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  • 网络Zixing City
  1. 资兴市耕地动态变化的驱动力研究

    Studies on the Driving Forces of Cultivated Land Changes in Zixing City

  2. 资兴市柑桔生产基地大气质量现状及评价

    Status and Evaluation of Air Quality of the Base of Mandarin Orange of Zixing City

  3. 市(县)级土地利用总体规划修编问题研究&以湖南省资兴市为例

    Problems and Countermeasures on the Overall Land Use Planning at Country Level

  4. 资兴市生态旅游发展浅析

    The developmental searching of the city of Zixing ecotourism

  5. 该项目的启动,是资兴市实施“文化兴市”战略的又一重大决策。

    It is a major decision for the strategy of " Culture enriching Zixing " .

  6. 湖南省资兴市肺结核合并糖尿病流行病学特征分析

    An Analysis of the Epidemiological Characteristics of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Merge with Diabetes in Zixing City Hunan Province

  7. 1991~2002年资兴市肾综合征出血热流行特征与防制效果分析

    Epidemiologic Characteristics and Control Effect of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Sgndrome in Zixing from 1991 to 2002

  8. 资兴市城乡建设用地结构与布局优化研究

    Study on Optimization of the Structure and Layout of Urban and Rural Construction Land in Zixing City

  9. 旅游对移民区社会文化影响的实证研究&以湖南资兴市东江湖景区为例

    A case study on Dongjiang Lake resort : the influence of tourism on socio-culture in migration community

  10. 土地利用规划修编中规划基数转换研究&以湖南省资兴市为例

    Research on conversion of original data for land use planning & A case study of Zixing city in Hunan province

  11. 2008年南方冰雪过程对生态环境影响的遥感监测&以湖南省资兴市为例

    Remote Sensing Monitoring of Impacts of Southern Ice and Snow Process on Eco-environment in 2008 : A Case Study in Zixing County , Hunan Province

  12. 本文分析了资兴市东江库区茶叶产业存在的一系列制约因素,提出了加快资兴市东江库区茶叶产业发展建议。

    This article analyzes the restricting factors existing in the tea industry of Dongjiang Reservoir area , and presents the suggestion to enhance the tea industry of Dongjiang Reseavoir area .

  13. 湖南省资兴市在林改前,集体林经营形式以林业股份公司为主,经营面积占集体林面积的59%。

    The management style of collective forest took forestry joint-stock company as the core , the business area accounts for 59 per cent of collective forest before the forest reform in Zixing City .

  14. 以湖南资兴市的调查资料为依据,论述了林权、森林限额采伐、林业税费、生态效益补偿等几个基本的法律制度与集体林权改革的关系及本身内容存在的不足。

    This paper probes into the legal basis and policy of ecological benefit compensation for public welfare forest from the aspect of CCP policies , Forest Law , Civil Law and Administration Law .

  15. 从预测结果来看,资兴市的最低粮食生产用地要求远低于2005年的耕地现状面积和全市划定的基本农田保护区面积。

    Judging from forecast result , the Zi Xing City minimum grain produces the basic farmland protected area area that area and the whole city delimit with the cultivated land current situation that the field demands to be way below 2005 .

  16. 归纳出经济发展、城市建设、产业结构变化和科技进步为资兴市耕地利用变化的主要驱动因子,并进一步分析了这些驱动因子与耕地变化的关系。

    Then this article summarizes the mainly driving forces factors are economical development , the urban construction , the change of industrial structure and advance in technology , finally analyzes the relations between the driving forces factors and the cultivated land change .

  17. 为了探讨湘南丘陵低山区桉树林地土壤肥力综合评价方法,研究了资兴市桉树人工林地土壤微生物数量及其类群分布规律。

    To find out a synthetical way to evaluate the soil fertility of Eucalyptus plantation lands in lower mountainous areas of the Souther part of Hunan province , some researches were conducted on the amount and group distribution in Eucalyptus plantations of Zixing City .