
mín zú jiě fànɡ yùn dònɡ
  • national liberation movement
  1. 他们满意地看到了民族解放运动的高涨。

    They noted with satisfaction the upsurge of the national liberation movement .

  2. 整个亚洲,兴起了伟大的民族解放运动。

    In the whole of Asia a great national liberation movement has arisen .

  3. 科摩罗群岛民族解放运动

    National Movement for the Liberation of the Comoro Islands

  4. 爱尔兰民族解放运动中的叶芝

    William Butler Yeats And The Irish Nationalist Movement

  5. 民族解放运动的洪流气势磅礴,奔腾向前。

    The tide of the national liberation movement is surging forward with great momentum .

  6. 但在民族解放运动中,喜剧创作再一次复兴。

    But during the national liberation movement , comedy has been revived once again .

  7. 向非洲统一组织所承认的非洲区域民族解放运动提供援助

    Assistance to national liberation movements recognized in its area by the Organization of African Unity

  8. 他们高兴地看到非洲民族解放运动日益发展。

    They were pleased to note that the national liberation movements in Africa were gaining momentum .

  9. 抗日战争是中国近现代历史上一次波澜壮阔的民族解放运动。

    The Chinese Anti-Japanese War is a surging national liberation movement in Chinese modern and contemporary history .

  10. 19世纪初,拉丁美洲殖民地人民掀起了反对西班牙殖民统治的民族解放运动。

    The Latin American colonists revolted the national liberation movement against Spanish colonial rule in the early nineteenth century .

  11. 民族解放运动的前途以及中国同第三世界国家之间的关系是怎样的呢?

    What are the perspectives of the national liberation movement and the relations between China and the Third World countries ?

  12. 中美关系于20世纪70年代初实现历史性的缓和,联合国、民族解放运动、多极化、时代主题变换这些世界性的因素发挥了不可忽视的作用。

    The realization of historic detente of Sino-American relationship in the beginning of 1970s was promoted by a lot of factors .

  13. 从50年代到70年代殖民体系瓦解前,中国的第三世界政策以支援民族解放运动为主要内容。

    From 1950s to 1970s , the main content of Chinese third world policy was to support the national liberation movements .

  14. 从此,亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的民族解放运动进入一个新的历史时期。

    From then on , the national liberation movement in Asia , Africa , and Latin America entered a new historical period .

  15. 这种援助有力的支持了非洲民族解放运动,赢得了中国与广大非洲国家的崇高友谊。

    Such assistance has strong support for the African national liberation movement and won the noble friendship of China between African countries .

  16. 十九世纪时期,欧洲的民族解放运动此起彼伏,因此,这一时期的民族民间音乐有着不同的意义。

    The national liberation movements in Europe were gaining momentum in the 19th centuries . Therefore national music had a different meaning during this period .

  17. 在近代百余年间,民族解放运动是蒙古历史进程的主要脉络。

    Over recent hundred years . National liberation movement was the main context of Mongol history process , especially , at the end of the World War ⅱ .

  18. 第二战结束后,南亚地区的民族解放运动高涨,战后实力衰退的英国不得已抛出蒙巴顿方案。

    Since National liberation movement in South Asia enjoyed a boom after World War ⅱ, the United Kingdom was forced to put forward Mountbatten Plan with the decline of strength .

  19. 非洲国家掀起的蓬勃发展的民族解放运动,以其变化之快,波及范围之广立即引起世界社会的广泛关注,特别聚焦了战后两大超级大国美苏的目光。

    The booming development of African countries ' national liberation movement immediately aroused widespread concern in the international community , especially from two post-war superpowers , the United States and Soviet Union .

  20. 华著在评论中国近百年革命运动时,总是放眼世界局势,把握住了中国民族解放运动的时代特点。

    When commenting on the hundred years ′ history of revolutionary movements , Hua Gang always takes the global situation into consideration , thus grasping the characteristics of the Chinese national liberation movements .

  21. 21世纪,随着全球化的加速发展和非洲民族解放运动的结束,非洲大陆面临的历史主题已由求独立发展到求和平、求发展。

    Along with the speeding up of the development of globalization and end of the national liberation , the historical theme that African continent confronts has changed from one for independence to one for peace and development .

  22. 20世纪初叶亚洲的觉醒革命风暴作为现代亚洲民族解放运动的序曲,对亚欧之间殖民地(附庸国)与宗主国的依附关系形成强有力冲击。

    As the overture of modern national liberation movement in Asia , Awakening of Asia in the early 20th century pounded forcefully at the dependent relationship between the colonies in Asia and the suzerain states in Europe .

  23. 60年代中期以后,为了反对美国对一些第三世界国家的侵略,反击苏联不支持民族解放运动的政策,中国向大多数正在争取和维护民族独立的国家提供了援助。

    After 1965 , in order to fight against the American imperialist policy and the Soviet revisionist policy of opposing the national liberation movements , China offered aid to almost all the countries struggling for the national independence .

  24. 20世纪初的爱尔兰,民族解放运动及文化复兴运动风起云涌,政治和文化领域都涌现出对追寻民族身份的渴求。

    In the early of 20th century , National Liberation Movement and cultural renaissance Movement are surging forward in Ireland . And also there is emerging prominently a thirst to pursuit for national identity in the political and culture field .

  25. 围绕抗战主题,与民族解放运动同步发展,运用文艺形式进行抗日救亡宣传成为抗战文艺运动的中心内容。

    With the development of the national liberation movement , the propaganda of anti Japan and national salvation that utilized the literature and art as its expression and the resistance against the aggression as its topic became main content of this movement at that time .

  26. 它不仅为肯尼亚的民族解放运动奠定了重要的思想基础,而且还为独立后肯尼亚民族国家的现代化建设发挥了巨大的指导作用,亦留下了许多宝贵的经验教训。

    It is not only laid an important ideological basis for the national liberation movement in Kenya but also played a significant role in guiding the modernization of the nation after independence , and at the same time , left lots of precise experience and lessons .

  27. 延安文学是由中国现代社会政治革命孕育和民族解放运动催生的真正意义上的人民的文艺,是一种有着相对独立完整的艺术体系和文学特质的新的文学形态。

    In a real sense , Yan'an literature is the people 's art bred by China 's modern social and political revolution and promoted by national revolutionary movement , and is also a new literature formation with a relatively independent complete system of art and literature feature .

  28. 本文试图通过对土耳其民族独立解放运动中外交活动的历史考察发现和揭示土耳其外交思想和基本原则形成的历史背景和现实因素。

    This paper attempts by the Turkish national independence and liberation movements in the history of diplomacy and the inspection revealed that the Turkish diplomatic thinking and basic principles of formation of the historical background and practical factors .

  29. 本章从中国革命的必然性与本质特征出发,认为中国各民族的解放运动不仅是本民族的解放,而且是中国革命的重要组成部分。

    Starting from the inevitability and essential characteristics of the Chinese revolution , this chapter discusses that the national liberation movement in China not only led to the liberation of the nations , but also is an integral part of the Chinese revolution .

  30. 在中国还没有摆脱贫困的时候,我们就勒紧裤带来支援非洲兄弟的民族独立与解放运动,当然非洲的兄弟们也把新中国抬进了联合国。

    When China was a poor country , we tightened our belt to support the cause of national independence and liberation of our African brothers . It 's our African brothers who got the People 's Republic of China back into the United Nations .