
jīnɡ jì mìnɡ mài
  • economic lifeline;key branches of the economy
  1. EEM公司是国家大型发电设备制造企业之一,作为涉及国家安全与国民经济命脉的重要骨干企业,肩负着国家大型发电设备的研发和制造重任。

    As a national key enterprise , which relates to state security and national economic lifeline , EEM shoulders the responsibility of research & development and manufacturing of state large power generating equipments .

  2. 税收是国家的经济命脉。

    Tax revenue is the economic lifeline of the country .

  3. 对于这个拥有控制我们钱包权力的“政府部门”,由于经济命脉都握于其手,我们真的没有其他合理的选择了。

    As the branch of government with the power of the purse , we really have no other reasonable choice when the economy is in the shape it is in .

  4. 航运业关系到我国国家安全和国民经济命脉。

    The shipping industry related to our national security and domestic economic lifelines .

  5. 广告收入已成为党报一条重要的经济命脉。

    Advertising income has already become an important economy vitals of party newspaper .

  6. 但现在我们的经济命脉已陷入困境。

    But now that economic lifeline is in jeopardy .

  7. 在我国,管道运输是事关国民经济命脉的五大运输方式之一。

    In China , the pipeline transportation is the lifeline of the national economy .

  8. 航空产业是关系国家安全和国民经济命脉的重要战略性产业。

    Aviation industry is a strategic industry related to national security and civil economy .

  9. 农村土地政策的合理制定事关中国的经济命脉。

    The reasonable formulation of the rural land policy concerns China , s economic lifeline .

  10. 电信业是国家的支柱产业,关系着国家的经济命脉。

    The telecommunication industry is the pillar industry and the economic lifeline of the country .

  11. 石油作为伊朗的经济命脉,在国民经济中占有举足轻重的地位。

    As Iranian economic lifeline , oil occupies a critical position in the national economy .

  12. 煤炭工业是关系国家经济命脉和能源安全的重要基础产业。

    The coal industry is the important basic industries in national economy and energy security .

  13. 电网是关系国民经济命脉的基础设施和重要资源。

    Power Gird is the infrastructure and important resource that related the vitals of national economy .

  14. 交通是社会的经济命脉,公路不畅会制约社会经济的发展。

    Traffic is economics lifeline of society , expedite of highway will make for social development of economy .

  15. 原油属于国家的重要战略性资源,直接关系到各国的经济命脉。

    Crude oil is an important strategic national resource , which is directly related to the national economy .

  16. 长期以来,传统工业企业是国家经济命脉的支柱。

    For a long time the traditional industrial enterprises have been the pillar of the national economics lifeline .

  17. 石油作为重要的化工原料和能源物资,关系到世界各国的经济命脉。

    Oil as an important kind of chemical raw materials and energy supplies , relates to theworld economy .

  18. 重型装备制造业是关系到国民经济命脉的重要支柱性产业。

    Heavy equipment manufacturing industry is an important pillar industry , which plays a significant role in national economy .

  19. 能源是国家经济命脉所在,而煤炭又是我国能源供应的主要依托。

    Energy is economic lifeline of a country , while the coal is main support in our energy supply .

  20. 电力行业是一国的经济命脉,事关国计民生。

    Electric utility industries which involve national economy and the people 's livelihood are the economic lifelines of a country .

  21. 她补充称,对于一位前伴侣有暴力行为的单亲而言,工作通常是一条关键的经济命脉。

    A job is often a vital financial lifeline for a single parent with an abusive ex-partner , she adds .

  22. 卡车运输可以说是印度的经济命脉,因为印度全国各地大约70%的货物都是靠卡车运送的。

    Trucks are a lifeline for India 's economy , hauling nearly 70 percent of goods transported across the country .

  23. 航运自古以来就是上海经济命脉。这个风俗自古以来一直没有变。

    Transportation over water has always been the economic artery of Shanghai . The custom remained the same down the ages .

  24. 焦炭作为炼焦生产过程的主要产品,是诸多国民经济命脉行业的重要原材料。

    As the final product of coking process , coke is the main raw material in many crucial industries for national economy .

  25. 国家关键基础设施的安全问题关系到国家的稳定与经济命脉。

    The safety of the critical infrastructure concern of the stability of the nation and the development of a country 's economy .

  26. 但是综合在一起,它们就成了这一州的经济命脉,为这一州带来了巨大经济效益的同时,也成为了人们的谈资。

    But taken together , they 're a big part of the nation 's economic engine that people are always talking about .

  27. 石油是现代工业的血液,是关系到国民经济命脉和国家安全的重要战略性物资。

    As the lifeblood of modern industry , oil is an important strategic material which decide the national economy and national security .

  28. 然而,国有企业是掌控国民经济命脉的企业,其在国民经济中的重要地位是不言而喻的。

    However , state-owned enterprises which are in charge of the lifeline of national economy play an important role in the national economy .

  29. 电力的安全、稳定和充足供应,关系到国家能源安全、经济命脉和社会利益。

    Security , stability and adequate supply of electric power have a bearing on national energy security , economic lifeline and social interests .

  30. 我国是个人口大国,作为以农业为主的发展中国家,农业是我国的经济命脉。

    China is a populous developing country which is mainly based on agriculture . And agriculture is the economic lifelines of our country .