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jiù ɡuó
  • former/old capital
旧国 [jiù guó]
  • [former capital] 旧都(古称都城为国)

  1. 六国旧贵族也乘机起兵,企图恢复旧国。

    The old nobles of the six states also took opportunity to rebel , attempting to revive their countries .

  2. 这些封国大小不等,有的是畿内的采邑。它们广泛地分布在中原地区内,与众多的旧国错杂在一起,这就直接加强了周王室的统治力量。

    These fiefs were big or small , some in Jinei - the central region , others distrbuted throughout the whole country , mingled with the established states , as consolidated the royal power directly .

  3. 孔尚任通过清流名士、秦淮名妓、清客艺人三种文化意象,来咀嚼旧国昔年的文化诗意。《诗经·国风》女性形象与水文化意象关系之探微

    Kong Shang-ren tasted the cultural poetic flavor through the three cultural images of the celebrities , prostitutes and actors . An Analysis of the Relationship Between Female Characters and the Imagery of Water in Songs of the City States