
  • 网络Coilia;Coilia Gray
  1. 关于日本鲚属(Coilia)鱼类分类位置的探讨

    On the classification of Coilia from Japan

  2. 鲚属鱼类隶属于鲱形目(Clupeiformes)、鯷科(Engraulidae),是江海洄游性鱼类,也是长江中下游及沿海一带重要的经济鱼类之一,占当地渔业总产量的比例甚大。

    Coilia ectenes belongs to Clupeiformes 、 Engraulidae 、 Coilia Gray , an important economic anadromous fish , which has large distribution in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River or inshore land , a lagre proportion in local total yield .

  3. 本研究结果提示鲚属鱼类的分类关系需要被重新考虑。

    The taxonomy of genus Coilia should be reconsidered .

  4. 中国鲚属4种鱼的生化和形态比较及其系统发育的研究

    Biochemical and morphological comparison and interspecific relationships of four species of the genus Coilia in China
