
  • 网络San Francisco Giants
  1. 旧金山巨人队(SanFranciscoGiant)3年内两夺世界职业棒球大赛(WorldSeries)冠军,一时之间,棒球界惊呼新的霸主或已诞生。

    Talk of a dynasty swept the baseball world recently when the San Francisco Giants won their second World Series in three years .

  2. 有人提出,我们可以在旧金山巨人队(SanFranciscoGiants)棒球场的豪华套房举办一场盛大的派对。

    Someone came up with the notion that we should throw a blowout party in a luxury suite at the San Francisco Giants " ballpark .

  3. 据NPR的迈克·佩斯卡报道,旧金山巨人队的投球相当精彩。

    NPR 's Mike Pesca reports the Giants ' pitching has been outstanding .

  4. MadisonBumgarner在11年的世界大赛期间,第一次不参加比赛。他曾经打出四支安打,并在与旧金山巨人队的比赛中投出8分球,并以5:0大胜堪萨斯城。

    And Madison Bumgarner tossed the first World Series shutout in 11 years , allowing four hits while striking out eight in the San Francisco Giant 's five-to-nothing win over Kansas City .

  5. 文森:他说他已成为旧金山巨人队的球迷。

    Vince : He said he has become a San Francisco Giants fan .

  6. 目前圣路易红雀队以2比1领先旧金山巨人队。

    A last check the Cardinals were ahead 2 to 1 over the Giants .

  7. 这是旧金山巨人队在三年内第二次来到白宫。

    It 's the second trip in three years for the San Francisco Giants .

  8. 但是,这仅仅带来三个一垒打,而旧金山巨人队的投球则占尽优势。

    With those to only manage three combined singles , the San Francisco pitching has been dominant .

  9. 美国职棒大联盟方面,旧金山巨人队在世界职业棒球大赛中以三比零领先。

    In Major League Baseball , the San Francisco Giants are up three games to none in the World Series .

  10. 旧金山巨人队以1-0领先世界大赛,以7-1领先堪萨斯皇家队。

    And the San Francisco Giants take a 1-0 lead in the World Series , leading the Kansas Royals 7-1 .

  11. 旧金山巨人队投手蒂姆·林瑟肯在对阵圣地亚哥教士队的比赛中投出了“无安打比赛,”这是他一年内投出的第二场“无安打比赛”。

    San Francisco Giants pitcher Tim Lincecum pitched his second no-hitter against the San Diego Padres in less than a year .

  12. 旧金山巨人队在世界职业棒球大赛中以8比3战胜底特律老虎队。

    The San Francisco Giants is taking game one of the World Series with an 8-3 win over the Detroit Tigers .

  13. 旧金山巨人队在美联冠军系列赛中,以2–1的成绩领先,并以5–4的成绩战胜了圣路易红雀队。

    And the San Francisco Giants have taken a 2-1 lead in their series with the win over the St.Louis Cardinals 5-4 .

  14. 与此同时,旧金山巨人队在全国联赛冠军赛中,以6-4击败圣路易红雀队,在比赛中以3-1领先。

    Meanwhile , the San Francisco Giants rallied to beat the St. Louis Cardinals 6-4 to take a 3-1 lead in the game in the National League championship series .

  15. 作为旧金山巨人队的先发投手,麦凯恩要奠定胜利,2012年季后赛的所有比赛中,为三场重要比赛奠定胜利的都是投手麦凯恩。

    McCain is the San Francisco starter should come to win , he will be the winning pitcher in all three clenching games for each round of these 2012 playoffs .

  16. 当旧金山巨人队球迷为他们的英雄高呼呐喊之时,其他棒球迷却认为庞兹不仅忽悠了他们,且其新纪录也是一场彻头彻尾的骗局。

    Yet even as San Francisco Giants fans hailed their hero , many other baseball fans across America were dismissing Mr Bonds as a cheat , and his new record a travesty .

  17. 他会看到一群志愿者扮演的求救者,他们呼喊着找他去救助旧金山巨人棒球队的吉祥物海豹卢先生,因为企鹅先生将海豹卢先生绑架后驾驶着可变形逃逸车逃跑了。

    Hell see a group of volunteers crying out for his help to save San Francisco Giants mascot , Lou Seal , whos been kidnapped by Mr. Penguin in a convertible getaway car .