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  • anchovy;long-tailed anchovy
  • 〔~鱼〕身体侧扁,长约十厘米,银白色。生活在海洋中,春季或初夏到河中产卵。俗称“凤尾鱼”。

  • (鱭)

  1. 近年依据形态、生化、mtDNA等特征的比较研究,短颌鲚也被认为是刀鲚的一个淡水定居型种群。

    In recent years , based on morphological , biochemical , mtDNA and other characteristics of the comparative study of short-jaw anchovy is also considered Coilia settle a type of freshwater species .

  2. 但随后依据外部形态、矢耳石形态、同工酶、mtDNA控制区和cytb基因等特征所作的分析,认为湖鲚尚未达到亚种水平。

    But then based on morphology , sagitta otolith morphology , isozymes , mtDNA control region and cyt b genes and other characteristics of the analysis that has not yet reached the lake anchovy subspecies level .

  3. brachygnathus、太湖湖鲚C.刀鲚的年龄和生长

    On the age and growth of the Chinese anchovy , coilia ectenes , from the Yangtze River

  4. 通过分析短颌鲚周年、不同季节、不同体重和体长阶段的能量含量变化,在周年变化中,在整个周年变化中能量含量未表现出明显的差异(P0.05),也无一定的变化趋势。

    In the annual change , annual change in the whole energy content did not show significant difference ( P 0.05 ), and no definite trends .

  5. 舟山近海凤鲚Coiliamystus(Linnaeus)的生物学特性研究

    A Study on Biological Characteristics of Coilia mystus ( Linnaeus ) offshore of Zhoushan

  6. 关于日本鲚属(Coilia)鱼类分类位置的探讨

    On the classification of Coilia from Japan

  7. 对1997~2004年长江口凤鲚捕捞量建模进行了研究,对多个相关因子分别建立了多元回归模型和GM(1,1)模型。

    Studies on yield modeling of Coilia mystus in the Yangtze River estuary were carried out during 1997 ~ 2004.In this paper multi-regression model and GM ( 1,1 ) based on several related factors were set up .

  8. 因此,现有研究已基本澄清长江刀鲚具有2个生态类型的种群或生态型(ecotype),一类为淡水定居,包括湖鲚和短颌鲚;另一类为洄游,也即以前的刀鲚。

    Therefore , the existing research has been basically clarified Coilia with two ecological types of species or ecosystem type ( ecotype ), one for freshwater ecological settlement , including the lake anchovy and short-jaw anchovy ; the other for the migratory ecotype also formerly Coilia .

  9. 鲚属鱼类隶属于鲱形目(Clupeiformes)、鯷科(Engraulidae),是江海洄游性鱼类,也是长江中下游及沿海一带重要的经济鱼类之一,占当地渔业总产量的比例甚大。

    Coilia ectenes belongs to Clupeiformes 、 Engraulidae 、 Coilia Gray , an important economic anadromous fish , which has large distribution in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River or inshore land , a lagre proportion in local total yield .

  10. 太湖湖鲚年龄与生长的研究

    Study on the age and growth of Lake anchovy in Taihu Lake

  11. 长江河口区凤鲚的资源现状

    Status quo of tapertail anchovy resource in the estuaries of the Yangtze River

  12. 本研究结果提示鲚属鱼类的分类关系需要被重新考虑。

    The taxonomy of genus Coilia should be reconsidered .

  13. 太湖鲚鱼渔获量变化与主要鱼类渔获量间关系的多元分析

    Multianalysis between Catches of Lake Anchovy and Catches of Main Fishes in Lake Taihu

  14. 太湖湖鲚种群数量变动及合理利用的研究

    On the population dynamics of Lake anchovy in Taihu Lake and its rational exploitation

  15. 长江口凤鲚资源变动及最大持续产量研究

    Studies on resource change and MSY of Coilia mystus in the Yangtze River estuary

  16. 我国近海鲚鱼生态习性及其产量变动状况

    Ecological habits and distribution of Coilia along the Chinese coast and its changes of output

  17. 中国鲚属4种鱼的生化和形态比较及其系统发育的研究

    Biochemical and morphological comparison and interspecific relationships of four species of the genus Coilia in China

  18. 短颌鲚鳞片上的年轮特征为疏密型和破碎型。

    The annual rings on the squama can be divided into widely and narrows-spaces type and shatter type .

  19. 长江口凤鲚产卵群体肌肉及卵巢生化组成和能量密度

    Biochemical components and energy density of muscle and ovary of Coilia mystus in the estuary of Yangtze River

  20. 基于线粒体控制区的序列变异分析中国东南部沿海凤鲚种群遗传结构

    Population genetic structure of tapertail anchovy ( Coilia mystus ) in coastal waters of southeast China based on mtDNA control region sequences

  21. 对采自舟山近海凤鲚样品的个体繁殖力及其与生长指标的关系进行研究和分析。

    This article studies and analyzes the relationship between individual fecundity and growth index of Coilia mystus in the coastal waters of Zhoushan .

  22. 但是对于处于产卵期的凤鲚,桡足类的贡献又降低,底栖类的食物又有所增加。

    However , the contribution of copepods to those in spawning stages decreased , with that of benthic food increased at the same time .

  23. 对近年来长江河口区凤鲚繁殖生物学及资源现状进行了研究。

    The studies on reproductive biology and resource present of tapertail anchovy in the estuaries of Yangtze River in the recent years were carried on .

  24. 本文利用胃含物分析和稳定同位素分析相结合的方法,对梅梁湾梅鲚的食物组成、摄食选择性、食性转变以及营养级位置进行了研究。

    Stomach content and stable isotope analysis were combined to study the food composition , feeding selectivity , feeding shifts and trophic position of lake anchovy .

  25. 长江下游产卵期凤鲚、刀鲚和湖鲚肌肉生化成分及能量密度

    Biochemical Components and Energy Density in Muscles of Coilia mystus , C. ectenes and C. ectenes taihuensis in Spawning Season in the Lower Reaches of Yangtze River

  26. 太湖湖鲚渔获量变化与生物环境间相互关系

    A Study on the Change of Lake Anchovy ( Coilia ectenes taihuensis Yen et Lin ) Catches and Its Mutual Relationship to the Biological Environment in Lake Taihu

  27. 在与长江口及邻近海域内的浮游动物的时空变化规律对照之后发现,凤鲚的这种食物组成变化与浮游动物的时空变化密切相关。

    Comparison with the temporal and spatial changes in the zooplankton in Changjiang Estuary and adjacent region revealed that the diet changes of Coilia mystus were closely related to the changes in zooplankton .

  28. 凤鲚的滤食性说明它们是浮游食物网的组成部分,对凤鲚的食物组成研究可以反映长江口及邻近水域的浮游食物网物质传递。

    As filter-feeding species , Coilia mystus was one part of pelagic food web . So the changes in diet composition of them can reflect the character of matter transference within the food web in Changjiang Estuary and adjacent region .
