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huáng shang
  • the emperor;Your Majesty;His Majesty;His Imperial Majesty
皇上 [huáng shàng]
  • (1) [the emperor]∶皇帝

  • (2) [Your Majesty]∶对皇帝的直接称呼

  • (3) [His Imperial Majesty;His Majesty]∶对皇帝的间接称呼

皇上[huáng shang]
  1. 皇上有旨,殿下不得延误。

    His majesty commanded that there must be no delay .

  2. 还不快快叩谢皇上。

    Quickly bow and thank His Majesty .

  3. 这是皇上的恩典。

    This is an imperial favour .

  4. 皇上十分气愤,他将李陵的妻子与母亲都赐死了。

    What he heard made the emperor so angry that he had Li Ling 's wife and mother put to death .

  5. 他的仆人空手而归,对皇上解释说:“殿下,我找不到一百年的鸡蛋,但我可以给你找到一个五十年的鸡蛋。”

    Returning empty-handed , the servant explained , " No hundred-year-old eggs , Master , but I can get you a fifty-year-old egg . "

  6. 但当李陵投降的消息传到首都,皇上身边嫉妒的大臣们都开始指责李陵。

    But when news of the surrender reached the capital , the emperor 's jealous ministers began to degrade Li Ling in front of the emperor .

  7. 司马迁一直很敬重李陵,他不信李陵会无缘无故投降,便谏言皇上不要听信谣言。

    Ze-ma Chian , who had always respected Li Ling , believed that he wouldn 't surrender without a reason , and urged the emperor not to believe rumors2 .

  8. 皇上希望能保证您在查宁顿住得舒适。

    The emperor wishes to assure your comfort while at charenton .

  9. 皇上,现在是不宜於幻想的。

    My liege , it is an ill time for dreaming .

  10. 请告诉皇上,他们并没有冒犯。

    Please , tell the emperor that there is no offence .

  11. 皇上答应了,花木兰带著兴奋的心情回家去。

    The emperor complied , Hua Mu Lan go home excited .

  12. 皇上将它赐给父亲,是对父亲的侮辱。

    This gift from the Emperor is an insult to father .

  13. 皇上啊,您用人的方法真是特别。

    Your Majesty , The way you are employing is very special .

  14. 小男孩注意到皇上什么也没穿着。

    The boy noticed that the emperor had nothing on .

  15. 我答应把给皇上许诺我的东西给你三分之一。

    I shall give you one-third of whatever the tsar gives me .

  16. 皇上知道怎样跳快步舞吗?

    Does the emperor know hoe to do the quickstep ?

  17. “我要见皇上,”约瑟夫答道。

    " I am going to see the tsar ," replied Josef .

  18. 启禀皇上没有宰相的空缺

    There are no council positions open , Your Majesty .

  19. 学者们都请求皇上采取措施。

    All our country 's scholars are begging the king to act .

  20. 士兵很荣幸的笑着问道,皇上,我属于那个军团?

    Smiling proudly , the soldier inquired , of what regiment sir .

  21. 他把那面旗子夺来丢在皇上的跟前。

    He came and cast the flag at the Emperor 's feet .

  22. 他因得罪了皇上,而被流配边疆。

    Having offended the emperor , he was exiled to the borderland .

  23. “但是皇上什么也没穿”这位孩子说道。

    " But the emperor have nothing on !" said the child .

  24. 皇上还选谁当皇后?

    But who do you choose to be the empress ?

  25. 你竟敢如此厚颜无耻地侵犯皇上?

    What impudence brings your swords to the emperor ?

  26. 皇上莫非想印一批门票,趁此机会捞一笔?

    So your majesty want to print some tickets to earn some money ?

  27. 请让我们把她带回去给皇上吧。

    Please let us take her to the emperor .

  28. 皇上要我们两个人一起去,一定是出了大事。

    This must be important for the emperor to want both of us .

  29. 皇上钦赐的名画,怎么可能是假的?

    It 's given by the emperor , how can it be fake ?

  30. 皇上会带婉容去吗?

    Will the emperor take Wan Jung with him ?