
  • 网络Laurent;Yves Saint Laurent;Lauren;Laurant
  1. 10年来,洛朗只丢过一套Bose音响系统以及几瓶窑藏香槟。

    In 10 years Laurent has lost only a Bose sound system and a few bottles of champagne from the cellar .

  2. 伊夫•圣•洛朗(YvesSaintLaurent)的首席执行官瓦莱丽•赫尔曼(ValerieHermann)为古老的法国时尚殿堂带来了光明。

    Valerie Hermann , chief executive of Yves Saint Laurent , has brought light to the venerable French fashion house .

  3. 美国丹佛的网络初创公司FullContactAPI的总裁巴特-洛朗表示,在各家争相雇佣顶级人才的竞争市场中,他想让自己的员工心情愉快,充满干劲。

    The CEO of Denver-based internet start-up FullContact API said in a market that is competitive for top talent , he wants to keep his employees happy and refreshed .

  4. 几十年后,伊夫•圣•洛朗(YvesSaintLaurent)等设计师再次从东方美学中获得灵感,其1978年的中国系列最能体现这一点。

    A few decades later designers such as Yves Saint Laurent once again found inspiration in the aesthetic , most visibly in his Chinese collection of 1978 .

  5. 不愿透露自己姓氏的法国某望族传人洛朗(Laurent)也喜欢与人为伴,他对外招租的是自家位于巴黎、始建于路易十六时期(LouisXVI)、面积达4300平方英尺的空置豪宅。

    Laurent also likes the company . A scion of a large French family - he won 't give his surname - he lets his sumptuous 4300 sq ft Louis XVI-period spare apartment in Paris .

  6. 曼哈顿切尔西街区的一条街预定将在6月底禁止行人通行,因为届时将有一台150英尺(约合45米)高的起重机要将13个品种的成年大树送上让-洛朗・卡萨诺瓦(Jean-LaurentCasanova)复式公寓的屋顶。

    A block in Manhattan 's Chelsea neighborhood is scheduled to be closed to pedestrian traffic later in June while a 150-foot crane lifts 13 species of mature trees onto the roof of Jean-Laurent Casanova 's duplex apartment .

  7. 洛朗承认他自己遵守这些规定也有困难。

    Even Lorang admitted he has trouble following his rules .

  8. 洛朗:我想游戏结束了。

    Laurent : I can see the game is over .

  9. 巴特-洛朗或许将成为最佳老板。

    Bart Lorang may be the best boss ever .

  10. 巴黎时装周期间,游客可在洛朗组织的高档聚会上与参会的名模、名流进行亲密互动。

    Visitors during Paris Fashion Week can hobnob with models and celebs at one of his exclusive parties .

  11. 我曾经给55个叫洛朗.贝尔斯的打了电话直到找到我想找的那个。

    I once called 55 Lauren Bells until I got the right one . Gigi : That 's .

  12. 在洛朗和未婚妻萨拉在埃及金字塔拍摄的一张照片上,他正在查看电邮。

    A picture of the CEO and his fiancee Sarah at Egypt 's great pyramids captured Lorang checking his email .

  13. 星期一,大部分阿比让地区停止了营业,但是总统洛朗•巴博号召大家返回工作。

    Much of Abidjan had been shut down Monday , but President Laurent Gbagbo has called for a return to work .

  14. 洛朗:这不关我的事,我厌倦了他的游戏了,不过他的感官是无与伦比的,具有致命性。

    Laurent : This isn 't my fight , and I 've grown his games , but he 's got , absolutely .

  15. 他顺着圣·洛朗街向码头走过去,走到灯塔那儿,这是他登船的地方。

    He proceeded towards the quay by the Rue Saint-Laurent , and advanced to the Consigne ; it was the point where he had embarked .

  16. 如果老板掏钱让员工度假的主意非常诱人的话,那么还有个好消息:洛朗在招聘。

    If the idea of having a boss pick up the tab for a dream vacation is tantalizing , good news : Lorang is hiring .

  17. 对解析函数洛朗展式作了深入研究,给出了一种确定洛朗展式形式的具体方法。

    In this paper , we concern our study on the Laurent expansion form of analytic functions and gave a method identifying the Laurent expansion form of analytic functions .