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  • 网络Plaice;halibut;SOLE
  1. 亲爱的,你想吃黑线鳕还是鲽鱼?

    Do you want haddock or plaice , dear ?

  2. 一个放鲽鱼的舒适的地方应该是能让鲽鱼高兴被放的地方。

    A pleasant place to place a plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed .

  3. 烟台地区鲆鲽鱼产业化养殖SWOT分析与对策

    SWOT Analysis and Strategies for Industrialized Aquaculture of Flounder paralichthys in Yantai

  4. 鲆鲽鱼:在耶诞节期间,养殖大菱鲆的销售是令满意的。

    FLATFISH : Sales of farmed turbot over Christmas were described as satisfactory .

  5. 斯图尔特说,指着自己那份精致的白色小鲽鱼鱼片。

    Says Stewart , gesturing at her small piles of little white fluke fillets .

  6. 我吃炸鲽鱼吧。

    I 'll have fried sole .

  7. 鲽鱼:大菱前几个月交易量偏低,导致价格下降。

    FLATFISH : Low sales for turbot during the past months have led to a price drop .

  8. 比目鱼,孙鲽一种比目鱼,主要是黄盖鲽属和拟庸鲽属的鱼类,与鲽鱼有关而且很相似。

    Any of various flatfishes , chiefly of the genera Limanda and hippoglossoides , related to and resembling the flounders .

  9. 主要出口产品有:鳕鱼片、鲽鱼片、真鳕片、红鱼片、马哈鱼片、扇贝丁等其它类产品。

    Our main exporting products : pollock fillets , yellow fin sole fillets , cod fillets , red snapper fillets , salmon fillets , scallop , etc.

  10. 鲽鱼:养殖大菱的需求量在上个月开始下降后,这个月的需求量还是偏低,但价格有望保持稳定。

    FLATFISH : Farmed turbot demand is expected to be low during the whole month of January and after last month 's drop , prices are expected to remain stable .

  11. 鲽鱼:大菱前几个月交易量偏低,导致价格下降。而且,一些可替代产品在与大菱的竞争中又降低了价格。

    Flatfish : low sales for turbot during the past months have led to a price drop . moreover , substitute products are still showing lower prices when compared with turbot .
