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huáng dài yú
  • oarfish;sea serpent
皇带鱼[huáng dài yú]
  1. 尽管巨型皇带鱼很像这种水蛇,但事实证明它们只是海洋中最大的硬骨鱼。巨型皇带鱼头冠为鲜红色,全身布满银色光泽,以牙齿并不多的嘴巴过滤小鱼小虾及其他无脊椎生物。

    It turns out , however , that the real-life creature that resembles them most closely , the giant oarfish , actually isn 't a snake but rather the largest bony fish in the sea .

  2. 南海博物馆馆藏五件康有为信札考略这条后来被送到一个博物馆,在那里接受一位科学家的观察、研究的鱼,名叫皇带鱼。

    Research on Five Letters of Kang Youwei 's Collected in the Museum The fish , which has since been sent to a museum where it is being examined by a scientist , is called an oarfish .

  3. 2013年10月加利福利亚南部海岸发现两条巨型皇带鱼,其中一条雌性皇带鱼长14英尺(4.6厘米),她的卵巢里布满卵子。海洋学家们因此兴奋异常。

    Therefore , marine scientists were excited when , in October 2013 , the bodies of two oarfish - including a 14-foot ( 4.6 meter ) - long female with ovaries full of eggs - were found off the coast of Southern California .