
xìn xī tōnɡ dào
  • channel
  1. 该系统方案利用Internet/Intranet/Extranet为信息通道,构建上层Web服务系统,实现现场监控层和远程用户之间通信和具体应用。

    Internet / Intranet / Extranet is considered as transmit channel to build Web Service tie , and to realize the communication and practical application between the local host PC and remote clients .

  2. DAB快速信息通道的解码实现

    Design of DAB Fast Information Channel Decoder

  3. USB设有2种通道:流通道和信息通道;

    USB has two types of pipe : stream pipe and message pipe .

  4. 该系统方案采用Internet/Intranet/Extranet为信息通道,构建上层Web服务系统,实现各现场站间的通信和具体应用;

    The scheme adopts Internet / Intranet / Extranet as information channel for both the construction of upper Web service system , and the achieve of applications and communication between local stations .

  5. 在CATV网络上构建电子政务最关键的是要建立起安全的信息通道,安全的信息通道的建立必须借助于PKI技术。

    The key one is the information passway setting up security to structure the electronic government in CATV network , safe information passway setting-up must be with the aid of PKI technology .

  6. 此外,我们将展示一种方法来对几何图元进行分层并使用透明的传递(pass-through)在图表内创建独立的信息通道。

    Additionally , we show a method of layering geometric primitives and using transparent pass-throughs to create separate channels of information inside the charts .

  7. 由于信息通道的带宽有限,网络控制系统(NCS)在实际应用中不可避免地会发生网络拥塞、诱导时滞以及随机丢包等问题。

    When the network control system ( NCS ) applies in practice , due to the limited bandwidth , such problems as network congestion , derivational time delay and stochastic dropout is inevitable .

  8. 本文重点论述了基于数字机顶盒的SIP视频终端的实现,包括SIP协议栈的实现、呼叫用户的解析、RTP信息通道的建立、SIP网络和其他网络的互联。

    This article elaborated with emphasis based on the digital set-top box SIP video frequency terminal realization , including SIP agreement stack realization , call user 's analysis , RTP data channel establishment , SIP network and other networks interconnections .

  9. 配电网信息通道的特点及应用

    The Characteristics and Application to Information Channel of Power Distribution Net

  10. 企业信息通道是基于消息中间件,负责企业内部数据的交换。

    Enterprise Information Channel is a system that this paper gives .

  11. 公司需要提交一个发展计划和有序的信息通道。

    The company commits to a development plan and to regular communications .

  12. 论学习型组织的信息通道及其增强策略

    A study on information path way and strengthening strategy in learning organization

  13. 配电网自动化和管理信息通道技术的研究与实践

    Research and practice of channel technology in distributive power net and management information system

  14. 它能方便地为企事业与其用户之间铺设一条新的空中信息通道,为企事业更好地了解用户需求提供一个全新的现代化工具。

    It can provide a modernized tool for enterprise to comprehend its users ' requirement .

  15. 胰岛素及其受体在运动、记忆间信息通道作用的研究

    Research on the Function of Insulin Playing the Role of Message Passage between Exercise and Memory

  16. 多路:在一个信息通道上或电脑通路上同时传送多个信号的情况。

    Multiplex : The transmission of multiple signals over a single communication line or computer channel .

  17. 信息通道建设浅谈

    Discussion on Information Channel Construction

  18. 教学内容以单个技术为主,忽略串联技术和战术配合的应用。教学方法仍以传统为主,多信息通道教学法运用少。

    The teaching content is mainly the single technique and ignores the series technique and strategy cooperation .

  19. 建立了集中的信息通道,为企业建立现代化生产模式提供了理论依据和实现方法。

    Set up a centralized information gate , provide theories and methods for modern producing model in enterprise .

  20. 2009年,我们以音乐为信息通道,凭借着文化交互达到心灵的沟通。

    In2009 , we will walk on the road of music , make good culture and spirit communication .

  21. 因此,大脑可能不得不关闭外部信息通道来完成任务。

    The brain , therefore , might have to shut off external inputs to get this job done .

  22. 重点研究了直流电力线信息通道的结构和特征,仿真分析了高频谐波和噪声的干扰。

    This paper mainly studied the structure and characteristics of the channel , analyzed high-frequency harmonics and noise interference .

  23. 读信息通道支持形如ffcpl:/customers这样的资源,该资源会返回请求信息的表示。

    The read information channels support resources such as ffcpl : / customers which return representations of desired information .

  24. 弘扬民族特色打造校园信息通道&浅议民族高校图书馆的发展

    Carrying forward National Characteristics and Setting up Campus Information Passages & On the Development of the Libraries in Universities for Nationalities

  25. 采用CAN总线作为上位机与下位机的交换信息通道,以自定义通信协议进行通信;

    CAN bus is employed as information exchanging channel between host computer and MCU , and self-de-fined protocol is used for communication .

  26. 建立移动体和固定体之间的信息通道越来越引起人们的关注。

    It receives more and more attention from the society to set up an information channel for stationary object and mobile object .

  27. 拥有更多的信息通道和资讯来源,并能充分加以利用的企业往往能在竞争和博弈中占据先手和优势。

    The enterprises which have more information canal and information source can occupy the offensive and advantage in play chess and competition .

  28. 三是要利用计算机及网络等先进科学技术,技术是建立信息通道和载体的基础。

    Is to wait for advanced science and technology using computer and network , technology is the foundation of establishing highway and carrier .

  29. 只有当表述者士子的经验系统与接受者考官的经验系统对接时,修辞话语的信息通道才是畅通的。

    When the experience of the examinee is just same with that of the examiner , the information passage of discourse is unblocked .

  30. 建设监理无序竞争现象主要表现在不规则信息通道;压价竞标、压质服务;

    The phenomenon of disorder competition in construction supervising lies mainly in abnormal information tunnel , low-price bid , low-quality service , bribing bid .