
  • 网络dodgers;LA Dodgers;Los Angeles Dodger
  1. 为了这个目标,美国职棒大联盟上月在北京举办了表演赛,比赛双方是圣地亚哥教士队(SanDiegoPadres)和洛杉矶道奇队(LosAngelesDodgers)。这是美国职棒大联盟首度在中国举办职业赛事。

    To that end , MLB last month hosted exhibitions in Beijing between the San Diego Padres and the Los Angeles Dodgers , the first time it has held professional games in China .

  2. 洛杉矶道奇队投手特雷弗·鲍尔今年将不会返回赛场。

    Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Trevor Bauer will not return to play this year .

  3. 大家都喜欢洛杉矶的道奇队,在洛杉矶看棒球是很棒的经历,看看这景观。

    People love the Dodgers in L.A. To go to see a baseball game in Los Angeles is so wonderful . Look at that .