratingdendriticcell,TIDC)。

    DC can infiltrate into the tumor tissue under stimulation of various signals within the tumor microenvironment , which is named as tumor infiltrating dendritic cell ( TIDC ) . Tumor infiltrated by DC reflects the interaction between a developing tumor and the host immune system .

  8. 在输出域中针对控制任务采用强化Hebb学习机制,实现不同的神经元以最佳方式响应不同性质的信号刺激。

    And the reinforced Hebb Synaptic Modification is used as the self-learning method to make the neurons in different fields to respond to the different stimulus in the best way .

  9. 二是免疫抑制性,表现在经TCR介导的信号刺激活化以后能够抑制自身T细胞的活化和增殖,但其在体内发挥免疫调节功能、维持自身免疫耐受的详细机制目前尚不清楚。

    Secondly : immunosuppressive It performances to inhibit the activation and proliferation in the TCR-mediated activation signals to stimulate their own after the T cells , but in the body exert its immunomodulatory function , and the mechanism to maintain their own detailed immune tolerance are not clear .

  10. 如果没有足够的共刺激信号刺激,T细胞表现为失能、耐受和凋亡。

    Without sufficient co-stimulation , T cells are rendered anergy , tolerance or apoptosis .

  11. 用小波变换去除瞬态诱发耳声发射信号刺激伪迹的方法研究

    Wavelet based study of the reduction of the stimulus artifact in the signal of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions

  12. 所有这些内质网相关反应都是各种应激信号刺激内质网,引起多种内质网应激基因表达的结果。

    All these events are results of expression of endoplasmic reticulum stress genes , in response to various stresses .

  13. 特定靶蛋白的翻译后修饰对其执行细胞功能有重要作用,是细胞对生长、分化和应激等信号刺激所产生的调节功能的一种反应。

    Post-translational modifications of target proteins are important for these proteins to execute their cellular functions and enable cells to respond to stimuli .

  14. 因此,Ca2+在内质网和线粒体两个细胞器之间的周转增加可能会损坏线粒体,这样可以增强癌细胞对凋亡信号刺激的感受性。

    Thus , increased Ca2 + turnover between the two organelles might damage mitochondria , accounting for the increased susceptibility of cancer cells to apoptotic stimuli .

  15. 在周期信号刺激下,两个具有相同参数原处于混沌状态的神经元可以实现完全同步,且可以同步到不同于刺激信号频率的周期响应上;

    When periodic stimulation is used , the full synchronization is realized in two identical neurons , and the synchronized response of modulated neurons can be different from the stimulation signal ;

  16. 这种精密神经刺激仪目前是被美国食品药品管理局准许的用准确的微小电子信号刺激脊髓束以缓解疼痛感觉的治疗方法。

    The Precision neurostimulator is currently FDA approved for spinal cord to treat chronic pain by precisely delivering tiny electrical signals to the spinal cord that mask the perception of pain .

  17. 根据处理结果,输出相应剂量和频率的电脉冲信号刺激尿道括约肌和逼尿肌,以达到治疗女性压力性、急迫性和混合性尿失禁的目的。

    According to the results of process , the corresponding dose and frequency of electro-pulse signals will be output to stimulate the urethral detrusor-sphincter to treat the female stress , urgent and mixed urinary incontinence .

  18. 近年来研究发现,线粒体在整合各种死亡信号刺激、决定细胞命运的过程中起着枢纽的作用。因此通过多种机制保护线粒体为缺血性脑血管病治疗提供新的思路。

    In recent years , it is regarded that the mitochondria plays a pivotal role in the activation of the apoptotic signals transduction and the determination of neurons fate during cerebral ischemia . So protecting mitochondria by various mechanisms might be a new approach to treat ICVD .

  19. p53基因的突变可能通过细胞内一条或多条信号通路刺激survivin的表达。

    Mutation of p53 may stimulate the expression of survivin through one or more signaling pathways .

  20. p53的激活会导致细胞生长的停止或者凋亡,虽然这也依赖于不同条件对下游转录信号的刺激。

    The activation of p53 could bring cells stopping growing or apoptosis , although this depends on activation of downstream transcriptional signals .

  21. 狼疮肾炎患者尿蛋白通过p38丝裂素活化蛋白激酶信号途径刺激近端肾小管上皮细胞上调表达骨调素

    Urinary protein of patients with lupus nephritis up-regulates OPN expression in HK-2 cells through p38 MAPK signaling pathway

  22. 在一些细胞因子、生长因子等细胞外信号的刺激下,肿瘤细胞可以通过EMT获得迁移和侵袭能力,进而形成远位转移灶。

    Cancer cells can acquire the capabilities of migration and invasion by EMT stimulated by some extracellular signals , such as cytokines and growth factors , and then form distant metastases .

  23. 结论:短期(2~4d)高糖通过活化ERK1/2信号通路刺激足细胞CTGF的表达,高糖继续培养(6~8d)对足细胞内的CTGF蛋白表达水平没有影响。

    Conclusion : Acute high glucose ( 2-4 days ) stimulated the expression of CTGF protein via ERK_ 1 / 2-dependent signaling pathway in cultured podocytes , while cultured in high glucose for 6-8 days , the podocytes did not increase its CTGF level .

  24. 组成这些信号的刺激各种各样,从光子(光)、神经递质到激素的都有。

    The signal can consist of an astonishing variety of stimuli , from photons ( light ) to neurotransmitters to hormones .

  25. 结果:对记录信号与刺激序列作互相关处理,可以获得局部反应,这些局部反应是视网膜对应部位视功能的客观反映。

    Results : The local responses in multifocal electroretinogram were extracted by cross-correlating the mixed signal with the stimulus sequence and reflected the function in the retina 's different regions .

  26. 抗体工程的进展使得制造不同的重组蛋白成为可能,而这些重组蛋白可以利用抗体结合位点的特异性来操纵肿瘤相关信号及刺激抗肿瘤免疫反应。

    Advances in antibody engineering make it possible to produce various recombinant proteins that exploit the specificity of the antibody-combining site to manipulate tumour-related signalling , and to stimulate anti-tumour immune responses .

  27. 在黄灯信号的刺激下,人们会迅速加快步伐,抢先在红灯亮起前通过路口以获得先发优势,这就是黄灯效应。

    Under the stimulus of the yellow light signal , people will quicken one 's step rapidly , try to obtain the preemptive advantage by getting through the crossing before the red light brighten , this is " Yellow Light Effect " .

  28. CRT信号显示的刺激率和信号率对警觉作业的影响

    The Effects of Event Rate and Signal Rate on Vigilance Performance in CRT Displays

  29. 结论:BOLD信号对视觉刺激频率的依赖性可能受视觉刺激类型的影响。

    Conclusion : This study may suggest that BOLD response depended on the temporal frequency could be influenced by visual stimulus pattern .

  30. AP电突触可将感受部位信号转换成对刺激空间知觉辨识。

    By this mechanism electrical synapses of AP neuron can transform the position information of reception into the spatial discrimination of perception .