
jiù shū
  • old book;used book;second-hand book;books by ancient writers
旧书 [jiù shū]
  • (1) [secondhand book]∶残破的书

  • (2) [books by ancient writers]∶古书

旧书[jiù shū]
  1. 学生旧书交易网站的UML建模和C实现

    UML Modelling and C # Implementation of Second-hand Book Trade Website for Students

  2. 我给了他一本旧书,这就是我给他的礼物。

    I gave him a second-hand book , which was my gift to him .

  3. 他喜欢星期天在旧书店翻阅旧书。

    He likes to browse through old books on Sundays in old book stores .

  4. 我偶然得到了几本极为有用的旧书。

    I picked up some highly useful old books .

  5. 我仅花两英磅买了这本旧书,史密斯先生愿加倍付钱向我购买。

    I paid only £ 2 for this old book and Mr. Smith offered me double for it .

  6. 这本旧书出价已达1000美元。

    It is a bid of1000 dollars for the old book .

  7. 事实真相能在几本旧书里找到。

    The facts are buried in a few old books .

  8. 他的旧书都积存在阁楼的箱子里。

    His old textbooks are all stored in boxes in the attic .

  9. 你从哪儿翻出这些旧书的?

    Where did you dig out the old books ?

  10. 我们将不再使用这些旧书。

    We will discard the old books .

  11. 那学生在图书馆里花了很长时间从旧书中查找她需要的论据。

    The student spent many hours in the library , combing out the facts she wanted in the old books .

  12. 但是因为全部数字化,这就淘汰了旧书市场,消除了任何形式的共享。而且由于作业和考试是通过一个访问代码进行的,所以也消除了任何不参与其中的可能。

    But because it 's all digital it eliminates the used book market and eliminates any sharing and because homework and tests are through an access code , it eliminates any ability to opt out .

  13. B:我在收集我的旧书和玩具。

    B : I was collecting my old books and toys .

  14. 有时,70个不同年龄段的孩子挤在一间教室里,教室里只有旧书和未经培训的老师。

    Sometimes 70 children of all ages were crammed into one-room schoolhouses with poor books and untrained teachers .

  15. 卖旧书。你可能有一些你已经读过但不想留下的书。

    Sell old books.You may have some books that you have read but you don 't want to keep .

  16. n.堆,大批这房间里摆满了一堆堆的旧书。

    pile The room was full of piles of old books .

  17. n.寓言;无稽之谈他从一本写寓言的旧书上读故事给孩子们听。adj.坚定的;

    fable He read stories to the children from an old book of fables .

  18. 他1998年从微软驻北京办事处离职,创立了一个叫roomtoread的慈善组织,打算以此向发展中世界提供旧书。

    He left his Beijing-based Microsoft job in 1998 to found a charity called room to read , conceived as a way to get used books to the developing world .

  19. 但如果我在脸书(Facebook)上做的非科学调查有那么一丁点参考价值的话,我想我们之中仍然有许多人在重拾旧书。

    Yet if my admittedly unscientific research on Facebook is anything to go by , furtive re-readers are everywhere in our midst .

  20. 美国一所大学的研究员克里斯特·罗素曾在《消费者研究》(ConsumerResearch)杂志就重读旧书这一问题发表了一篇文章,文章指出,重读旧书不仅能加深对书的理解,也能增进读者的自我认识。

    As researcher Cristel Russell of the American University explained of re-readers in an article published in the Journal of Consumer Research , returning to a book " brings new or renewed appreciation of both the object of consumption and their self . "

  21. 昨天我在一家旧书店里发现一本珍贵的旧书。

    I made a great find in a second-hand bookshop yesterday .

  22. 把你的旧衣服和旧书捐给一个慈善机构。

    Give your old clothes and books to a charitable institution .

  23. 箱子晨除了一本旧书外别无他物。

    There is nothing but an old book in the box .

  24. 我在一家小书店里花很少钱买到这些旧书。

    I picked up these old books at a small bookstore .

  25. 你如何处理这些旧书?

    How are you going to deal with the old books ?

  26. 他把旧书上的灰尘抹去,递给我。

    He dusted off the old book and handed it to me .

  27. 这是心瑜最喜欢的旧书搜寻引擎。

    This is Jade 's favorite used book search engine .

  28. 他留给我的只是几本旧书。

    What he left me are only some old books .

  29. 在拍卖会上他一本旧书出价十英镑。

    He bid £ 10 for an old book at the auction .

  30. 这是本旧书,我祖父的祖父用过的。

    It 's an old book that my grandfather 's grandfather used .