
  1. 主要阐述了网络环境下一个基于Web的网络医疗卫生保健知识咨询自应答系统的设计,提出了其功能、框架及技术解决的实现方案。

    The thesis , focusing on designing for an web-based answering system , poses its functions , framework on giving medical or healthcare consultation automatically on line as well as the technical methods to solve possible prob ˉ lems .

  2. “可以明确的得出结论,这些铅中毒现象就是由于电池工厂的铅污染引起的”,医院的儿童医疗卫生保健部门主管ZhangGong说道。

    " We can draw a clear conclusion that the lead poisoning was caused by the lead pollution of the battery plants ," said Zhang Gong , director of the hospital 's child healthcare department .

  3. 发展国家宏观调控下的医疗卫生保健市场

    Development of Health Care Market under the State Government Macroscopic Intervention

  4. 医疗卫生保健行业上升32%。

    The medical health care sector climbed up 32 percent .

  5. 对外来务工人员医疗卫生保健状况的调查与思考

    Investigation and Thoughts on the Medical Health Care Status of City Migrant Workers

  6. 发展社区医疗卫生保健是一项跨世纪的改革工程

    Development Community Medical and Health Care Is a Reform Projet Which Spans Two Centuries

  7. 医疗卫生保健系统对乳腺癌和宫颈癌妇女的作用

    The effect of medicare health care systems on women with breast and cervical cancer

  8. 结论积极开展健康教育活动,加强对教师生活方式的指导,有利于提高高校教师的健康水平,促进医疗卫生保健工作的实效。

    Conclusions It is necessary to promote health education and raise teachers ' health level .

  9. 对于医疗卫生保健而言,安全和有效是药品在使用过程中最基本的原则。

    For healthcare field , the basic principle for drug use is safety and efficacy .

  10. 甘肃省各类心身疾病患病率及医疗卫生保健研究

    Research on the Incidence of Various Psychosomatic Diseases in Gansu Province and Medical Health Care for the Diseases

  11. 论中医药在农村初级医疗卫生保健体系中的地位和作用

    The Status and Function of TCM in the Primary Medical Treatment and Health Care System in Rural Areas

  12. 便携式消费电子产品和医疗卫生保健市场的迅速发展,推动着新兴信息技术的变革。

    The rapid development of portable consumer electronics products and health care market promotes the reformation of information technologies .

  13. 这些新的微型无线设备为许多实际应用所要求,尤其是在医疗卫生保健领域。

    These micro-wireless equipments provide a lot of requirement for practical applications , especially in the domain of health care .

  14. 需要以基层卫生机构功能建设为核心,创新我国基本医疗卫生保健体系。

    Capacity building for improving functions of primary health providers should be one of the key strategies for health systems .

  15. 医疗卫生保健是构成现代社会不可或缺的组成部分,是全民关注的重点。

    Medical healthcare is an indispensable component in the modern society and is the main focus of the entire nation .

  16. 对企业实施劳动卫生许可证、职工健康证与职业卫生制度、医疗卫生保健制度以及作业场所岗位安全卫生操作规范的管理,是实现职业卫生服务规范化管理的有效方法。

    In addition , regional medical health care system and work site safety and health operation regulation should not be ignored .

  17. 通过发展经济、普及教育、发展医疗卫生保健事业等途径,引导人们自觉实行计划生育。

    By undertaking economic development , educational popularization and development of medicare cause , people should be encouraged to consciously practise family planning .

  18. 本行业不但促进了社会经济的飞速发展,同时不断的推动医疗卫生保健水平的提高。

    The industry is not only promoting the rapid development of social economy , but also continuing to promote medical and health care level .

  19. 卫生Ⅷ项目的总体目标是:改善农村贫困地区卫生服务提供能力和提高卫生服务利用水平,保证当地居民获得基本医疗卫生保健服务,在农村贫困县人口中实现可持续发展的健康改善。

    By ensuring that local residents have access to basic health care services in rural poverty-ridden areas , health improvement can be achieved among the poor county population .

  20. 目的研究甘肃省城乡居民各类心身疾病患病率和医疗卫生保健工作。

    OBJECTIVE To research the sicken rate of various psychosomatic disease in cities and counties of Gansu province and work of medical and health care for the disease .

  21. 鞍钢医疗卫生保健水平评价:Ⅱ文化卫生保健状况抽样调查分析

    Evaluation of the level of health care and medical treatment in Anshan Iron and steel complex : ⅱ survey and analysis of the condition of culture health care

  22. 随着新世纪的到来,社会经济的发展,人口谱、疾病谱的变化,医学科学技术的进步,向医疗卫生保健事业提出了挑战。

    With the arrival of the 21st century , the development of social economy , the progress of medical technology and the change of disease chart and population chart challenge health care .

  23. 该问卷主要包括被调查居民的人口学资料、健康状况、医疗卫生保健状况、饮食状况、参加体育健身情况、健康知识以及居民吸烟饮酒情况等内容。

    This questionnaire contained demography data , health status , medical health care status , dieting status , physical fitness attendance , health learning , smoking , drinking of residents and so on .

  24. 同时,随着经济和医疗卫生保健事业的发展,居民生活水平不断提高,居民疾病死亡模式也在发生变化。

    Meanwhile , with the development of economy and medicare cause , the living standards of the residents in Yantai had been increasing constantly and the pattern of death had been changing all the time .

  25. 医务社会工作是在医疗卫生保健中所实施的社会工作,文章就我国医务社会工作产生的历史必然性,医务社会工作的内容、方法及社会功能进行探讨

    Medical matters and social work is a social task implemented in medical sanitation care This article analyzed and explored the necessity of medical matters and social work , its content , method and social function

  26. 社区卫生服务是减少区域内卫生资源浪费,确保提供低成本、经济有效的干预措施及居民医疗卫生保健服务的最佳途径。

    Practice has proved that : community health services is to reduce the waste of health resources within the region , ensure the provision of low-cost , cost-effective interventions and health care residents the best way .

  27. 政府应根据社会经济发展状况和人们对医疗卫生保健的需求,控制卫生资源的总量,提高卫生服务的质量和效率。

    So the total health service of rural district in Yuncheng city should be controlled to increase the quality of health service and efficiency depending on socioeconomic condition and the need of health care for population .

  28. 研究结果表明,鞍钢医疗卫生保健工作具有良好的发展态势,卫生事业的主要指标已经提前超过、达到或基本达到我国2000年卫生事业发展目标。

    The results here indicate that the health service in AISC is well develoPing , and the main indexes have surpassed , attained , or almost attained the goal of Chinese health care service development in 2000 .

  29. 近年来,生存分析的理论和方法已经广泛应用于社会生活的各个领域,为人类的医疗卫生保健事业和工业生产提供科学的指导依据。

    In recent years , the theory of Survival Analysis has been widely used in many fields of human life , and it can be used to offer scientific guidance to human health care and industrial producing process .

  30. 护理服务是医疗卫生保健中不可缺少的组成部分,也存在着护理服务价值和服务成本问题。

    In medical protection of health , nursing service is a component part which cannot be short of . In it , there are also the problems of the value of nursing service and the cost of nursing service .