
  • 网络old money
  1. 因而,隋朝建立以后首先宣布禁用旧钱,统一发行合乎规格的“五铢钱”,严惩私铸钱币。

    Therefore , after the establishment of Sui Dynasty it forbid to use old money , and unified the < 4five-z / m coins that conforms to specifications and strictly punished those who privately produced mint coins .

  2. 这个旧钟一文钱不值。

    This old clock is not worth a farthing .

  3. 他的新戏一文不值。这个旧钟一文钱不值。

    His latest play is nothing . This old clock is not worth a farthing .

  4. 尽管开征了新税,加重了旧税,钱还是不够。

    Although new taxes were created and old ones increased , there was still not enough money .

  5. 他把旧汽车折价添钱买了辆新奔驰。

    He traded in his old car for a new Mercedes .

  6. 你能估计一下这辆旧汽车值多少钱吗?

    Can you estimate the worth of the used car ?

  7. 我的旧汽车折价添钱换了一辆新型号。

    I trade in my car for a new model .