
mín zú jīng jì
  • national economy
民族经济[mín zú jīng jì]
  1. 中国已加入WTO,如何在世界范围内获得竞争优势,发展民族经济,中国企业的生存和发展,特别是中小企业的生存、发展,是关系到中国发展的重要因素。

    How to get the competitive advantage worldwide , develop the national economy and Chinese enterprises ( especially middle or small scale enterprise ) is a very important issue that associated with China development during it is in WTO .

  2. 为发展山区民族经济和减小对热带山地森林的干扰,以海拔高度和单位面积产量作为砂仁种植适宜地选择标准,提出最适宜区是海拔800~1100m,0.0667hm2产干果15kg以上;

    In order to develop the national economy of mountain area and decrease the disturbance to tropical mountain forest , two criteria , altitude and Amomun production per unit , were selected to classify the sites for Amomun plantation .

  3. 在建立社会主义市场经济体制的背景下,民族经济立法具有重大的意义。

    National economic legislation is of great value under the background of constructing socialistic market economic system .

  4. 对民族经济政策体系进行了系统梳理与分析,对民族经济政策的历史贡献与经验、现实思考及中国加入WTO后对民族经济政策的取向提出作者的一些见解。

    I make a analysis about national economic policy setup , put up views about historical contribution , experience , orientation of the policy .

  5. 新世纪,企业如何抓住我国加入WTO的历史机遇,组织实施品牌国际化战略,积极参与国际竞争,关系到我国综合竞争力的提高和民族经济的发展。

    In the new century , to catch the valuable opportunities , enterprises should organize and implement strategies for brand internationalization , which will affect the improvement of Chinese comprehensive competence and the development of Chinese economy .

  6. 兴边富民加快我国民族经济的发展

    Prospering Frontier and Enriching People Fasten the Development of National Economy

  7. 西部民族经济可持续发展的几个关键问题

    Problems on the Sustainable Development of Minority Economy in Western China

  8. 民族经济发展中的文化调适问题

    The Adaptation of Ethnic Groups ' Culture in Developing Their Economy

  9. 正确处理西部民族经济关系

    Properly Dealing with the Relationships in Nationalities Economy in the West

  10. 论提高民族经济立法质量的几个问题

    Several Issues in Improving the Quality of National Economic Legislation

  11. 他们在发展民族经济和文化方面取得很大成就。

    They gained great successes in developing their national economies and cultures .

  12. 政治学视野下中国人口较少民族经济发展问题

    Economic development problems of Chinese minority in view of politics

  13. 论民族经济法范畴的逻辑演进

    The Logical Evolution of Category of National Economic Law

  14. 现在我们应该更好地利用它为发展民族经济服务。

    Now we should better utilize it for developing the national economy service .

  15. 事隔半个多世纪,当我们重新来分析这一事件时,才发现它对于云南的少数民族经济来说是一笔多么宝贵的财富。

    Even now it is a rare treasure for developing Yunnan minority economy .

  16. 民族经济法若干问题刍议

    Some Discussions of the Problems of National Economic Law

  17. 论西部地区民族经济发展中的特色经济开发

    Developing Economy with Distinguishing Features in Development of Ethnic Economy in Western Area

  18. 发展职业教育促进民族经济繁荣

    Developing Vocational Education to Promote National Economic Prosperity

  19. 生产力,还是交换价值更重要&读《政治经济学的自然体系》并评海闻教授对民族经济的理解

    The Exchange Value is More Important for Productivity

  20. 民族经济活动的文化环境分析

    Analysis of Cultural Environment in National Economic Activities

  21. 科学发展观与民族经济立法的价值导向

    The Scientific View of Development and the Guide of Legislative Value System on National Economy

  22. 论民族经济法适用

    On the Application of National Economic Law

  23. 外资并购适度论与保护民族经济

    " Theory of Moderate M & As of Foreign Capital " and National Economy Protection

  24. 发展海东民族经济努力增加农民收入

    Developing the National Economy in the Eastern Area of Qinghai Province to Increase Peasants ' Income

  25. 少数民族经济法制现代化问题研究

    The Study of Problem In The Modernization Of The Economical Legal System Of The Minority Nationality

  26. 把握民族经济生活差异二重性是建构学科理论框架的关键。

    To grasp the twofold difference is the key to construct the theoretical framework of the discipline .

  27. 开放经济条件下的国内市场保护与民族经济竞争力研究

    A Study on the Protection of Domestic Market and National Competitive Power of Economy in Open Economy

  28. 甘、青、川交接区域民族经济综合开发战略

    Comprehensive Development Strategy of Ethnic Economy in the Boundary Area of Gansu , Qinghai and Sichuan Provinces

  29. 我国人口较少民族经济的发展过程就是要不断改变其制度环境的过程。

    The process of economic development of nationalities with little population is that of changing the systems .

  30. 如何才能把发挥民族经济体自身优势与全球经济发展结合起来,选择有效的经济发展战略?

    How to joint nations ' self priority with the global economy and select effective economic strategy ?