
mín fǎ xué
  • science of civil law
民法学[mín fǎ xué]
  1. 援用抗辩权是民法学上的一个概念,票据法学则没有确立这种制度。

    The counterargument right of adduction is a nation of the science of civil law , but this kind of system not established in the science of negotiable instruments law .

  2. 虽然历史的归纳法是论文研究的基础,但是论文的基本研究方法终究是法学的方法,准确地说首先是民法学的方法,其次是法律社会学的方法。

    Although the induction of history is the basis of the study , the basic research method of this thesis is inevitably the law method , being the first method of the science of civil law , whilst the second is the method of legal sociology .

  3. 从对《德国民法典》第90a条的理解展开环境资源法学与民法学的对话

    Promoting the Communion of Environment and Resources Law with Civil Law Based on the Comprehension of the Number Ninety a Item in the German Civil Code

  4. 在民法学的研究中,自助行为的研究尤为重要。

    In science research , self-help behavior research are particularly important .

  5. 物在民法学上是一个被广泛使用的概念。

    The word " property " is widely used in civil jurisprudence .

  6. 生态保护的民法学思考

    Thoughts in Science of the Civil Law concerning Ecological Protections

  7. 虚拟财产权性质的民法学解释

    On the Civil Law Explanation to the Right of the Virtual Property

  8. 民法学3课程合作性学习教学模式探讨

    Exploration of Cooperative Teaching Mode Based on Civil Law 3

  9. 我国民法学界对婚内同居问题研究较少。

    Studies on this issue of our Civil Law theory circle are little .

  10. 民法学的可视性教学探讨法学教育实践性课程研究

    Research On Visible Teaching of Science of Civil Law

  11. 这种趋势符合商业现实,也与民法学理念的变化一致。

    This trend confirmed to commercial reality and the change of Civil Law philosophy .

  12. 民事权利是民法学的核心概念。

    The concept of civil right is the key concept of civil law discipline .

  13. 对中国民法学研究方法的思考

    Thought of Methods in Studying Chinese Civil Law

  14. 死亡赔偿金问题一直以来都倍受民法学界和社会各界的关注。

    The problem of Death Compensation Funds has been much civil academic and society concerns .

  15. 民法学中若干法律概念的逻辑思考

    The Logic Thinking of Civil Law Conceptions

  16. 在我国,民法学界长期的否定态度使取得时效制度在立法上一度销声匿迹。

    In our country , acquisitive prescription has not been admitted for a long time .

  17. 高职法律专业民法学课程教学改革浅议

    Pedagogical Reform of the Course of Civil Law Taken by Law Majors in Junior Colleges

  18. 从民法学的角度来讲,所谓土地所有权是指以土地为权利客体的不动产物权。

    From the civil law , the so-called land ownership refers to estate real right .

  19. 对于合伙是否具有民事主体地位这一问题,民法学界一直有争议。

    It has always been a controversial issue whether partnership has the civil subjective status .

  20. 论不当得利制度的功能&种体系化取向的民法学思考

    On the Function of Unjust Enrichment System

  21. 股份田的民法学分析及立法借鉴

    The civil law analysis of the stock farmland and advises on making its law stock farmland

  22. 法律行为制度理论是传统民法学理论中结构完整、逻辑严密的理论。

    And the legal behavior system is integrated and rigorous theory among the traditional civil law theories .

  23. 惩罚性损害赔偿是我国民事立法和民法学研究的一项新课题。

    Punitive Damage is a new topic of civil legislation and civil law study in our country .

  24. 本文的另一突破,在子对民法学理论视角与方法的部分创新。

    Another breakthrough point is on the angle of view and way of science of civil law .

  25. 就民法学视角而言,侵权责任是民法学的重要内容之一。

    Perspective on the civil law , the civil law tort liability is one of the important contents .

  26. 学习民法学必须从宏观上领会其整体内容,抓住主要脉络。

    In learning of civil law , we should grasp its general contents and main thread of the course .

  27. 本章重点是对业主自治的经济学、民法学基础进行阐述,进而指出业主自治的本质是私法自治。

    The key point of this chapter is the economics and civil law explanation of the self-management of owners .

  28. 民法典的编纂,在我国民法学界引发了人格权立法体例之争。

    Codification of civil law results in a debate about the legislative mode of personal rights in our civil law .

  29. 通过法理学与民法学理论分析,可以得出婚姻契约性质的结论。

    Through theoretical analysis of the jurisprudence and civil law , we come to a conclusion that marriage is contract .

  30. 医师的侵权责任是近些年我国民法学界研究的热点。

    In recent years , liability of tort of physicians is the hot spot in Chinese civil law academia research .