
  • 网络folk culture
  1. 浅谈海南岛黎族妇女民俗文化

    Brief Talk on Female Folk cultures of Li Nationality on Hainan Island

  2. 上海城市民俗文化遗产的传承机制及主要形式

    On the Mechanism and Major Forms of Inheritance of Shanghai Urban Folk Cultures

  3. 基于民俗文化的POP广告信息传达教学模式研究

    Study on Teaching Approach of POP Ad Message Communication Based on Folk Culture

  4. 福州民俗文化旅游开发的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis of Fuzhou Folk-custom Culture Tourism Development

  5. 开创民俗文化立体研究的新纪元

    Ushering in a New Epoch of Multidimensional Research in Folk Literature

  6. 内蒙古民俗文化资源的产业化开发

    The Industrialized Development of the Folk Culture Resource of Inner Mongolia

  7. 民俗文化与中国文学观念的现代转型。

    Folk culture and the modern transformation of Chinese literary concept .

  8. 民俗文化总是带有很强的地域性和民间性,总是与一方水土息息相关,不可分离。

    Folklore culture always possesses obvious features of region and folk .

  9. 一个白族村寨的民俗文化实录

    A Truthful Record of the Folk Culture at a Bai Village

  10. 简论民俗文化的发掘与当代文学的发展

    The Exploration of Folklore Culture and the Development of Contemporary Literature

  11. 论民俗文化开发与民俗文化主体的参与

    On the Exploitation of Folklore and the Role of the Subject

  12. 从北京传统节日和庙会看佛教对民俗文化的影响

    Buddhism : Its Influence on Beijing Folk Holidays and Temple Fairs

  13. 民俗文化在犯罪学中有著重要的功用。

    The culture of folk-custom was of great importance n criminology .

  14. 因此,民俗文化变迁研究是一个永不过时的研究课题。

    Therefore , the folk culture change is a timeless research topic .

  15. 丹尼尔:我喜欢美丽的民俗文化村。

    Daniel : I like this beautiful Folk Culture Village .

  16. 原生态民俗文化主题公园的开发与经营研究

    Study on the Original Minority Culture Theme Park 's Exploitation and Operation

  17. 彝族民居民俗文化研究

    Studies on Dwelling Houses and Folk-Custom Culture of Yi Nationality

  18. 中国民俗文化词语汉英翻译初探

    A Study on the C-E Translation of the Lexis on Chinese Folklore

  19. 《诗经》婚恋诗的民俗文化观

    Folk Culture in Love Poems in The Book of Songs

  20. 民族民俗文化传承形态研究

    A Study of the Handed down Formation of Folk Culture

  21. 与时俱进:发展先进的民俗文化

    Keeping Up with the Times and Advancing the Culture of Folk Custom

  22. 语言和民俗文化相互依存,相互作用。

    Language and folklore culture depend on and interact with each other .

  23. 长江三峡民俗文化旅游资源开发

    Tourism resources development of folklore culture in Three Gorges of Yangtze River

  24. 色彩与凉山彝族传统民俗文化

    Colors and Traditional Customary Culture of Yi People in Liangshan

  25. 但是民俗文化的发展并不平衡。

    However , folk culture does not develop in a balanced way .

  26. 南岳衡山的民俗文化

    The Folk custom Culture of Hengshan Area in Hunan Province

  27. 节日民俗文化推进了宋词创作的审美追求。

    Festival culture promoted the aesthetic pursuits in its creation .

  28. 民族文化旅游主要指少数民族民俗文化旅游,目前已有多种类型的开发方式。

    Ethnic culture tourism mean ethnic folk customs tourism mostly .

  29. 古老的民俗文化流传至今。

    Today much of its traditional folk culture has been kept alive .

  30. 潍坊市民俗文化资源的旅游开发研究

    On the Exploration of the Folk Cultural Resources of Weifang