
sān lěi shǒu
  • third baseman
三垒手[sān lěi shǒu]
  1. 罗德里奎兹是是纽约扬基队的三垒手。

    Rodriguez is the New York Yankees ' third baseman .

  2. 他想象自己是个三垒手,但他的身体有其他想法。

    He envisioned himself as a third baseman , but his body had other ideas .

  3. 一垒手、二垒手、三垒手和游击手则叫做内野手。

    The first , second and third basemen and shortstop are called infielders .

  4. 这位三垒手星期一敲了两支全垒打追平了大联盟四月份14轰记录。

    The third baseman entered Tuesday with a Majors record-tying 14 home runs in April after he slugged two on Monday .

  5. 但右外野手明白投手的意思,所以他把球抛得远远的,高过三垒手的头。

    But , the right fielder understood what the pitcher 's intentions were , so he threw the ball high and far over the third baseman 's head .