
zī běn shū chū
  • capital export;export of capital
  1. 双边投资条约(BITs)是资本输出国与资本输入国之间签订的保护私人投资关系的协定。

    Bilateral Investment Treaties ( BITs ) is an agreement that protects the private investment relationship signed between the capital export country and the capital import country .

  2. 资本输出,弹性悲观主义,以及人民币。

    Capital Export , Elasticity Pessimism , and the Renminbi .

  3. 17世纪,资本输出,加速全球一体化进程。

    In17th century , capital export accelerated the process of global integration .

  4. 新兴国家也将大部分资本输出国有化了。

    Emerging countries also largely nationalised this capital outflow .

  5. 以甲午战争为契机,沙俄开始强化对中国东北地区的资本输出。

    Russia started to strength its capital export to Northeast China after Jiawu War .

  6. 特别是,它不应该把资本输出到像美国那样资本充裕的国家。

    In particular , it should not export capital to capital-abundant countries like the US .

  7. 再次是资本输出,是指企业通过资本输出而推进的商品输出和市场拓展;

    Third , capital output , which aims at enhancing commodity output and market exploration ;

  8. 资本输出(输入)国

    Capital exporting ( importing ) country

  9. 跨国公司是资本主义发展到帝国主义阶段实行资本输出的的产物。

    Transnational Corporations came into being when Capitalist developed into imperialist during capital outflow was possible .

  10. 这些高储蓄率可以在很大程度上解释为什么该地区是世界上最大的资本输出地区。

    These high savings rates largely explain why the region is the world 's largest capital exporter .

  11. 从直接投资的角度来讲,资本输出实质上就是输出企业,一同输出的还包含技术、管理和品牌等。

    The essential of capital export is to export companies , including technology , management , brand and etc.

  12. 其次,霍布森、希法亭、卢森堡和布哈林等人对马克思的资本输出理论进行了补充。

    Secondly , Hobson , Hilferding , Luxemburg and Bukharin supplemented and developed the Marxism capital export theory .

  13. 争夺市场的主要手段逐渐由以商品输出为主变为以技术资本输出为主,由进出口贸易主导转为以跨国资本营运为主。

    The main measure of scrabbling for market has gradually turned from commodity export into technology and capital output .

  14. 该制度是资本输出国海外投资保护法律体系中的重要内容。

    Overseas investment insurance scheme is a basic legal system in the protection system of the capital export country .

  15. 另一方面,通过技术资本输出,赚取高额的技术资本转让收入。

    On the other hand , the company can earn high revenue by the export of its technical capital .

  16. 资本输出虽然使法国的银行家获得了巨额利息,但也阻碍了法国工业的发展。

    Capital export made banker of France obtained enormous interest , but also hindered the industrial development of France .

  17. 近代外国对华资本输出与当今外商对华投资的比较分析

    The Comparison and Analysis between Capital Export to China in Modern Times and Foreign Investment to China at Present Age

  18. 这种对税收中性的背离表现为资本输出国普遍实行的对外直接投资税收激励制度。

    This deviation from tax neutrality expresses as the universally practiced tax incentive system on FDI of capital exporting countries .

  19. 19世纪末20世纪初,修筑铁路是帝国主义对华资本输出的主要形式。

    At the turn of 19c and 20c , imperialism exported capital to China on the form of building railway mainly .

  20. 更明智的做法应该是鼓励资本输出并逐步开放资本账户,同时实行有管理的浮动汇率。

    The more rational measures shall be to encourage capital output and gradually open capital account while practicing controlled floating exchange rate .

  21. 资本输出可以提高资本的边际效益,为剩余资本寻求优质回报。

    The export of capital can increase the marginal efficiency of capital . This can help the surplus capital seek high returns .

  22. 意大利是多元化的工业经济,国民生产总值和平均资本输出量等同于英法。

    Italy has a diversified industrial economy with roughly the same total and per capita output as France and the United Kingdom .

  23. 19世纪末,帝国主义列强掀起了瓜分中国的狂潮,并加紧对中国的资本输出。

    The imperialists set off an upsurge of dividing China and speed up capital export to China at the end of 19th century .

  24. 但是你必须看清楚:这种资本输出是通过人为的方式实现的。

    But you want to keep your eye on the ball : it 's the artificial capital exports that are the driving force here .

  25. 在这一步分,我将针对中国在哈萨克斯坦的石油天然气领域的投资,利用这一案例进行分析资本输出国对境外投资的保护,以及对两国之间的相关的协定进行介绍。

    A case about investment from China to Kazakhstan in oil and gas field is used to analyze the protection of foreign investment in capital-exporting countries .

  26. 输家将是亚洲制造商,尤其是日本,资本输出和进口原料的欧洲也将受波及。

    Losers will be the Asian manufacturers , Japan , in particular . Europe , which exports capital and imports raw materials , will also be affected .

  27. 坚定不移地累积储备,意味着巨额资本输出至储备货币发行国,结果导致美国遭遇有史以来最严重的泡沫。

    Determined reserve accumulation implied huge capital exports to the issuer of the reserve currency , with the result that the US experienced the mother of all bubbles .

  28. 本章首先从国际反腐败法律体系的形成谈起,分析资本输出国在该体系形成中所起的主导性作用。

    Firstly , this chapter shall deal with the formation of international anti-corruption legal system and the leading role played by capital exporting countries in the formation process .

  29. 目前,几乎所有的主要资本输出国都建立了这种国家保险制度,但是我国对海外投资的法律保护却没有形成完备而有效的制度。

    At present , almost most of the main capital export countries have established this insurance scheme , but effective legal system has not been formed in china .

  30. 海外投资保险制度,作为资本输出国保护与鼓励本国私人海外投资的一种重要法律手段,在当今国际社会中被普遍采用。

    Foreign investment insurance system , as an important legal means to protect and encourage their private foreign investment for capital-exporting countries , is commonly used in the world .