
  • 网络information industry
  1. 90年代我国信息业的发展趋向

    The Development Trends of 1990s Information Industry in Our Country

  2. 信息业&发展现代物流的切入点

    Information industry & intervening points of promoting the development of modern material flow

  3. 面向科技信息业的ERP集成系统研究

    Research on ERP integration system for scientific & technical information service

  4. FDI在中国电子信息业发展中的作用分析

    Analysis to the Effects of FDI Used in Chinese Electronic Department

  5. ACC公司主要从事航空信息业的软件开发,主要产品有定座、离港、货运、结算以及其他相关系统。

    The ACC company specializes in software development for civil aviation industry with its prime products on air ticket booking , passenger process , cargo , account clearance , and other relative systems .

  6. 本论文针对城市信息业发展的评价需求,给出了一个灵活性高、适应性强的城市信息业发展评价决策支持系统(CIDSS),论文中对CIDSS提供的功能、特点、实现进行了详细的描述。

    According to the assessment need of development in city information field , we provides a high flexible and strongly adaptable DSS ( CIDSS ) of evaluate to development in city information field , the functions , characteristics and the implement of CIDSS are described in detail .

  7. 我国电子信息业的国际市场势力:一个实证分析

    Chinese ICT Industries ' Global Market Power : an Empirical Analysis

  8. 上海信息业的希望&上海邮电公共信息网络

    The Hope of Shanghai Information Industry-Shanghai PT Public Information Network

  9. 论西部地区图书馆信息业的建设

    Discuss on the Information Industry Developments of Western Region Library

  10. 网络会计及会计信息业的研究及探讨

    Research of Network Accountancy and Accountancy Information Industry

  11. 另外,也发现以上之影响因素对台湾信息业成功导入供应链有重要影响。

    It is concluded that the above factors are important to Taiwan IT information Industry .

  12. 四川省委、省政府作出了将发展壮大电子信息业作为一号工程来抓的决策,这对实现四川省追赶型、跨越式发展具有重大意义。

    Sichuan'provincial party committee make policies to develop electronic information industry as its No 1 project .

  13. 所以,本文所提及的气象业、气象产业仅指气象信息业或气象信息产业。

    So , meteorology and meteorological industry in this paper only refer to meteorological information industry .

  14. 通信信息业的战略地位十分重要。

    Telecommunications are of strategic importance .

  15. 发展信息业。

    Develop the information industry .

  16. 海洋经济已成为同汽车产业、电子信息业等一样重要的几大产业之一。

    Marine economy have become the one of important industry similar as automobile industry , electronics information industry etc.

  17. 科技第三产业包括科技咨询业、技术服务业和科技信息业三大行业;

    S T third industry consists of S T consult and S T service and S T information industries .

  18. 本文阐述了21世纪信息业发展的作用,第一,信息将成为第一生产力;

    This article illuminates the impacts of twentieth century information industry development First , information is going to be the first productive forces ;

  19. 以三大业务业分割三大市场的时代已经结束,三网融合已成为信息业发展的重要大趋势。

    Three to three business industry , market segmentation is over , " triple play " has become a major information industry development trend .

  20. 通过选取我国电子信息业为考察对象,本文对我国电子信息企业的市场势力现状进行了实证分析。

    This dissertation selected domestic ICT industry as the object to review and make an empirical analysis of actuality of domestic ICT companies ' market power .

  21. 随着信息业的飞速发展,由计算机网络所形成的“虚拟环境”,正在对大学德育工作形成新的挑战。

    With the rapid development of information business , a fictitious environment is challenging the moral education in universities , which is formed form computer network .

  22. 知识经济为高校图书馆信息业发展提供了良好的契机,但当前高校图书馆的信息服务业发展步伐仍很缓慢,存在较多问题。

    Knowledge economy has provided the developing opportunity to information industry of university library . But information service industry of university library still has many problems .

  23. 信息业的蓬勃发展,使得信息化网络环境的危险品物流管理成为可能。

    With the development of the information industry , it is possible to manage the logistics of the transportation of the dangerous products in the informational network environment .

  24. 红外图像处理是当今一个方兴未艾的技术领域,在信息业正显示出它极大的应用前景。

    Infrared imagery processing is the area of technology which is on the rise now , and which is demonstrating its enormous application prospect in the information industries .

  25. 本论文以产业生态学的角度和循环经济的理念,剖析了苏州高新区电子信息业的现状及问题。

    Based on the idea of industrial ecology and circular economy , status quo and competition of electronic and information ( industry ) in Suzhou High-Tech Zone are analyzed .

  26. 光纤通信为迅速发展的信息业提供了一种上乘的信息传输技术,并且已经成为国家信息基础设施建设的重要组成部分。

    Optical communication supplies the rapidly developing IT ( information technology ) industry with an optimal information transmitting technique and has become an important part of the national information infrastructure .

  27. 我们对信息业一方面要加强投入、加强创新,另一方面要加强规范,加强管理,将人类文明带入一个崭新阶段。

    On one hand we should strengthen the input and innovation for information industry , on the other hand we should strengthen management and lead the human civilization to a new stage .

  28. 数字技术的广泛应用引发了计算机网络与信息业的革命,使社会的政治、经济、教育、法律制度等发生了深刻的变革。

    As the common use of digital technology , which started the revolution of computer network and intelligence industry , social politics , economy , education , law have been experiencing great change .

  29. 随着现代信息业、交通业的高度发展,多样统一的世界性建筑文化迅速超越地域界限,致使地方建筑风格不断淡化;

    With the modern information industry , high development of the communications , various and unified world building culture surmounts the region demarcation line rapidly , cause the local architectural style to desalinize constantly ;

  30. 整个信息业的市场缺陷是我们这个时代的根本趋势之一,这种缺陷具有长期、深远的影响,而且正在我们眼前发生。

    The market failure of the entire information sector is one of the fundamental trends of our time , with far-reaching long-term effects , and it is happening right in front of our eyes .