
  • 网络Patient-doctor disputes;medical dispute
  1. 儿科医患纠纷的易发性及其对策

    The liability and countermeasures of medical disputes in the department of pediatrics

  2. 医患纠纷若干问题研究

    Study on Several Problems in Settling Medical Disputes

  3. 本文主要关注ART医患纠纷的相关理论问题,以医疗侵权责任为中心,结合法学与医学理论来阐释ART应用过程中的侵权责任问题。

    In this paper , concern theoretical issues related to tort liability for medical cases , combined with Law and medical theories to explain the problems of ART tort liability .

  4. 但同时,ART实施过程中由于受片面追求成功率和经济效益影响,不可避免地引发了众多医患纠纷。

    But at the same time , because of the success rate and pursuit of economic impact by one-sided in ART implementation processes , all of that will inevitably lead to a large number of patient disputes .

  5. 医务社会工作调解医患纠纷的途径与方法

    Ways and methods of medical social work in settling medical dispute

  6. 处理医患纠纷中存在的鉴定二元化问题初探

    A Preliminary Study on Dual Appraisement Problem in Handling Medical Dispute

  7. 医患纠纷解决机制优化的目标描述

    Aims of Optimization of Solution Mechanism of Doctor - patient Dispute

  8. 医患纠纷诉讼的举证责任分配

    Responsibility Allocation for the Burden of Proof in Medical Dispute Cases

  9. 口腔门诊医患纠纷原因分析及防范

    Analysis and Keeping away Method of Doctor-nurse-patient Disputes in Dental Clinic

  10. 25例护理差错引起医患纠纷的原因分析与对策

    Analysis of 25 nurse-patient disputes due to nursing mistakes and strategies

  11. 人民调解机制解决医患纠纷的可行性探讨

    Feasibility and Advantage of People Mediation Mechanism to Solve Medical Dispute

  12. 医疗责任保险对化解医患纠纷的作用分析

    On the Role of Medical Liability Insurance on Relieving Physician-Patient Conflict

  13. 我们经常从新闻中关注到有关医患纠纷的报道,医疗纠纷已成为当今社会的热点问题。

    Medical disputes have become a hot issue in the society nowadays .

  14. 医患纠纷是社会关注的热点之一。

    Medical Dispute is one of the hottest focuses in our society .

  15. 医务社会工作价值与医患纠纷的调解

    The Value of Medical Social Work and the Mediation of Medical Dispute

  16. 处理医患纠纷的新举措

    New method to deal with the doctor - patient dispute

  17. 从伦理角度审视医患纠纷

    Examines closely medicine and suffers from the dispute from the ethics angle

  18. 近年来,医患纠纷案件数量急剧增长。

    In recent years , the amount of physician-patient dispute cases increases heavily .

  19. 正确对待急诊科的医患纠纷

    Correct management of doctor-patient dispute in the emergency department

  20. 探讨传媒介入医患纠纷的原因及作用。

    By mainly exploring causes and effects about media involving in physician-patient disputes .

  21. 医患纠纷发生的原因及处理对策探讨

    The causes of disputes between doctor and patient , and their management countermeasures

  22. 正确对待医患纠纷立法保障就医环境

    Correctly deal with medical - patient disputes and guarantee clinical settings through legislation

  23. 医患纠纷由主体、客体及内容组成。

    The medical dispute is made up of the subject , object and content .

  24. 探索医患纠纷处置新机制:江苏省经验

    Exploration for a new mechanism on solving doctor-patient conflict : experience from Jiangsu province

  25. 对医患纠纷中患方申诉原因的质性研究

    Qualitative study on patients side in doctor-patient disputes

  26. 试论几种解决医患纠纷方式的利弊&兼论人民调解解决医患纠纷的前景

    The Pros and Cons of Several Resolution Schemes of Disputes between Doctors and Patients

  27. 急诊科是医患纠纷的高发科室。

    Emergency department is a division with a high incidence of the doctor-patient disputes .

  28. 医患纠纷是当前社会中矛盾中最为突出的一个。

    Currently , the medical dispute is one of the most prominent social contradictions .

  29. 医患纠纷法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Problem of Medical Dispute

  30. 规范新生儿入出院护理防范医患纠纷

    Standardizing the Nursing for the Neonates in the Admission and Discharge to Prevent Medical Disputes