
  • 网络Four Asian Tigers;Asia's Four Little Dragons;Four tigers;nies
  1. 作为亚洲四小龙之一的新加坡,旅游业得到飞速的发展并独具一格。

    As one of Asia 's four little dragons , Singapore , its rapid development of the tourism industry is unique .

  2. 随着亚洲四小龙的崛起,特别是近年来中国大陆改革开放的成就,使东南亚在国际经济发展上的地位日益彰显。

    With the rise of Asia 's four Little Dragons , and especially China 's successful open door policy , Southeast Asia is playing an increasingly active role in international economic development .

  3. 8亚洲四小龙。

    the Four Little Tigers of Asia

  4. 中国真的比不上'亚洲四小龙'吗?

    How is China compared with the'Four Dragons of Asia ' ?

  5. 试析亚洲四小龙的老人问题

    The Old People Problem of Asian Four Little Dragons

  6. 亚洲四小龙职业技术教育的研究

    Study and thought on vocational education in the " four little tigers " in Asia

  7. 试析亚洲四小龙高等职业教育的经验及启示

    The experience and enlightenment of the higher vocational education in the Asia four little dragons

  8. 亚洲四小龙半导体光电技术及其产业的发展

    Development of Semiconductor Optoelectronic Technology and Its Industry for the Four Small Dragons in Asia

  9. 上世纪90年代,人们曾提出类似的理由,论证亚洲四小龙能够继续扩张。

    Similar arguments were made in the 1990s for why the Asian tigers could continue expanding .

  10. 亚洲四小龙高技术产业化战略初探

    A preliminary study of the strategy for the hi-tech industrialization of asia 's " four tigers "

  11. 文化全球化视野中的儒学与东亚现代化&以日本、亚洲四小龙为研究中心

    Confucianism and East Asian Modernization in the Horizon of Cultural Globalization Humanism Education in the Horizon of Ontology

  12. 第五章日本和亚洲四小龙对外直接投资动机和策略的比较分析。

    Chapter 5 : Comparative Analysis of the Motives and Strategies of Japan & Four Dragon 's ODI .

  13. 该研究表明所谓的亚洲四小龙快速发展,由于这些国家政府在技术上都投入巨资。

    The study showed the rapid progress of the so-called Asian Tigers , whose governments have invested heavily in technology .

  14. 广东省追赶亚洲四小龙&经济与环境协调发展战略

    Guangdong Province catching up with the " four little dragons of asia " & coordinated development strategy for economy and environment

  15. 如果投资得当,马格里布国家可能走上二、三十年前亚洲四小龙的经济腾飞之路。

    With the right investment , the Maghreb states could follow the economic path blazed a couple of decades ago by the Asian tigers .

  16. 在20世纪下半叶蓬勃发展亚洲四小龙经济体即将迎来阻碍其增长的一大主要制约因素。

    The Asian tiger economies that boomed during the second half of the 20th century are about to hit a major constraint on their growth .

  17. 亚洲四小龙当时的增长情况,更像是上世纪50年代的苏联。他们的人民工作更加努力,学得更多,储蓄和投资也更多,由此实现经济增长。

    The Asian tigers were growing rather as Soviet Russia had in the 1950s . Their people were working harder , studying more and saving and investing more , creating economic growth .

  18. 文章通过对亚洲四小龙职业技术教育的发展现状研究,得出发展我国大陆职业技术教育的四点启示。

    The article makes a study on the current development of vocational education in the " Four Little Tigers " in Asia ( Singapore , Korea , Taiwan and Hongkong ) and thus draws four points for further thought .

  19. 从某种意义上说,先是日本经济腾飞,接着是亚洲四小龙,现在轮到中国和印度&这是亚洲重返18世纪占全球一半产出这一地位的一部分。

    In one sense , the economic upsurge of first Japan , then the Asian tigers , and now China and India is part of a tilt back to a region that accounted for half of world output in the 18th century .

  20. 近五十年,中国台湾地区经历了三次土地政策大变革,由此推动了台湾经济的高速发展,使之被世人称为亚洲四小龙之一。

    In the past 50 years , three great changes of land policy in Taiwan area of China has been given impetus to Taiwan economic development at top speed , and made it to be called " one of the four small dragons " .

  21. 古往今来,任何一个成功的国家背后必然有一个伟大的民族和民族精神作支撑。作为亚洲四小龙之一的日本,历来就非常重视民族精神的培育。

    Throughout the ages , behind any successful country , there must be a great nation with its national spirit as a support . Japan , one of the Asian Tigers , has always attached great importance to the cultivation of its national spirit .

  22. 我国自改革开放30年以来,东部沿海城市由于其优越的自然条件、独特的区位优势以及国家一系列倾斜政策的出台,吸引了亚洲四小龙及美日的劳动密集型产业过来投资。

    Since Chinese policy of reform and opening-up , East Coastal Provinces have attracted the investment from " Four Asian Tigers " and American & Japanese labor-intensive industries , because of advantaged natural conditions , position advantage and preferential national policy etc. in these regions .

  23. 这种态势本来可能一直持续下去,由于亚洲四小龙出现之后,它们最初在日本,现在在中国的领导下,愿意加强自己的美元储备来承担这种逆差。但是美国的过度负债终止了这一进程。

    This could have continued indefinitely because the Asian tigers , first under the leadership of Japan and now of China , were willing to finance that deficit by building up theirr dollar holdings , but the excessive indebtedness of United States households brought the process to an end .

  24. 美国、日本和亚洲四小龙的人力资本积累水平高是其取得经济快速增长的先决条件;二是各国和各地区产业集聚和城市化水平的提高是其人力资本积累的重要路径。

    It can be verified by the high level of human capital accumulation in America , Japan and the " four little dragons " which are the condition precedent of rapid economic growth . Secondly , the improvement of industrial concentration and urbanization are crucial ways to accumulate human capital .

  25. 文章从职教立法与政策、职教体系与学位制度、办学形式等三个方面对亚洲“四小龙”的高等职业教育进行了经验总结,并提出了发展我国高等职业教育的建议。

    The article also compares four little dragons from three aspects and improves some advices about developing the vocational education in China .

  26. 如今韩国已发展成为亚洲的四小龙之一,并成为新兴工业化国家和地区的主要成员。

    Now S.Korea has become one of the " Asian four small dragons " and become the leading member of the rising industrialization nations .

  27. 本文从亚洲“四小龙”的经济发展与高等职业教育发展之间的互动关系入手,分析了高等职业教育发展对经济所起的作用。

    The article analyses the affect of the higher vocational education in the economic development from the interaction between them in the Asia four little dragons ' .

  28. 通过对佛山与亚洲“四小龙”的比较分析,提出了每一项指标的目标值。

    Standards for each index are put forward through analysis made on basis of a comparative study of Foshan and the " Four Small Dragons " of Asia .

  29. 香港是亚洲“四小龙”之一,其经济发展经验对深圳特区乃至内地经济建设不无参考之处。

    Being one of the " Four Asian Dragons ", Hong Kong 's experience in economic de-aelopment is of referential value to the economic construction not only of Shenzhen butvlso of the inland of China .

  30. 随着亚洲国家特别是亚洲四小龙的崛起,儒学与东亚现代化的关系再度成为人们关注的话题。

    With the rise of the little four tigers , the relationship between Confucianism and the modernization drive of East Asia became the focus of attention .